Why do Poors breed so much?

Why do poor people make babies so often??

Can't they figure out to cum on her face?
Or up the butt??

You're poor. Why the fuck are you making a kid?
Who is going to pay for it?
Not the poor person, that's for sure.

Poors need to stop making kids the government needs to support.

I'm poor. I have 0 kids. I would not make a child with a woman to give them a life of poverty.

They're r-strategists.

Why the fuck do ghetto people fuck so much and make so many babies?

Why do women in Africa give birth to kids that will just starve to death in front of them??

Why do poor people keep making human trash??

>Oh sure, we'll wait for the low test six figure yuppies to save the white race

Have kids or lose your country.

Your poor ass kid isn't going to end up Dr.Rich Guy with your public school education and snack pack lunches.

hte more kids poor ppl have the more money they get from any gubberment.

No, poor people of all races need to stop breeding

Dismantling welfare states, securing borders, and minimizing the impact of direct democracy is the ONLY way for k-selected (superior) peoples to survive.


Not in Africa and they keep pumping out kids.
Any fucking 3rd world country.

You're just making human trash

Worst case scenario: More money from the government

Best case scenario: One of their thousand kids becomes financially successful

In a modern, western civilization, the cost to have a second child is very little for the poor.

Furthermore, in a civilization like the US, poor people are paid additional tax payer money to support each additional child. This makes it an economic bonus for the poor woman to have multiple children.

Cause sex feels good and is free. When you don't have money do or have anything sex becomes about all you got. Also gibsmedats.

I agree but an extra 200-300 a month (or whatever is it) is NOT A LOT of money.
Fucking chump change.

Also, feeding a whole new person, probably does add to the food bill, if the parent feeds their kid, which is doubtful.

Fucking poors, stop having human trash.

because they have a lower expected lifespan. to secure their survival they have to breed more than others. like mayflies
also because they are retarded

I'm poor, I don't have sex with anyone. I can't get a girl to date me.
I would never have a kid because of the extra financial strain on my already strained finances.

it's a survival reaction, you know you're not valuable, but you still need to reproduce in order to fulfill your genetic destiny, some of your offsprings will die but surely not all of them. nature controls this more than we would like to admit.

I know one girl, has 6 kids from the same guy, they're both welfare 4 life, in and out of jail constantly, kids live in foster homes.
She hasn't seen her kids in 2 years.

What kind of people are these 6 kids going to turn into?

Hooker, strippers, thugs and junkies. That's it.

Don't whites and asians have more children during times of economic success? Didn't Steve Bannon promise that his new political party was going to have control of the White House and the middle class for the next 50 years?


The fuck is the point of having kids if they're just going to turn out trash??

Why reproduce garbage??
>muh white species!!
You want a bunch of low IQ white trash as your "race" ?
These poor kids won't amount to shit. Like most people amount to nothing but a failed parent at some wagecuck job.

every country should look at its cost of raising a kid per year. pay people who are below a certain wage (guise it as 'you qualify!') and promise them that amount of money every year for life if they don't have kids. this figure should be gauged against what typical poor people use to abuse the system, so it isn't sustainable but just a "bonus".

for a year everyone will do it. "ion want no mo keeeds!" and it won't immediately get better. but after a generation or two, it will be commonplace.

people who breed like dogs have a "well, if I happen to get you pregnant the system will pay for it" mindset. I don't want to believe people breed for the specific purpose of gubmant money. but even if they do its a huge clusterfuck of distress to where a small "paycut", if you will" won't seem too bad.

then it'll turn into a nice "you don't wanna have kids? get sterilized, and we can even reverse it if you want to have a kid!"

the catch? the benefits end if you reverse it. this ensures ONLY financially stable and able parents have kids.

I have a lot of pipe dreams, but parents only having kids if their able is one. and this path not only eliminates the national cost burden of nations supporting unwanted children, but creates a smarter and better suited next generation. abortion will become moot and less convenient than just getting fixed and collecting a small paycheck each year.

> Why do poor people make babies so often??
Your argment is invaiud. Fuck you. I'm poor and single, and will have children only if I have money to buy them apartments and good uni degree. If I die alone - I don't give a single fuck.

like Carlos mencia said (it was probably someone else) his mother kept having kids until one was smart enough to make a lot of money
not saying he's right but that's their reasoning

I don't know leaf, I think exactly like you, I'm not poor but I know I will only have one child, so he can be raised decently.

In Mexico people have like 2 or 3 max, is something good because decades ago people used to have +5 kids, the government practically don't help here so I think they are realizing that having tons of children is not a good idea.

I'm the same as you op. And poor people reproduce so much because they are generally low IQ (not all just most). I'm black and looking at Africa disgusts me, those 70 IQ fucks have like ten 70 IQ kids just because the west gives food AID. We need to stop.