Fox news saying we get another fireside chat video for thanksgiving tomorrow. When will it be released?
Jose Peterson
Christopher Rogers
Nathaniel Wood
Who the fuck forgets their ID?
Nicholas Roberts
>Trump: "Seriously Considering" Carson as HUD Secretary
Noah Cooper
>It's real
Damn this really is the best timeline
Connor Gray
Luis Myers
Explain yourselves
Thomas Reed
Luke Baker
>it's going to be 8 years of Trump fucking with the media
Jordan Long
Their favorite kind of pizza is cheese.
Nolan Robinson
Right? Who travels across the country without their wallet?
Henry Price
Reminder that the current CEO of the ADL, Jonathan (((Greenblatt))) literally worked for the Clinton adminstration in the 90s. >After graduating from Tufts, Greenblatt worked in Little Rock, Arkansas on Bill Clinton's first successful presidential campaign in 1992. Greenblatt went on to join the administration as an aide in the Clinton White House and the Department of Commerce where he developed international economic policy with a focus on emerging markets and post-conflict economies.[4]
>Named to the (((Global Agenda))) Council of the World Economic Forum, 2011[31]
>Greenblatt is married to Marjan Keypour Greenblatt, an Iranian Jewish immigrant to the United States. They have three children.[35][36]
>Has served on numerous corporate and non-profit boards, including the African Leadership Foundation, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, Kevita, KaBOOM! and[34]
Hunter Peterson
>Does anyone here listen to Rush Limbaugh?
>listening to a literal drug addict
How degenerate can you be?
Bentley Price
what is net neutrality and is it a problem or is it good that Trump appointed FCC advisers that want to end it?
Landon Long
Trump supporter since he came down the elevator here.
I'm concerned that fucking drumpf is betraying us, his loyal voters.
I guess we should have been #InsideHer
Lucas Baker
Elijah Smith
Truly the greatest timeline possible.
Parker Johnson
I do from time to time, used to listen to him in the car when i was driving around all the time
Evey now and then he is surprisingly based
Cameron Moore
Guys, should we flood trump with messages to preserve or at least rework net neutrality? Since we have a natural (almost) monopoly we can't exactly "let the free market handle it" even if I hate govt intervention.
Jace Gomez
Carson Thomas
The Rat can still bring the bantz
Lucas Young
Isaac Gutierrez
He was just on MSNBC asking viewers for money
Like no joke he gave the website and everything kek
Evan White
Look at Cruz these days! Wew!
Jackson Ward
That's not how this works, kikes.
Brayden Price
Well no shit he's going to be throwing curve balls. There's probably a trillion dollars worth of globalist trade that is about to be reassigned under his watch. Many don't want him to succeed.
John Evans
Its anti semitic to point out facts goyim. Feel bad for being white now
Charles Wood
Based Trump looking out for his pals. Carson should totally be in the administration. I always thought he would be Secretary of Health and Human Services but HUD would be cool, too, mostly because Carson has a distaste for ghetto niggers.
Jayden Brooks
Isn't it incredible that Rato managed to have a good outcome out of the election? I hate the guy, but it's just wild.
Ayden Morgan
Brody Gutierrez
>Trump, this is a sneaking mission...
Asher Lewis
West Coast means I can't really catch him while I'm driving.
Camden Clark
Women. All the fucking time. They're literally grown up children.
Aaron Harris
You got some blue-pill still circulating in your system from your younger years it seems
Michael Bailey
the internet owns pepe now, cunt
Anthony Edwards
Well well well, look who's using the fame and success of Trump to advance his own career
It's time we meme Tucker into the emperor of Fox so he can take over Bill O'reilly's slot
Austin Cruz
Holy shit, how fucking are these people?
Dylan King
Juan Cruz
Jason Flores
A very wise man once told me that "The secret to women is to know exactly what ratio a woman needs you to be her lover, her father, and her rapist"
Hunter Sanchez
>Kept you waiting, huh?
Xavier Baker
What ADL and Matt Furie fail to realise is that Pepe represents counter-culture. It was adopted by the NEETs, the virgins, the Nazis, the deplorables... basically anyone who was against the status-quo. Making Pepe a forced "nice guy" meme is doomed for failure.
James Young
well unlike Rush I don't have oxy circulating in my system
Landon Collins
Net neutrality is basically preventing the internet from becoming like cable tv in a worst case scenario. Right now we decide if we meme away the bread and circuses or if we keep civilization going a little longer and keep it in place.
Michael Mitchell
We need someone stingy with HUD Money. I dont want to hand over more money for gibsmedats to live and breed
Zachary Richardson
Honestly, I don't think that's the case here. I mean, I'm sure both Kushner and Trump's companies will certainly profit greatly from his presidency, but I think Kushner is a genuinely good dude.
Owen Stewart
Mentally ill
Elijah Hill
An old man has to take medicine sometimes?! STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES
Gavin Mitchell
Charles Edwards
Chase Ward
It's actually beautiful, there are so many lessons to be learned from how Trump ran his campaign and how he continues to behave during this transition period. I mean honestly it is life-changing stuff you can glean from this.
Adam Parker
>not Bannon
fake news desu
Aaron Campbell
Did the NYT conference feed just die for anyone else? Is Trump still going to do it?
Thomas Diaz
What's the point of shilling after he's been elected?
John Roberts
Net neutrality is good you fuck.
> is it good that Trump appointed FCC advisers that want to end it
depends. Do you enjoy the freedom to post whatever you want on the internet?
Lucas Wood
Rato's Redemption
Jason Garcia
Replies with a drone strike
Ryder Brooks
They also force kids to write letters to a holiday marketing tool.
Xavier Smith
I was hoping for Dr. Ben on education. I guess we'll see what happens.
Aiden Walker
Jonathan Jones
Alright /ptg/, who did you want before Trump uncucked your shit and showed you the light? Sleepy doc reporting in.
Jack Richardson
[Sabaton faintly in the distance]
Brody Sanchez
Or Thiel. His data game was better than Google.
Isaac Brown
she is Sup Forums by nature, didnt have to be taught
Juan Ward
Mason Ramirez
Please start posting C-SPAN Trump Tower streams in OP's posts... We can have fun with it, at least is something live
Probably would have written in Ron Paul for the third straight election.
Brandon Barnes
> "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country... And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."
>caught illegally abusing painkillers
>well I wasn't talking about me!
Lincoln Diaz
Ron Paul.
Jayden Long
Which stage of grief is "bargaining"?
Jeremiah Taylor
I remember, that meme started on Sup Forums and spread everywhere
They did a poll and found that 40% of voters in Florida believed Ted Cruz could be the Zodiac killer
Nathaniel Hall
You're a retard. Net neutrality means that ISPs can't selectively do business with websites, much in the same way that bakers can't refuse to bake fags cakes. It's a retarded idea supported mostly by Redditors who think they're going against the establishment by handing the government control of the internet.
Nathan Jenkins
reince was a mistake
Henry Gray
Mason Moore
Cavuto and Gasparino brought up a good point. If the media had any integrity at all, they wouldn't have taken an off record meeting with Trump. Trump is subjugating them.
Hunter White
well reddit seems massively butthurt about this, and generally what reddit hates Iike, so now i'm not sure if it really is a bad thing.
Eli Ramirez
Kushner lurks Sup Forums
Isaac Johnson
Jayden Jackson
The moment Sleepy Ben open his eyes, we're fucked.