IS there any doubt that Assange is in custody?

Is there a pastebin with a log of the evidence?

Ever since police surrounded the embassy (immediately after his internet was cut) he has been missing and unable to prove otherwise.

Not only that:

>the last verification hash before the supposed raid does NOT match the files
>the wikileaks twitter began posting irrelevant pictures of the whole "spirit cooking" leak and drawing attention away from his unexplainable lack of proof of life
>his lawyer was murdered before his interview with the swedish prosecutors
>the untraceable and unrequested DDoS attacks happened within possible time frame of his death man switch
>after Pamela supposedly gave Julian a contaminated sandwitch, the very next day police presence dramatically increased AND the very same day there was a reported potential chemical attack on the closes airport to the embassy, after that the wikileaks twitter began to act vastly different while keeping appearances
>his cat has been seen on windows, Assange hasn't
>"help him" spelled by misspelled words on the wikileaks twitter, in the correct sequence and order
>most importantly: he hasn't verified anything with his PGP private key since his internet was cut, he used to do this every time he leaked something or gave a statement

Its obvious they sneaked him out through the airport, the attack was an incentive to empty the premises.


Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 hundreds of shills trying to claim that it's not shady as fuck


Does the bong media cover his story?

dat nigga ded

our shitcunt media didn't even cover the regressive snooper's charter laws passing, no reason for them to cover this either.

please send help

I doubt it.

If you were the CIA top kike would you seriously let the potential origin of all your troubles just die?

Hes obviously going to get tortured / questioned.

wew, I liked Assange, he looks like a good guy unlike the fucking shill "Faggot" fucking Snowden. I'm very glad there are still people who support him, I wolud also If I could, but I can't unfortunately. Praise Assange.

He isn't the origin though, he's just the middle man.

Possibly related: Bitcoin mempool is exploding with transactions -

Why does Sup Forums hate Snowden? Is it because he doesn't suck Trump's dick? Trump literally said he will execute him

That makes him their only path to the origin.

Sup Forums forgot that you can support a candidate without choking on its dick not long ago

But the origin is themselves, and will continue to be, for as long as they do shady shit.

I don't hate him, I just know who he is and why he does it.

Care to enlighten us?

Or dead...

* origin of the leaks

of course they know they are responsible

Snowden does what he does for disingenuous reasons.

His goal was to have the NSA defunded.

The NSA is the only physical oversight we have on the CIA.

>His goal was to have the NSA defunded.
I may be wrong but I'm sure Snowden is smart enough to realise that would never happen.

He literally said in his interviews that he was horrified by the mass spying by the US government on its people, and the USA turning into a tyrannical police state - this was one of his reasons.

He is at least under duress.