This is the planet Pluto
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Pick one
k, and?
This is planet Russia.
butthurt planlet
it IS a planet, it's just a particular type known as a dwarf planet due to its incredibly small size as an object
too small to be classified as a full planet but not a natural satellite of any object
pluto and other kuiper belt objects don't dominate their own field of gravity
Yeah, we spent billions on a robot fly by just to take pictures of a dead rock. Space fucking sucks. You'd be better off flushing the money on it down the toilet.
There is literally not one interesting thing beyond earth we can get to. Just more dead rocks and balls of dead ice.
This is
K. Keep me posted.
a dwarf planet is not a planet
it's a stellar object which hasn't "cleared the neighborhood" (become gravitationally dominant) but is not a natural satellite of any other object
My toothpaste bro is right
see it is technically a planet because it isn't a moon or asteroid or some shit but it's not gravitationally dominant so it's not a full-sized planet like Earth (one satellite) or Mars (two satellites)
So a beta cuck?
yes I agree with what you just said
but this is wrong (what you said in your previous post):
>it IS a planet
by definition it's not a planet
its scientifically impossible for Pluto to be a planet.
not really, beta cucks choose to be beta cucks
pluto just naturally didn't get enough mass to demand a gravity field
not a satellite, asteroid, or comet but doesn't have a dominant gravitational field
we're splitting hairs here but there's a reason the scientific community made the distinction between dwarf planet and a regular planet
Look at the picture of Pluto ITT
>electric universe
arbitrary definition
>"Dwarf Planet" (((science)))
Pick one
A dwarf man is not a man
agreed, malets are not human
Kill yourself
This is the dog Pluto
I wonder who could be behind this post?
(((the scientific community)))
This is the laxative Pluto
hey retard, what is asteroid mining
what is titan
Kill yourself, Reaper.
A dwarf planet is a planetary-mass object that is neither a planet nor a natural satellite.
A planetary-mass object is a celestial object with a mass that falls within the range of the definition of a planet: massive enough to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium (to be rounded under its own gravity), but not enough to sustain core fusion like a star.
By definition, all planets are planetary-mass objects, but the purpose of this term is to refer to objects that do not conform to typical expectations for a planet. These include dwarf planets, which are rounded by their own gravity but not massive enough to clear their own orbit.
Therefore, a dwarf planet is a type of planet. It isn't a full planet that clears its own orbit, but a smaller type of planet which still manages to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium. Other objects like asteroids, comets, and satellites have their own classification. For example, Europa is gravitationally rounded, but it's in Jupiter's orbit while Pluto is in orbit around the Sun.
Good sapiens, you should stay confined to your water rock and stay far away from our space riches hehehe
wtf dude, it says it right there:
>A dwarf planet is a planetary-mass object that is neither a planet nor a natural satellite.
>A dwarf planet is neither a planet nor a natural satellite.
>A dwarf planet is not a planet
A dwarf planet is not a planet. period
don't give him the (You)s that he wants, either he's baiting or he seriously doesn't understand the value of observation missions
it's a dwarf planet
as long as we agree that dwarf planets are distinguished from other objects in the solar system like satellites, asteroids, comets, and etc., than I'm happy
NASA developed a ton of shit you use everyday. Space exploration is important
fine, we agree
but this whole thing started because you felt the need to correct someone who said pluto is not a planet, which is factually correct
just saying
never trust a turian
that's because idiots go full retard and don't fully understand the reasoning for classification and just say the same thing over and over again without understanding it
especially you toothpaste niggers
Fuck Pluto and fuck outer space!
t. ayy lmao
can someone help me wtih the image
No, I'm color blind.
Your moms fat ass has more gravitational pull then Pluto
Large enough that its own gravity has pulled it into a globe.
Since it doesn't orbit a larger celestial body (discounting the double planet aspect), and actually orbits the sun, and it is a globe shaped body from its own gravity, it should be considered a planet, albeit a smaller one. That's why the "dwarf planet is not a planet" is a stupid thing. That and in astronomy, the other "dwarves" are still part of the larger classification (ie, dwarf star is still a star).
dude you're supposed to have her take a shit first
happy merchant
damn, you too?
Apparently it's a planet again.
We're all the same color!
By your logic, the Death Star is also a real star since it's in the name.
you're the best, autistic toothpaste planet man
But why can't i see niggers?
A dwarf planet is not a planet according to the experts who set up the term. Its stupid, but that's what they claim.
According to their terms, Neptune isn't a planet because it hasn't cleared its orbit of other noticeable bodies. Nor is Jupiter or Earth, for that matter.
a planet has cleared its orbit from smaller massive objects. Pluto is INSIDE the Kuiper belt, along with somewhat smaller bodies with similar mass.
He's right though. We are literally at least a century of space travel away from any other planet that could be inhabitable.
>leaving earth to colonize some shitty red desert planet without resources, water, or wildlife
Space exploration is the dumbest meme of the century. Putting things in orbit is important, but aside from that it's a pipe dream. Grow up.
ayy lmaos need to go and stay go.
You millennial faggot.
>OMG why are we spending money on things besides ME, doesn't the government know it owes me money, food stamps, free housing, phones, and my medical bills?
>What is Europa
>Not wanting to see what an ocean moon with a geothermal activity has under it's ice
>But why can't i see niggers?
I thought we were talking about people
It's because we've found bigger objects than Pluto farther out.
So either those are all planets too and we have like 30 of them, or just 8.
...say something nice about her
>Space fucking sucks.
Finally, someone gets it. All of those billions (indeed, trillions) of dollars that have been spent to look at space rocks could have been spent to improve the lives of the inhabitants of Earth. For all of the wasteful spending that government does, money spent on the space program is the biggest waste. If entrepreneurs want to waste their money on a pointless flight to the moon or mars, well it's their money. Govt should be spending money on the people. NASA is nothing but a relic of the cold war. It should go the way of the cold war.
Scientifically defined, a dwarf planet is the same as an asteroid, since a dwarf planet is not a planet. That only leaves it the smaller of "planetoids" designations, making it an asteroid or non-active comet. That's why its totally fucked up.
>We should stop counting shit we find in our solar system becuase I mean it's 2016, COME ON! I already know everything I need to know.
Fuck off Pluto, you're not in the club anymore. Faggot Subplanet.
What is quantum computing, you anchor to human progress.
Pluto is INSIDE Neptune's orbit, making Neptune not a planet because it hasn't cleared its orbit.
the "dwarf planet" classification is because Pluto hasn't cleared its own orbit
no, it's not a natural object
it's not orbiting any other object than the Sun and has achieved hydrostatic equilibrium (thus fulfilling a few primary aspects of being a planet) but doesn't have its own gravitational field (which is another major requirement)
so, scientists came up with an in-between classification since it's not just some random Kuiper Belt object
I guess I should say "clear the neighborhood," which is the term that astronomers use. Pluto doesn't have enough mass to have its own satellites.
incorrect, asteroids do not achieve hydrostatic equilibrium
No, it isn't. Their two orbits cross each other, but they don't share the same orbit.
They don't even share the same orbital plane.
everything is jewish lies, even when it's true.
just say planet you fucking assperger autist shitlord
This is planet USA USA USA.
>Pluto doesn't have enough mass to have its own satellites
It does have a few satellites, though: Charon, Nix and Hydra, and some minor ones.
We should castrate or kill anyone and everyone that's this much of a fucking anti-advancement buzzkill.
That kind of energy flux density could be problematic.
I understand the reason, but they are going to be fucked. There's probably 2 "super earths", about 2 dozen "earths", and 100 "mars" sized objects in the Kupiter and Oort. What are they going to do about that? Pluto is small enough that astronomers are willing to only bitch and gripe about it being downgraded. But something much bigger? That's going to cause a whole new shitfest over terms.
I don't mind if there's 200+ planets known in our solar system. But it would make learning all their names a challenge.
I also don't mind if they want to go back to naked eye visible "planets" and calling the rest something else. I just want them to be consistent.
Notice that they have gone to calling anything past Neptune's orbit "exo-planets" (barring the few larger Kuiper objects we know of currently), so they don't have to fight over what is and is not a planet beyond it.
well fuck me sideways and call me Copernicus
I thought those were just other dwarf planets/Kuiper Belt objects
>a planet is not a planet
(((the ancient sandnigger book club community)))
I see it now.
Proof exists in math, not science.
>you have made obvious your misunderstanding of the scientific process.
>what is colonization
>what is asteroid mining
>what is our only goddamn hope if/when the doomsday meteor comes
Try actually doing some research into how much space exploration costs, especially compared to other things. You fat moron.
This really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input as well as really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.
Why should we waste money on people?
If we don't get our species off this rock, then everything done here is pointless, because there won't be anything left once the planet is fried or swallowed by our sun when it goes red giant.
Before that happens though, our oceans will evaporate or boil away and there will be no water left on the planet.
The only thing that matters is getting of this planet. Everything else is just marking time. So why waste money on anything other than getting off the planet? Its pointless.
>not wanting to leave earth to the niggers and start fresh on Aryan Planet
The truth is, it's all pointless even if we do become a space-fairing species.
Exoplanets aren't orbiting the Sun though. They're either gravitationally bound to other stars or are free-floaters.
And there's still the possibility of more actual planets beyond Neptune