Does the alt-right actually exist? It seems to me a large umbrella categorizing barely related positions

Does the alt-right actually exist? It seems to me a large umbrella categorizing barely related positions.

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The media just uses it as a catch-all but there is a small circle of groups that do call themselves the alt-right.

>do niggers exist?

no. It's just a conspiracy that the jews created to make you think that you aren't the actual nigger.

It was literally invented by the media to scare people.

It is not some coordinated movement, it's a label for the left to slap onto anything they don't like in order to make people afraid.

There is an alt right that houses NPI and TRS with a bit of overlap with Sup Forums, but I would disagree that Sup Forums is classified as alt-right.




Shouldn't you be at school?

Sure goy. I assure you it exists. Please define yourself as one!

That's exactly what it is...

An umbrella term alluding to the fact that there are a lot of reactionaries and conservatives emerging recently who don't fit the previous conservative model (which was expansionist, pro-trade, neo-conservative).

The problem is that there are many very different views among these. It's not one movement. But the nature of media and of academia is that they want to simplify things and have a clear term that they can use to fit into an easy narrative that they can control.

So there are neo reactionaries and internet fascists and anti-globalists and paleoconservatives and dark enlightenment and tech libertarians and monarchists and national socialists and traditionalists and pagans and Christians (Orthodox, Catholic, evangelical, etc etc) and internet memers.

But people want to group all this together into a coherent thing they can call out as racist or whatever. I'd say the common element more is that they're anti-globalist.

The real issue is anti-globalism vs anti-globalism, with some degree of belief also that whites have the right to be recognized as a people with the right to survive (racism might or might not come into it depending on the person, but we definitely want whites to survive)

This thread is worth it just for the new symbol. No one else seems to get your question. We merely exist in the minds of the meddle left. We are the necessary boogeyman.

We are autonomous.
We artesian.
Elect us.

No not really,

like other movements in the past, like the French Revolution, or Russian Revolution, even the American Revolution, many different groups that coincidentally share core aims happen to be grouped under a title or description simply to make it easier to refer to 'it'

And just like all the mentioned examples, once final victory is achieved, one group within the pack will become dominant, and purge the others and by doing so, in victory, dictate the history of said movement and pursue a future with only its original agenda and goals.

With the Alt-Right I suspect it will either be the Zionist Controlled Far Right or genuine National Socialists who emerge at the end of all of this.

I pray to kek its the genuine disciples of Adolf Hitler who win, staying true to the cause and saving the west from the true enemy, the eternal Jew.

>Steve Bannon is on record saying he structured Breitbart to be a platform of the alt-right

>I-it doesn't exist

>Richard Spencer, the white nationalist who coined the term, specifically identified the alt-right as being an umbrella group to assemble to him political allies

>I-It's just an umbrella term!


>the conservative model is neo-conservative
wew lad


Alt right is just fear mongering folks. Hillary Clinton tried to call trump supporters deplorables but she was too specific so it was able to backfire on her as she talked about a specific amount of people. She retracted it and rebranded it as the alt right. No one knew (or still knows) what the fuck the alt right was (is) so no one could get offended by it. It's purposefully a label of a general and ambiguous group to scare people. They tried to cry that the kkk and neonazis support Trump but those people are known to make up an extreme minority of his supporters.

hayl hidley

alt-right is Sup Forums's psy-op you dummy...
and media hooked on it.

I dont know who is jewing who no more.

just look at your keyboard it started right near space

Basically (((they))) will label anyone who doesnt agree with them as alt right and then will vilify the label.
>Haha goyim i made a terrible soup and named it after you haha