So I work with a group of people who literally have a profession in studying world war two and the strategy used by Adolf Hitler. When I studied about the Jews and what Hitler did to them, I realized that the people who called themselves Jews in Germany were much different then any Jew anywhere else in the world. I studied more into the subject of what the Jews actually where, when suddenly I found evidence of something absolutely shocking.
The actual Jews that were put to death in German camps were real Jews, and the actual camps weren't really concentration camps, but, training camps to train SS soldiers into becoming Jewish Spies.
Every single Jew today that survived a concentration camp and had children, were actually Nazi spies. When I tried to tell my peers that I believed the Jews were actually Nazi and this would explain how Zionist treat Palestinians, I was called a racist and now people don't talk to me as much.
This is big guys. I can't stress this enough. Jews very well many secretly be Nazi sleeper cells.
stop whatever you are smoking and take what the doctor prescribed.
Thomas Phillips
Can we meme this into reality? Cause it would be funny as fuck if we got some normies to believe this
Hunter Carter
It's bigger than that. (((NAZIS))) were banker-jew controlled opposition all along. WW2 was a false flag to kill the goyim and attain Israel. Welcome to reality. People like Soros as you describe here were just cogs in a massive Zionist jew wheel called ZOG.
Hudson Martinez
>OP's breakfast
Christopher Sanchez
Hunter White
This. Hitler was actually an agent and when his job was over, they shipped him to Argentina.
Jaxon Moore
welcome here friend enjoy your stay
Parker Harris
That looks like some decent meth.
Here in California in the last 5 years meth has gone from $60 a gram, to 30-35 while simultaneously increasing the quality from 50%ish to 90%+. The cartels have been flooding our area with meth and heroin
Thomas Cruz
If that were true jews would be handsome square jawed aryan gods, not long nosed hunch backed greasy jews.
Aaron Hernandez
how stoned are you right now?
Jose Martin
No they shipped him to Kyrgystan
He was Jew and he smoked crystal meth and watched Breaking Bad
John Myers
Protip: never judge meth by the looks. Isopropylamine or MSM cut meth makes the biggest and beautiful shards, but is literal shit.
Nicholas Anderson
this one was meant for you:
Lincoln Johnson
Lay off the cheeb
James Garcia
I'm not a meth user. I did not know that. When I'm talking about the quality, I'm going off of police reports with samples that were run through a Gas Chromatograph / Mass spectrometer
Aiden King
I had this thought before too. It would be the perfect cover and could be easily done in the chaos of war.
William Myers
And you have 90% meth on the streets? For 30-35 USD? How do the cartels profit off that?
Also: >I'm not a meth user. >This looks like decent meth
Nicholas Cox
They make a profit off it because they're mass-producing it in labs in mexico. I don't know enough about their structure to give a more accurate example.