This video basically confirms that he is.
Is Barron Autistic?
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yes. so what? he's not the president.
The kids on stage being watched by hundreds of millions of people.
Autism = anxiety
Probably. I hope he doesn't have to deal with all of the Trump drama. He's just a kid. I feel bad for him, being born into such a situation.
forgot this, Barron can work with these guys!
>one of us!
>one of us!
>one of us!
75% of us here are probably on the spectrum. I believe Aspergers is the next step in the human evolution
if hes raised properly he will be fine.
it will probably be an advantage at that point.
and this matters why?
classic leftist tolerance
see someone that looks or behaves unusually, and he must have a mental condition
I'm pretty sure autism is the next step in human evolution.
Having kids at old age will produce weird effects
>Asperger's is the next step in human evolution
Fucking kek. That made my day
It's Trump's fault for getting his kids vaccinated.
if trumps kid had autism wouldnt he talk about it to be more relatable and dump majillions of gubberment dollars into it?
Barron is our shitposter
Can confirm. My dad is 81 I`m 19. Feels weird man.
he is definitely on the spectrum, i thought it was public knowledge. I have an autistic kid and my wife works in the field. she confirmed it easily.
Anxiety? As in shrugging off his dad's hands?
lol he is trying to stay awake you fucking faggots
Barron a cute. Now fuck off.
My youngest cousin had nervous ticks for a while when he was younger, very similar to Barron's. He grew out of them over time and is a perfectly normal teenager now. Barron is most likely just an awkward kid like most of us were at one point.
he's a big kid
oh, no... he's an awkward teen. Must be the Ass Burgers. High functioning autist... oh no.
ma long telomeres
Why not Aspergers?
not a teen... he's awkward 10 year old. Not a big deal.
Only thing in that video that isn't explainable is the clapping. Everything else is normal kid shit.
He's probably just bored out of his mind and wants to go play games on the computer like every other kid his age.
I've actually had a short interaction with the kid a couple years ago. He was a little strange but he acts just like the average kid that goes to a smaller private school. More normal than homeschooling but a little off from public schooling.
Almost looks like he is trying to yawn without opening his mouth.
anyone who's not a docile sheeple doofus gets called an autist so the psychiatrist can justify pumping the kid with drugs.
Hopefully they keep him off that shit.
>Only thing in that video that isn't explainable is the clapping. Everything else is normal kid shit.
That's the clap I do when I could give a shit less about what's going on but don't want the room to think I'm autistic by not clapping. Pretty common desu. He doesn't want to be there.
kek at all the fags who just have to be a victim and use their children in that role. Pathetic.
He's a 10 year old kid trying to stay awake at 3am. That's all it is.
Barron looks like a tiny Donald Trump. It's adorable.
Even for that kind of clap it's a bit off but the interaction I had with him he seemed like a normal kid.
I believe so too.
but then again, the high interest in computers makes it seem like Ass-Burgers is a thing with him.
then again, he also just looked to me like he was just tired and bored. if you're 10, your brain is still developing and you're in your own little bubble and your own little world but that's not the kind of bubble that autism comes with.
nearly every child born in the 90s is autistic.
half convinced it is deliberate as statistically it targets european people almost exclusively
the kid is a 10 year old taller than the averge american male.
i am 6'5''
when i was 10 people treated me like an adult. i felt i had A LOT of pressure on me.
people forgot that i was just a kid.
people would get mad at me very easy
people had very little patience with me.
i didnt really understand what was going on.
this might be what barron is going through.
i know that feel. barron stay strong guy.
It was 3am
the fact that you thought it was a good use of your time to make this thread tells me you deserve to eat some buckshot
exactly he was trying to be respectful
and also he knows deep down inside he will become greater than his father and brothers
They prescribe drugs for people with Asperger's Syndrome? If so I might need to look this up.
He is a ten year old kid. Maybe he is or maybe he isn't but when I was ten, all I wanted to do was play video games and hang out with my besties. All that stuff he is thrown into is for adults, children don't understand the importance of what is going on around them.
I read comments from other boards where they don't give any fucks about 9/11. They say unbelieve dumb shit that makes me want to punch them in the face until my fist bleeds. They don't hate the goat fuckers or care. They give no shits about what happened on 9/11. Why? Because they were children when it happened, unlike me that was a late teen that visited the site the same week it occurred.
No amount of muslim deaths in compensation will ever quell my fury. I'm just sayan, that kids only care about themselves, that's what growing up is about. Coming to terms that the world isn't about you.
no probably just therapy, and it needs to start at a young age
if you're here already, it's too late
No, you're a pussy and your wife wears the pants. Children are normal. Take them outside and away from the screen. Maybe they're fried from the constant flashing lights theyre staring in to.
is your mom a milf?
how old is she?
is your dad some doctor doctor h.c. doctor?
Not bad for a lib.
I wouldn't want it any other way honestly.
I really hope Barron doesn't see this
I actually feel really bad for meming a kid
Why do you faggots continue to respond to obvious bait/slide threads?
Just fucking hide them holy shit. Use sage. Just don't fucking feed them Jesus Christ.
He's dead tired, that's all. That's why he opens his eyes so wide and fucking yawns, appears dizzy etc.
Figures that you actual autists can't decipher simple facial expressions.