What does Sup Forums think about Ayn Rand and her political and philosophical views? Is objectivism bullshit?
Ayn Rand
She gave advice without being able to follow her own advice.
Her philosophy can only work in non-fiction novels.
Atlas Shrugged is a good read about the triumph of the human spirit, though.
she was a jewess who worshipped money
fountainhead was a giant shittest
atlas shrugged is about beta orbiters
shes out dated
Ethical egoism is garbage.
She's somewhat interesting, but not wholly correct. Her hero worship of bussinessmen is disgusting after witnessing the effects of NAFTA.
I want to get started with one of her books.
Which one do you recommend me, Sup Forums?
yes it is bullshit
she was a ghostwriter for the rothschilds and a spoiled prat nursing soviet butthurt
i guess if you admire sociopaths it's a great read though
That's bullshit. US was just the least socialist country she could find. The only reason her philosophy can only work in story is because there is no free market system. Unfortunately we can't commit genocide on everyone with Marxist ideals.
I live my life through objectivism, OP. She's the Morpheus of this world, the antithesis of socialist scum like Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek.
A hero for anyone who is ready to accept the reality of human nature.
Objectivism is more of a personality disorder than a philosophy. Rand always suffered from delusions of grandeur, see Murray Rothbard's one act play "Mozart Was A Red" for further characterization.
Her analysis of collectivist movements, under whatever name they chose to disguise their intent, is, however, very excellent, and worth keeping. The "sanction of the victim" is, to take one nugget, now on full display. Trump's twitter feed is the most effective defense any presidential candidate has ever wielded against a single-minded collectivist media that can't fathom why he won't drop his weapon and let them attack him into obscurity and compliance like all who went before him.
Similar is the "call it the opposite of what it is" rhetorical tactic. "Affordable Care Act," "Common sense gun control," and "Diversity" are really the Unaffordable Care Act, insane gun control, and enforced ideological uniformity, in practice.
She should have just declared herself a programmatic libertarian, and her excellent work dissecting the insinuations of political evil would have been remembered without the stain of "philosophy" marring them over.
She just had a big self centered ego and developed a shit philosophy around that
Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are her most famous. I suggest those.
It's not philosophy, it's self-help for businessmen.
I don't think she would defend NAFTA. She hated altruism.
She helped me realize my own shortcomings due to my gender. I used to be a full on lefty feminist tumblr faggot. Reading The Fountainhead was the first step towards realizing that feminism is bullshit. So, even if my political ideals have changed since I discovered her, she's still my hero.
Dirty jewess trying to give her bignose brothers a philosophy to avoid facing up to the fact that they are bad people.
You want to read something that actually makes sense try pic related.
I actually agree that this was her greatest flaw. The rest of her work was pretty good though.
It is a very funny quote because Ayn Rand believed that the Soviets have never been in the outer space and it's all a hoax.
I'm not sure how good she is as a fiction writer, probably only feels good if she strokes your ideological penis.
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
She wuz a great woman. I've read a few books.
>tfw already socially stunted before reading Rand
She has some good quotes, but mostly shes a Jew.
What is objectivism even? "You experience reality through your own consciousness, so be selfish!"
It argues that if everyone is acting on self-interest and altruism os discouraged, socio-economic progress will increase.
It is trying to show progress is only created through self improvement instead of self sacrifice.
Hey Sup Forums just bought a copy of Atlas Shrugged, im 20 is it even worth reading ?
It's more like "Don't let bolsheviks guilt you into giving them control over your life"
Being free to pursue your self-interest doesn't mean being selfish. You can still place the well-being of your country, family or the less fortunate over your own. The point is you make that choice.
Worth reading because even if you don't agree with it, it can reinforce your own ideas.
Hm ok, sounds based to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank's for the tl;dr, I've only heard people calling her nasty jew or nasty social-darwinist. Aren't there any consistent arguments against it? One I can think of is "Social status is a zero-sum game, hence the bottom individuals in society will be less miserable and more motivated if equality is pursued".
It taught me that women are less capable than men in leadership positions, which is a hard thing to swallow. So, a lot of lefties call Ayn sexist or "self-hating", suppose I'm self-hating too then.
>One I can think of is "Social status is a zero-sum game, hence the bottom individuals in society will be less miserable and more motivated if equality is pursued".
This is traditionally where charity comes in - hospitals for the poor, orphanages, mutual schools, scholarships and so on. While fraternal societies provided the baseline for social insurance.
Grand government schemes reduce people's ability to tackle the problems in their community on their own.
tits or gtfo?
Rand was very much against shame.
>dude fuck helping people be an anti social autist lmao
Literally me
Should have bought The Fountainhead. Atlas shrugged is awful.
Not read the thread yet but I would bet a lot of money its full of non-arguments and no real criticism.
Ayn Rand never had a single solitary original thought ever. All of her thinking was done for her by minds much closer to genius than hers
What a surprise, I was correct.
Jewish autist social-retard
That's the most Jewey 'philosophy' ever.
Specially designed to meet the characteristics of Jews, but not well designed for whites
I believe this as well. In Sweden basically everyone is a demsoc. It's common to truly believe that if we didn't have the welfare-state and workers unions we would have it like in India. When the state steals half our income, it decreases individual ability but responsibility is also pulled away, people disconnect themselves from society and leave it to the politicians.
let me just add to this. As a person who has studied philosophy at one of the worlds top 3 universities for philosophy, I can tell you that Ayn Rand is laughed at as a philosopher. She is not and never will be taken seriously by the philosophical elite. Certainly the anglo american analytical philosophers were in agreement that her work was shit. AJ Ayer and Bertrand Russel thought it brash and lacking any merit. The fact is she was a half-wit pretending to be an intellect
well how do you argue against someone who plagiarised every thought they ever wrote down? may as well just argue with whoever she was copying
They teach her books here to high schoolers wtf
Atlas Shrugged was the first one I read, and my favorite. Very applicable if you have been repulsed by the SJW mindset of tearing down those who are competent to provide for those who have no talent or aspiration.
This is a little surprising to me. I didn't like the females in Fountainhead, but Dagny Taggart in AS is one of my favorite characters and I identify closely with her because she is a female who seemed logical and competent.
If reading AS makes you socially crippled, you are already unable to balance ideology and reality. It is a book meant to influence thought, not to leave you devoid of the ability to interact with real people.
Appeal to authority much?
Ayn made me realize the shortcomings of my gender, not that she couldnt write female characters.
>Is objectivism bullshit?
A Jew spouting a philosophy of atheistic hedonic materialism? Let me think.
As a writer Ayn Rand was a mediocre novelist
As a philosopher Ayn Rand was a mediocre novelist
Objectivism is only marginally less retarded than Communism, which means - it's fucking retarded
There are outlires in every group. Shouldn't you be judging yourself on your individual achievements and not your gender? Is that not what Rand taught?
Reading The Fountainhead for my English final, Dominique Francon is an amazing character and perfectly compliments the protagonist IMO
Ayn Rand had two core philosophies within "Objectivism". One of them is good, the other is first year philosophy major-tier.
1. Ayn Rand's discussions on Capitalism and Free Market Economics is objectively (haha) her best work. When she argues the importance of Capitalism and the Free Market as a moral imperative, she is at her best.
2. Ayn Rand's arguments on morality are batshit insane. Rand fell victim to moral relativism which was incredibly trendy at the time as well as a sexual fascination for strong men who took whatever they wanted. Thus her moral philosophy is built on the idea that selfish people ultimately do more good than the most pious individuals and any distraction from personal self-interest is destructive to society. According to Rand, if you see a dying baby on the street, your instinct should be to leave it alone or else the whole system will fall apart, and that's where her philosophy bottoms out to nothingness.
OK, fuckwit, let's go.
1) She posits agent-relative value but nowhere defends it. Since agent-relative value is a core tenet, she fails to defend Onjectivism as a whole
2) Her core conceptualization of values (they can exist only when choice is available, etc.) are unsupported and unsupportable
3) She ignores the is/ought problem, completely failing to demonstrate how any of her propositions (even *if* they were true) could be translated into concrete rules of behavior.
She had no actual formal education and man, does it show!
Just read Atlas Shruggred, but objectivism is shit and you're advised Carlos
Actually you can ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. You just can't ignore the consequences of ignoring the consequences of ignoring reality.
Socialism has been making incremental gains world wide. Climate change increases it globalism increases it. Ayn Rand was a hack, fee market is the most foolish religion I've ever heard of. It will never work, it has never worked, and faith in it makes you ignore reality. Grow up free market is the cult of libertarianism. How did Gary Johnson do again?
zmy grandfather was born in 1907 and he told me when he was young people were *proud* to pay a full bill at the doctor so the doctor could see the poor for free; his father and he would donate a week of work a year to maintaining the charity hospital that gave free care. His mother would just take meals to families where the father was sick or out of work. Everyone was happy.
Then, he tells me, welfare started. Now the government takes your money and you don't encourage the poor, you resent them.
Fucking classic. I loved that.
>"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore consequences of ignoring reality"
Was she talking about how she shilled all her life for economic darwinism with his autistic books and she ended in Medicare program?
I love her discussion of what to do in an emergency when people are in peril
>'Suspend your morals until the emergency is over'
Well, what fucking good are they if they can't cover saving a drowning baby?!
No argument spotted.
She's babbys' first favorite writer.
Look, there are arguments in this thread, like here
So far?
The Ayndroids are ignoring the arguments.
1) What is agent-relative value? I don't speak philosophical elite.
2) How are they unsupported? Can you elaborate?
3) Can I have an example?
Nobody cares what we think faggot.
I do which is why I asked.
>I don't speak philosophical elite
this, hard core commies always do it. glhf with your revolution when only some geeks at university understand you.
>free market will never work!
yeah it kinda DID, and is responsible for the success of countries like Sweden, Norway, the US, the UK, Germany, Signapore, and the billions who have been lifted out of poverty in the past few years.