Misogynists BTFO

Misogynists BTFO

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>every viewpoint that doesn't align with my own is a disease

MRAs and radical feminists have the same problem - anger stemming from long-term rejection by the opposite sex. To deal with this, the men often become MGTOW and the radical fems become politically lesbian or queer in some other way (often genderqueer, etc.)

author (((Sarah Kaplan)))
we are on to your games schlomo
that's all you've got?!

Sup Forums is a board of peace
>saged and hidden

Good thing I'm not sexist.
I do agree with sex roles and biological (physiological and psychological) differences between sexes, doesn't make me a sexist.

>pre-define any sexist thoughts as mental disorder
>"wow guys look at this turns out sexists have mental disorders! xddd"
Widespread post-highschool education was a mistake.

pic related (hi Sarah)

you cant sage when you post an image

You know who else have psychological problems?


>sexism = psychological
>gender dysphoria = social
is psychology starting to become a meme?

Totally a non-biased article by a woman who clearly doesn't have an agenda.


hmm really made me think


Starting? It has always been.

Sweet. Now I can grab a chick's ass AND be the victim!

Feminists have psychological problems.


>but transsexuals don't
sure thing

Psychological problems that were caused by women

>author """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Sarah Kaplan""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>no pastebin

disgusting filth

beauty is modesty

Oh god, it's a man.

>natural inclination of men is to find and devote yourself to a good woman to raise a family
>realize women are shit and you have been lied to about females all your life
>become unhappy
It's not rocket psychiatry.

Like Kanye?

>recognizing that one sex is clearly better in certain things than the other means I have mental problems
>literally the great majority of men who lived before the egalitaristic indoctrination had mental problems according to this

Totally believable.

Shouldn't you be building a barn, Samuel?

Ew pic related


I wonder if there's a statistic for how big % of feminists males are on depression meds. I'd guess it's over 90%.

Oh c'mon man. Everything is a disorder today. The only sane people left are in the asylums.

I'm sure she's the OP

thinking she's gonna gather material on "misogynist" behavior on right winger men of /pol

she thinks she's smart (like we're easy to bait for research)

her looks are not the issue for me (just posted her public bio pic off of WAPO so she knows we know)



Feminist science, my favorite oxymoron term.

>If you do not agree with us you are mentally ill
That's an old marxist trick.

So basically feminists make fun of men with psychological problems, then blame it on "toxic masculinity" when they snap

very smart


"The holocaust didn't begin with killing, it began with words"

nazis btfo lmao


>Lover of Brooklyn bagels
what did ((she)) mean by this

then why does it look like an illness to me if some retarded male normies go through life with a "women can do no wrong" mindset every single time?

Yeah bitches will drive you crazy

can't make this shit up

Sarah if you are the OP, tell us if you have enough material yet?!

What the fuck is that thing? An actual intersex?

You have patrician taste
