Reminder: We are the golden race.
Reminder: We are the golden race
Ching chong golden race ping pong
it's wrong to use a picture of a gay man and his friends like this for your propaganda purposes
What does Chang mean by this?
stormfag shit
>Muh Stormfag boogie man.
>huge "golden" cock
you're an unemployed canadian shitposter
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS HILARIOUS. But seriously go back to /r/asianmasculinity you sissy cunt.
>Slightly lighter shade of shit
Italians are golden chinks are at the bottom of the sexual ladder, try again Kim
>all youre white aryan
>all you are white
Yeah, KYS faggot.
>stealing youre
These subhumans make me laugh.
Just ban them already.
Art-light or maybe alright
My first thought: they aren't kissing him on the mouth because he just rim jobbed a 350 pound nigger.
I'm for a Leaf ban as well. Even Somalia makes better posts.
He's obviously gay. Notice the fake tan and glossy lips. They're just his fag hags.
>autistic chinks
I like the Somalian poster we get. He's a cool guy.
Sorry Chung Ching, your tiny dicklets can't compete with the
The ITALIAN STALLION is coming to breed your slanteyed gook race out of existence.
Hush mario at least my ancestors could actually win a war.
Also get back to fixing my toilet you eurobeaner.
Lucky for you, I'm running low on curry muncher memes.
Forgot to check the flag