Why are mods trying to turn this place into reddit?
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Because Sup Forums isn't an echo chamber like it or not, anyone can and should be encouraged to post, even if their opinions are shitty
shill mods
sage and hide all shill threads
>no differing opinions should be allowed!
But op, that's literally what reddit does
This, but at the same time even the faggot in OP's image has the right to express his viewpoint
>2016 AD almost 2017
>still caring about cuckchan Sup Forums
seriously OP, give up already this place have been compromised long ago, it's done.
No one is shilling you guys just want this place to be a safe space for Neo Nazis
You r_donald faggots need to go.
dude, Sup Forums is not your safe space, i knew alt-righters and Sup Forums tards were as bad as SJWs but i did not know you were as delusional
>this is what autists actually believe
>Anyone I don't like is a shill
The stormweenie's guide to discussion.
the kike mod who did that should fired
>safe space
get necked, faggot
desu the reddit general makers and wannabe mods are annoying
but so are stormfags that try to force stormfaggotry
just make interesting news threads
unironically uses "neo nazi"
wew lad you never had me going so fuck off
So then OP has a right to express his views too you faggot libcuck. It's a 4 way street you faggot redditor
*should be fired
Wew poland proxy at it again pick something more believable and take your concerned shilling elsewhere
I don't think he was banned but the mods just want to prove a point that "Sup Forums is a x board" is a retarded thing to say. You could say literally anything relating to politics which makes this place special. Hell I once saw an actual Kang here which is why I love this place because you could see stupidity debunk it and there is nothing they could do
go home reddit
The_donald is a place where altcucks go m8 why dont you have a go at some discussion around this there?
No I don't
>Neo Nazis
Just nazi's
Regular, old-school nazi's
Yes you do.
No, you need to get out. You're not assimilating, you're proving all redditors are pure cancer that needs to be chemod asap.
>Blocking other opinions that differ from your agenda
>not a safe space
friend whether you like it or not Sup Forums is an echochamber. That is why I come here, to escape leftist in real life and online.
You first
>Why are mods trying to turn this place into reddit?
Why are YOU trying turn Sup Forums into tumblr by turning into an echo chamber? This is a politics board, not an "edgy teenager rebelling against his parents by pretending to be a nazi and calling people nigger on the internet"
Except Bronies.
This isn't an echo chamber retard
1488ers are tryhard faggots lmao
That I can concede
Reminder, OP.
>All opinions are equally valuable because I'm a very accepting faggot who wants many dicks in my butt!
You need to get out.
have an upboat at such an amazing post my friend you may still get gold
Wtf is going on in here anymore? Can you guys fuck off back to red dit or something?
The swastika imagery is a bit off putting to some people.
Then go somewhere else we're staying and there is nothing you can do about it
You both sound like insufferable cunts
Sup Forums has always been conservative. We went from a majority of people who support Ron Paul to a majority of people who support Donald Trump. And throughout all of that, Sup Forums supporting Hitler has always been a running gag of Sup Forums. Sup Forums's official flag is supposed to be satirical, we're poking fun at ourselves because of the joke that we support Hitler. People like that retard actually fell for it. He's a total fucking newfag that came on here and saw Hitler praise and took at as real, even though "I love Hitler" is the oldest internet joke there is, older than Sup Forums.
Good. Out they go.
You have to go back Reddit.
You think you faggots can change the fabric of Sup Forums top kek. Buckle up cucks.
Well those people should go to a different site and stop complaining that people post nazi stuff here.
>The Sup Forums is satire meme
there is nothing wrong with that image faggot.
If anything, MODs exposed an FBI poster, so kys
>echo chamber
This is how you spot neo JIDF
they have been spamming this phrase lately, trying to get Sup Forums to accept their kike beliefs because muh diversity of ideas!!!!!
Reminder that anyone shilling for this guy has already been exposed as a TRS shill.
Kys you fucking faggot
Plz don't remind me of that system I was putting witty remark after witty remark. AND ONLY THE FUCK WHO USED AN OVERUSED MEME GOT 100+ WHILE I GOT 1
It's essentially what has happened in the US. Too many newfags too quickly and no one can assimilate since they are now a very loud minority. It's like beaners coming to the US and holding onto their mexican niggershit culture.
How can we force these redditkikes to leave or assimilate?
fuck off back to plebbit you cunts are the worse. you have everywhere to talk about your shitty leftist failed ideology yet you decide to discuss it on a far right image because you're a bunch of sad cunts.
>Everyone who refuses to create an echochamber on Sup Forums is a shill
Really made me think
Not every opinion I can accept, but I do accept you posting said opinion
Nobody is shilling for fucking Spencer you retarded sperge Its about National Socialism.
Just came from there, it was boring.
Now that makes sense.
>Sup Forums is not satire meme :^)
works everytime gas the kikes race war now
Contrary to you crappy plebbit education, there is only one correct answer to a problem outside of quantum mathematics.
You assimilate or you go. No discussion.
It's not satire, the majority of our threads are speaking our true opinions, which are typically conservative, and take a stance that liberals would call us Hitler supporters for, even though it's not. Then you get some faggot Nazi shitposting threads and of course those get a bunch of attention.
Also, Neo-Nazis look like a bunch of fucking wiggers. I bet they even listen to rap nowdays. Liking Hitler is a meme, but his Nazis were at least more respectable.
It's not the mods.
It's the janitors.
Guess what?
Gook Moot just asked for more janitors for Sup Forums.
I wonder how many redditors applied.
Sup Forums is already compromised.
No like it or not you have to use actual arguments and not scream JIDF
Where we go now?
Janitors can't ban anyone you TRS newfaggot.
Cripplechan is an echochamber. Sup Forums Sup Forums allows Leftists and shills in. They are utterly destroyed by a free and open environment of ideas, and it sharpens the anons for future battle with them.
Why'd you use an apostrophe?
I'll keep saying No
I'm glad Sup Forums grew out of that stupid JIDF meme and realized the Jews and Israel are really our allies, and is now focusing on the true enemy, namely the mudslimes.
>implying the mods don't take cues from the janitors
Swing and a miss, kid.
This image is beautiful.
>Sup Forums is an X website
>Y is our leader now
These faggots need to die painfully
If he wants a safespace he can feel free to fuck off back to r/thedonald instead of pretending to be an oldfag here. Sup Forums has never had one ideology.
Also literally none of the stuff he's complaining about ever happens.
Your mental gymnastics are astounding we won't fall for it here. We're not shilling for Richard all we're saying is that we won't hide white nationalism any longer in fears of being deemed a racist.
>globalist kikes aren't our enemy
answer the question you sack of shit.
why do you come here when you have everywhere else to project your leftist shitty ideologies?
Remember kid, the moment you let yourself get labelled is the moment you lose and will end up like Project Chanology or GamerGate.
The swastika stuff literally is satire, it's us poking fun of our own views and butting on a scary face for the rest of the internet so normies stay away. There are actual Nazis here and there is no problem with that but they have never constituted a majority here ever.
And what are you going to do if I don't assimilate? Cry more. Plus I'm following all rules
>don't post cp
>talk about politics
>don't spam
It's like that in Dutch and I assumed it was the same in English
Which they can completely choose to ignore, so please tell me how it's the janitors and not the mods?
We're going to browbeat the crap out of you for being the crappy person you are with crap opinions. You will never be taken seriously, and are without doubt a redditor, through and through.
Enjoy second class status, fag.
I don't believe any of that Nazi bullshit, but they have a right to spew it if they want to.
I don't know? Because this is the only board that never bans people because of political opinions
hello newfriend
>all these reddit fags trying to change Sup Forums
let me guess, you're all the same shill cucks who came here a few months ago with that google=nigger shit to try and get Sup Forums to stop saying nigger
>echo chamber
>wanting to be associated with stormniggers
It's been like this since /new/, like you are.
>anyone can and should be encouraged to post
fuck off you cuck
>am I fitting in yet? xD
you aren't wanted here, and you don't blend in. Seriously fuck off back to your fucking leddit circlejerk or at least lurk before posting.