This man is controlled opposition! The media (along with the FBI, CIA, and NSA) created him to make us look like a bunch of Nazis.
Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week. As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald, I would know. He materialized out of thin air.
Don't let him hijack our movement! If you see anyone claiming this man as our "leader", you need to correct the record: the Alt Right was stated right here on Sup Forums in the summer of 2016 to support the presidential bid of Donald Trump. We are libertarians who want limited government and civic nationalism.
There is NO ROOM in the Alt Right for racists or bigots like Spencer. Those are not our values, and that kind of divisive rhetoric only serves to alienate minorities whose voices we need to strengthen us with diversity.
>created him to make us look like a bunch of Nazis. Where do you think you are Memetastic thread, though.
Brody Lopez
No he didn't people just created that term to not associate with neocons or the cuckservitives. Its nothing more than that and people are taking this way too seriously
Lincoln Harris
Sup Forums is not one person. People have different ideas so fuck off, we're not your army or your club
Luis Nguyen
bump for justice
Julian Lewis
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about
Ryder Rivera
Stfu kike cuck
Jose King
>those are not our values, and that kind of divisive rhetoric only serves to alienate minorities whose voices we need to strengthen us with diversity.
Pls go
Hunter James
richard spencer is a great guy I like him him alt-right is just neonazi lite and I support it. i think op is a shitskin or jew
Samuel Cook
get the fuck out of here, you civic nationalist cuckold.
Asher Bennett
this op is a jew or a shitskin
Aiden Thomas
Blake Bailey
Go back to rebbit faggot
James Phillips
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week.
Stopped reading there. saged
Leo Long
>created him to make us look like a bunch of Nazis
they do that anyway
the problem is this guy believes it, because he's a fucking retard
Zachary Davis
he's an actual nigger though
Kevin Garcia
>This man is controlled opposition! The media (along with the FBI, CIA, and NSA) created him
I heard he was literally reared since 2005 by the globalists (aka George Soros) and Hillary Clinton to ruin Trumps presidential bid by making a a dumb joke after Trump already has won the election. Clearly this is a huge deal because the media (who are all liars) tell me it is.
Brody Fisher
How dumb pole I was here when it was originated and it was nothing more than that, including racial separatists
Evan Diaz
Thanks for helping spread the word about this, fellow centipede. Our people need to know the truth
James Ortiz
>As a long time poster on r/The_Donald
Isaac Gomez
Is Sup Forums going to teach him a lesson or what
Isaac James
That's right!
Make Sup Forums PC again!
Anthony King
>created him to make us look like a bunch of Nazis. But... but we are.
Matthew Lopez
Bump for Newfags Stormfags Hey Rabbi CTR shillings Breaking Barriers Managementfags David Brocks' Prolapsed Colon Beyamin Fischelbone And whoever this Spencers' giftfag is...
ANYONE using/claiming ((their)) labelling bought the meme...
FUCK YOUR NAME/BLAME/SHAME Divide & Conquer only works at sub-100 IQ sectors
BasicBitch/10 Lrn2PsyOpFggt
Jose Foster
now the British Government can read all my posts, I would just like to clearly say I am not part of the soon to be named a terror group, Alt Right.
Cheers Teresa and love your shoes.
Henry James
No we arent.
You are, but im not. So fuck off leaf
Ryder Morris
Plebbit tards need to gtfo
We are Nazis here and The board has been so muttled by retards the newfags don't even recognize Richard Spencer or Jared Taylor anymore
Jackson Campbell
Have an upvote my friend a truly thought inspiring post worthy of gold
Jaxson Gray
Saved. Based burger.
Jeremiah Perry
Who are you calling a newfag? I've been here since the Republican convention you shill, and I know the media is promoting these Nazi clowns to discredit us.
Joseph Morales
We are national socialists here fucktard
Get the fuck off my board cuck
Nathan Turner
No he's not.
Lucas Cooper
>As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald, I would know.
found the virgin
Elijah Lee
I see your obvious concern trolling and raise you one 'gas the kikes, race war now'.
Carry on, brother. Keep exposing just how retarded these anti-Richard Spencer shills (A.K.A Mike Cernovich posters) really are. The argument they have is essentially that Richard Spencer has more extreme views that most of the Alt-Right. I guess these shills don't realize that the average Alt-Right member is in fact at least a borderline fascist who is completely okay with extermination of jews and the deportation of all non-whites from the U.S.A. Therefore, making Spencer not radical or different from the majority of Alt-Right members at all.
Jason Miller
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week. As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald, I would know.
No he didn't you fucking newfag
Parker Cruz
He is the progeny of Jared Taylor and attends all of Jared's meetings. Jared has made agreeable appearances on Red Media, Info Wars, Stephan Molyneux, ... all popular outlets of the Sup Forums alt-right movement that was engaged in social media botting that got Trump elected
Jaxon Jones
>I've been here since the republican convention
I bet you still believe in the holohoax too
Dylan Martinez
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
Jayden Jenkins
Fuck off with your limp wristed liberal cuckold shit. THE WHITE RACE IS RISING AGAIN. SIEG HEIL!
Ian Baker
>since the Republican convention Were you trying to prove how much of a newfag you are?
Henry Perez
>r racists or bigots like Spencer. Those are not our values
The "alt-right" can't even be defined. The term is a Rorschach test, with the only core principal being a hatred of ultra-leftism.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Daily reminder that you're an autistic faggot who likes dicks in your ass.
Camden Martin
Yes there is room for racists no one else will take them and I would rather fight with my brother than against him
Oliver Bailey
Why do people keep spamming these threads?
Noah Smith
you people can't understand philosophy.
(((they))) are the thesis, Spencer and his alt-nazis are the antithesis. They will collide and the synthesis will be somewhere in between the two. Which is good. Today communism is normalized and perfectly ok while nazism isn't.
Media will throw all the shit at alt-right and they will take it, soon it the idea of nationalism will become as normal as ideas of communism or socialism are today in America.
It doesn't matter what happens to alt-right, or him. This will be the result of it. You just have to be dialectical Sup Forums
Oliver Martin
Yep. And then you have JIDF jews in here saying shit like "Mann I knew this guy for 10 years I read all of his books and listened to his podcasts for 5 years, what a great leader of the (((Alt Right))), zeig heil buddy!" Fucking fake ass shit.
Thomas Rodriguez
>t. kike >This is good, Goy. Let your wife get bred and (((BLACKED))).Stay (((MGTOW)))
Fuck off jew with that psudo philosophy black magic kike kabbalah shit.
Landon Baker
I agree brother. These antisemites are obvious paid shills. The establishment will do anything to stop our libertarian movement. We can't be associated with deplorables like Spencer.
Xavier Anderson
>There is NO ROOM in the Alt Right for racists or bigots
Hope your virtue signaling and moral preening is some consolation as the last remnants of western civilization crumble and you face the plight of the few remaining whites in South Africa or Zimbabwe.
Luke Morgan
>As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald this gave you away as a newfag. try again later
Kevin Butler
>hat psudo philosophy black magic kike kabbalah shit.
Actually it's Dialectical Materialism
Cameron Garcia
I think it's bad that the "alt-right" has leaders to begin with.
If there was no leadership, the alt-right as well as both 4pol and 8pol can spread like a virus.
Uncontrolled, unpredictable, unprecedented results would happen, and the establishment always looks for the one leader to take down.
But with no leader, how can they concur the alt-right?
Isaiah Green
We dont get paid to hate kikes. YET
Easton Flores
Can't tell if new ctr tactic or newfag
Juan Campbell
>alt right doesn't exist >alt right was invented by media >if you're labeled oy vey shut it down >we are republicans There, I think I got everything the shills normally scream.
>haha you guys just a bunch of nazis >no we are not >yes you are >We just care for the good of our people >Ok explain how you are not nazis on camera please >sieg heil
10/10 mainstream oriented political movement. Good job, autists.
Hunter King
Literally fucking who?
Landon Thompson
its okay guys Trump has already disavowed the alt right I was beginning to worry he was a real racist
Andrew Nguyen
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week.
Nolan Wilson
>As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald >the Alt Right was stated right here on Sup Forums in the summer of 2016 >There is NO ROOM in the Alt Right for racists or bigots
I don't even like this faggot but you are a even bigger one, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK
Nicholas Carter
Lel. We've got (((Sam no free will Harris))) up in here, ladies and gentiles.
Jeremiah White
shut the fuck up i have been going to NPI since 2014
Aiden Peterson
Luke Hernandez
Fuck this Soros funded turbo cunt. He needs to kill himself naow.
Jaxson Thompson
is he actually funded by soros?
Luke Reed
Get an actual opinion, retard
Josiah Perry
>alt right
Kill yourself you fucking jew.
Alexander Scott
Exactly! I've been here ALL SUMMER and I've never even heard of the guy. Nobody on the_Donald has either. Could he be a more obvious plant? Nice try MSM
Eli Rodriguez
Actually, it's Hegel and Marx.
Do you people even read? Jesus...
Alexander Gonzalez
No. He doesnt need to be funded by anyone, the guy is loaded as fuark
Gabriel Diaz
TRS is spamming these threads, trying to control Sup Forums
Christian Rivera
>you people >(((Marx))) >(((Hegelian Dialectic)))
Kike confirmed.
Nicholas Perry
Hegel wasn't a jew. Marx was a self-hating half-jew.
>what did he mean by this
Logan Murphy
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week.
That's cause you're an idiot that doesn't know what's going on in the world. He had a conference months ago. MSM was all over it.
Wyatt James
Exactly. 1984, man. "We were always at war with Eastasia"
Gavin Sullivan
I guess they didn't take their own advice.
Logan Clark
Let the jew media rage some Dem cucks & maybe some niggers will do the job for us.
Jacob Davis
thanks for the heads up (((((friend)))))
Evan Young
>Comes out and starts to Jeopardize Trump >MSM present during all of this >We support Trump >Helps paint Trump as a Nazi sympathizer Yea, he's a Soros funded kike plant.
Jaxon Thomas
Psyop thread
Brody Adams
>(((MSM))) was all over it
Cooper Perry
>trying to mobilize /pol to do anything
how pathetically sad. kek.
Carter Ward
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week Thanks for disclosing that you are a newfag
Robert Perry
Gabriel Adams
pol will blast you since they turned on donald second he won.
That said I agree with you in every sense here
Carter Richardson
>Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week. Spencer represents the Red Ice Radio overdose pill, a dwindling group of Hitler-revisionists who unironically think the Nazis were bravely fighting the globalist Jews despite the money forging, the invasion of Poland etc etc
If he wants to lay claim to the term alt-right, let him. It was a MSM label designed to denigrate views that opposed their narrative, and as such existed for faggots to shill edgy books.
You are not alt-right, OP. You are not selling a book.
Blake Jenkins
I meant you're a jew trying to support the (((NARRATIVE))). The whole 'let us jews recreate the (((NAZIS))) vs. (((COMMIES))) thing again and make the goyim kill each other we'll sell them the bullets hahahha' game. Fuck off.
Bentley Green
Cernovich you're a faggot. Your gay little self help books are retarded, and your voice is unbearable.
Jaxon Scott
I love how he has the same sensibilities in clothes as Mike Cernovich! Bet he's shitting himself.
Colton Davis
That's what I'm saying. The first time he ever appeared in public was at a press conference attended by the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. He literally did not exist before that, and suddenly he's our "leader"? I'm not buying it. They're trying to discredit our small government 1776 constitutionalist revolution with a bunch of nazi crap.
This man is controlled opposition! The media (along with the FBI, CIA, and NSA) created him to make us look like a bunch of Nazis.
Literally no one has ever heard of this guy until last week. As a longtime poster on both Sup Forums and r/The_Donald, I would know. He materialized out of thin air.
Don't let him hijack our movement! If you see anyone claiming this man as our "leader", you need to correct the record: the Alt Right was stated right here on Sup Forums in the summer of 2016 to support the presidential bid of Donald Trump. We are libertarians who want limited government and civic nationalism.
There is NO ROOM in the Alt Right for racists or bigots like Spencer. Those are not our values, and that kind of divisive rhetoric only serves to alienate minorities whose voices we need to strengthen us with diversity.
Colton Thomas
>to make us look like a bunch of Nazis. >us >Sup Forums cares about looking like a bunch of Nazis
David Fisher
>the Alt Right Who?
Gavin Collins
Tell that to your boys milo and bannon
Andrew Robinson
This is how (((they))) do it. This is the d&c and subversion. Those without balls are demoralized and will cuck
Noah Thompson
>bunch of jews samefagging eachother
nothing of substance was linked. I don't doubt the Jews have been farming their edgy young (((David Duke))) replacement for years.