And the jews where sent here to help us achieve that goal?
Think of Mass Effect.
And the jews where sent here to help us achieve that goal?
Think of Mass Effect.
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Cool, I'd want to bang space chicks.
Fuck the aliens. We'll figure it out on our own time then wipe the bastards out.
Fuck off jew, you can not make me hate mass effect.
Then they sent the wrong people.
Why the hell do we need a galactic alliance?
I'm perfectly happy on this planet without all this ridiculous god damn manipulation all the time. Jesus H. Christ.
Kek the first 4 hours of Mass Effect are an ode to globalism.
Fuck the cosmic Jews we don't want your socialist galactic one rule empire. I'm happy enough laying in a field with my blonde hair blue eye Prussian nationalist gf watching the stars and shooting muh guns
Enjoy your space AIDS xeno lover.
screw those jew-loving space niggers
It's true, it's essential for our progress. But not like this. We can do it peacefully and on our own. Even if that means taking a few steps backwards first.
that leaves the option of creating a one world gubberment united under trump.
Seriously, if the aliens are so cucked/retarded that they think muh diversity and equality is the way to go we will eventually be their bosses.
Fuck aliens, we are full, they will only come to steal our Jobs.
>except the alliance was the evil side
Done and done
What if proper spelling was a requirement to post on this board?
And the jews were sent here to shit post?
Think of the dictionary.
>implying most governments generally, never mind the bureaucratic nightmare that a one would government would be would have the ability to get anything short or spy satellites to space
>implying there isn't a very good reason a bunch of leftist writers and producers always include a unified global government into their views on the future (beyond lacking imagination)
The only half-decent Mass Effect was the first game, the rest is utter shit, though.
What if one race, strong militarist and nationalist government is requeriment to join an allien alliance?
And the jews where sent here to help other allens to destabilize, exploit and slow us down?
Think of They Live.
One world government is the end game of any political ideology.
Globalism does it through glorified slavery
Nationalism does it through bilateral FAIR trade
Maybe we can make it to space as countries on our own and not be butt-sluts to several alien species. You know, actually have independence?
If there are other civilizations in the universe it is our sacred duty to conquer them.
filthy xenos will be purged under the guidance of The Emperor
Why would you ally with filthy xenos, heretic?
>Allien commissioner arrives on earth and explains humans have to purge anyone over 5% nigger for earth to join a galactic alliance.
>"They are too dangerous to be left unchecked"
Leftists btfo.
This is why they don't let us come to their space parties damnt.
what if the jews have been using hollywood to try to meme a war between humans and aliens, because the jews legitimately believe that they deserve to rule the universe, and they want to use brainwashed goyim as their slave army to accomplish this?
If that were the case, then we would want to make sure we are as prepared as possible and come to the decision as soberly as possible. That means not forcing it through undemocratic methods, tricking the entire global population, and using slavery to push the necessary technical advancements. If that's the requirement, we're not ready. Going in to soon would be the death of us.
NUKE THE AYY LMAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THOSE GREY NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigga you forget the Jews (I know not all) but the Elites, are not for Global Government to join an Alien Alliance, they are for it to PROFIT, and to pay their Slaves as minimal as possible.
Don't be fooled by their subliminal messaging in Hollywood.
What if the jews are ayyylmaos?
If you think I'm going to sit here and let humanity be represented by a gigantic pyramid scheme you're mentally unfit to lead.
What if ayyylmaos are jews??
from fls recent post
>suppose for a moment that they reach the level of development that allows them to explore distant moons in their own solar system; suppose they do find remains of Neanderthals, and no Homo sapiens sapiens anywhere. Then what would their conclusions be?
>It is time to agree on what we want and what is our role in the future of
Sol-3. If we want humans to be part of the technosphere, we need to make them clear what the future impact of climate change will be on their planet. Here too slow response can trigger shifts. In this case, global social collapse. When you engineer a life form like the Neanderthals to colonise a planet and you later on introduce a new species to take over the next stage of colonisation, you are supposed to do it gradually. Yet, if the takeover process is too slow the result is a useless resource-depleted planet. See, terraforming a planet is easier than inhabiting it.
what did he...what did he mean by ... this
Ever thought that without Jews interfering, we could have achieve world peace?
wtf i hate slow takeovers now
we will mage earth so great again that those green bastards will be knocking on our door crying and begging to join us.
fuck them, fuck reptiloids, fuck hillary
> tfw you think you're living in the Mass Effect timeline
> tfw you're actually living in the 40k timeline
if this is true, i think this is the elites' way of doing it without the proper pre-requisites.
one race would get fucked up. we need a diverse gene pool
Russia, this is why I love you
What if you have obvious mental health issues you can't see for yourself?
Depends what Galactic Federation you join. There's multiple.
wtf warhammer 40k is fascist
the problem is the kind of one world government proposed by leftists is always some psycho hodgepodge that will devolve into communist-style, one-party rule
from the United Earth Federation to the United Nations in The Expanse to the Terran Federation, it's generally based on a US-style representative republic
there is a worldwide governing body, but it still has relative autonomy for its member states
the shit that Soros and Clinton and Merkel push does not allow for autonomy for member states
they want to be the only player rather than a referee, to use a Milton Friedman quote
Based Russia here deserves an admiral's commission and a fleet to go Make Terra Great Again.
I'm all for this one government, so long as it's a monarchy, and we put the crown on the head of Jesus Christ, a man who came to teach a lesson about unconditional love, and likely a sentiment the totally hypothetical alien coalition would appreciate. Also since the monarchy would be run by a couple thousand year old dead guy, it should respect the local lords methods of running their lands *states rights) and only worry about matters that affect the whole kingdom of Earth. As for maintaining the land the King's Guard as it could be known would be taksed with protecting the statue with the crown on it, and also serving to protect all of the people of the Kingdom of Earth following the mantra "what would Jesus do?"
jew no nice pepes
>one world globalist government
Horrendous idea
>is a requeriment to join an allien galactic alliance
Not an alliance worth joining then
I would be fully beyond one world government, if it wouldn't mean despicable scumbags being above the law.
It is.
But the path they have chosen for it is dubious at best.
well then they went about it in a really shitty way
Good goy. Don't resist, we need to take your freedoms so we can join the alien organization.
Jokes aside, I've seen people that unironically believe in that
fuck no! remember what the bugs did to buenos aires!
this. an asari consort would be legit as fuck desu senpai
>globalist aliens
What if alien abductions are made by the government to convince the people to wage war agains't peacefull aliens?
For every Mass Effect-style Council or Star Trek-style Federation, you could just as easily bump into some horrible 'federations' or alliances. What if Humanity bumps into Star Trek's Dominion or Half-Life's Combine? You have to be choosy about that sort of thing and the best way to do that is to get the tech on your own merit to the best of your ability lest you make a Faustian pact that turns humanity into a slave species that benefits only the space slug masters.
A unified earth should be one of the goals of mankind. Though right now we're fucking up.
Instead of making lives better for people in poor countries, we're just throwing the doors open in our own for people to come here, stretching our countries resources and worse, draining them of smart people who could actually make their countries better if they remained.
And a lot of Aid either ends up not helping poor countries or worse, ends up in the hands of dictators.
We need to level the global playing field, not by dragging ourselves down, but by pulling the rest of the world up.
Our biology is not compatible with globalism. Just give up.
fuck the galactic alliance then, no way in hell im gonna share the patagonia with chileans or any other people, space-niggers or not.
and the sooner we can kick that pirate asses from Malvinas, the better
We don't have to be unified, we can just fuck off and mind our own god damn business. Let the R-selected fucks die out and then live in peace.
>Instead of making lives better for people in poor countries
The only way you could do this is by not fucking with them anymore, dont give them money that they are gonna waste in hookers and then make them pay it and eat dirt for months, don't try to "help them", don't do shit, let them be
>by pulling the rest of the world up.
No, stop doing this bullshit, buy our products if you like them, if not stay home
why must it involve demographic replacement with niggers and sandniggers though
Don't think so OP, we we have just pretended we have one and it's the UN
The third game should have done that just fine
It's interesting that you are functioning under the assumption that Argentina is a first world country.
Humanity will continue it tribal nature long after we leave this planet. Every continent, every moon, every planet we colonize will be a civilization unto itself. There will be no Great And Bountiful Human Empire. We'll bicker and argue and fight among one another as we have since our species was in its youth, and all the mighty Empires and Federations and Conglomerates of the cosmos will think us quaint and weak.
... but I shall feel a great swell of pity for whatever 'interstellar government' comes into our space looking for trouble.
Human civilizations have always found ways to unite against the "other", the "invader". The Greek city-states uniting to fight the Persians. Christian nations uniting to launch Crusades against the hordes. Democracies uniting to fight the fascists. We may hate each other, but we hate everyone else more, and whatever dumbass alien 'union' comes to pick a fight with us is going to quickly find themselves surrounded by a thousand fleets from a thousand worlds, all united by their common desire to beat the absolute piss out of whoever thought they could fuck with their kin.
The aliens aren't stupid for wanting to create an intergalactic empire devoid of conflict and segregation to just ensure their own survival past the predicted end of all life, that's not a bad goal at all and most aliens with no emotions to cloud their desire to survive will join it gleefully.
The problem with their empire is that humans are much more complex than their underlying basic survival instincts, we worry about entertainment, freedom, privacy, belonging and curiosity, and while that's not the most efficient way to survive it's undoubtedly the most glorious (from a human point of view at least). So when the big unification aliens come along either as some kind of hivemind or cooperating species, they'll know we're probably on the top 100 threats to surviving the end of the universe.
So the stupidest move aliens could make at all is even touching humanity, the only thing out there as able to counter the utterly unpredictable nature of our species is ourselves, and the aliens out there are probably all sitting with their fingers crossed we don't reach the intergalactic stage before they can mathematically calculate the future.
Fuck space niggers.
If we ever make a globalist NWO government, it will be the Imperium of Man.
Death to Xeno Scum
its interesting that you know shit about south america other than from memes
I kinda forget, but didn't the 12 Colonies more or less have a unified government?
>that's not a bad goal at all and most aliens with no emotions to cloud their desire to survive will join it gleefully
I would argue that the only way to think that is a good idea to have centralized global power (let alone GALACTIC power) is by being clouded by extreme post-war depression and self-loathing.
You are arguing for a padded cell
I never said the idea worked for humans.
The actual assumption I made is that aliens will be pretty robotic and that a desire for freedom and emotions is an exclusively human trait, hence why we don't like the idea of that kind of thing, which is fine.
fuck alliance with the space jews EARTH FIRST
Go to /v and come back when you return with OC faggot
Have hostile aliens flying around in Earth's orbit and the world would unite in fucking seconds.