>I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group. It’s not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why
Other urls found in this thread:
Trumptards got Alexander-Pierced, lol.
Put Hillary in prison you orange cunt
the alt-right is a term invented by a media since they dont exist. Jews getting ass blasted left and right, what will they do next to try and push their propaganda since the alt-right meme failed?
I saw that headline just a few minutes ago. I completely understand why he disavows it now. This Spencer idiot came out this week with his Nazi salutes and "Jews aren't people" this idiot gives the media and the left a huge amount of ammunition. What the hell is the guy thinking?
>Put Hillary in prison you orange cunt
>Sup Forums
>alt right
Dumb drumfcunt, he already backed away from that promise
Sup Forums is a board of peace
spencer was talking about journalists
he literally says journalists in the full sentence which the media has chosen to ignore
But that kinda just proves him right
>tfw we get a stronger denunciation than David Duke
he didn't say it about jews...
i still dont know what an alt-right is.
the alt right (you) are like hipsters; none of them would admit what they are, but anyone looking at them knows it.
Sup Forums isn't alt-right you tards.
>invented by a media
No it isn't. Too bad the orange clown is still paying people to shitpost on Sup Forums.
The alt-right is just another label of the left. Please stop shilling it.
what these people get for revealing their power level on camera
Sup Forums.org/faq#sage
>Trump removes all credibility from some made up boogeyman the MSM made up to vilify
you act as if people weren't literally spamming pictures of trump throwing Hillary into an oven earlier this month
Go after Hillary, you motherfucker.
>Trump disavows aut-right
Hillary's campaign staff made the shitty connection between us and the alt-right. And we just grabbed it and ran with it to keep their attention focused on us rather than correcting the record and letting them return to running a sane campaign.
Nice source faggot
Well, Trump just sort of blew that one for all of you.
He just acknowledged the label and disowned it. It doesn't matter if you think it's just a stupid label invented by the left: in doing this he's claimed it's real and that's all that matters.
I'm sure Alt-right will be very sad. Now we need to find those guys, just to see their reaction
This. Getting tired of the jewish tricks of the right on Sup Forums.
>In the news: Violent scub supporters do X
This is all that kike (((richard spencer))) fault. He tied the alt right to literally hitler.
>oy vey Trump won't acknowledge this meme i created to defame the conservatives that aren't neocon goyim
Tripses confirm we more important than controlled opp duke
And here I am waiting for a source
but that was funny
non-cuckservative right
It's the people the mainstream conservatives have called racist/bigotted/sexist/etc, all along.
Which is why the mainstream conservatives are totally controlled by the media.
No surprise Trump gives a non-answer to stuff like this. He will want to frame things HIS way, not against a media strawman.
this is fucking glorious.
no wonder whitey has been getting played and cucked out of existence over the past 75 years.
No wonder we were dumb enough to go into iraq.
opposition becomes controlled opposition, false flags own the course of history and a japanese anime board full of shitpoister from around the world gets blamed for firing the white house and the president elect is forced to acknowledge its existence as a force in politics
they never. fucking., stop.
I don't know what he exactly said but why is he like Duke and all the others giving the media huge amounts of ammunition? These people aren't helping their cause.
Maybe they will even shutdown Sup Forums one day.
At least that is on Sup Forums or on twitter trolling people anonymously, KEK. But even the latter gives us and the right-wing a bad name.
Sup Forums stands on the side of The Truth
Is he supposed to praise it publicly now?
And just like that...
The (((alt right))) is dead.
>look into it
Kek, he's gonna fill his cabinet with Neocons and send Pompeo after us. Welcome to bush 5.0 kids.
Who gives a shit about the "alt-right"
It's just a convenient label to pin on us so they can start calling the entire group every mixture of "-ist" that they can possibly get to stick. I'll stick to just shitposting on an uzbekistani horse-rearing bbs and posting news stories about "peaceful" migrants.
>all of you
It doesn't refer to 'us'
what is scub?
Sup Forums isn't alt right or any other ideology for fuck's sake. It's just a singaporean underwater basket weaving forum.
Daaaaaaamn so basically this happened?
>giving the media huge amounts of ammunition
They aren't
They just cherry pick some clip, blatantly lie about it because Spencer says nothing particularly objectionable, then call Spencer a slew of names.
Who gives a fuck
The media are ALL liberals and are an arm of the cultural marxist establishment.
Typical anti-skubfag never tried skub before trying to spread lies
>Welcome to bush 5.0 kids.
please send mercs to my house and out a bullet in my head if this is the case
>if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why
This is our chance goys
Good fuck those guys.
They're mostly Jews anyway
>all of Trump's kids are Jewish
>all of Trump's Grandkids are Jewish
>He married a non-white
O-our guy!!!
We aren't "alt-right" last time I checked whatever that means believe me trump is very thankful to us
based Trump respecting Rule 1
>evil antisemites
>mostly Jews anyway
Which is it Chaim?
>Le I was only pretending to be retarded meme is cool now!
To be fair to the sperg, Spencer said that about journalists, not jews. The journalists then promptly lived up to their reputations.
good, the alt right has been a cringe fest since the start.
We're quite innocently a Sudanese pottery forum.
Aw, I thought u guys were all about not being PC.
Why would he do this to us? We should have supported Hillary...
Night of the long knives soon
Sup Forums were the brownshirts all along
There are so many fucking new faggots on Sup Forums right now its not even funny. I would say that there are more new faggots right now then there has ever been. Lots of threads bitching about Spencer, white nationalists, national socialists, and whatever they preserve as the "alt-right".
This sort of shit started when Cernavich made a comment. Cernavich is a fucking literal kike and his wife is non-white mexican or something. Cernavich isn't even related to Sup Forums just some cuck whom has latched onto to our movements. Even fucking Gavin has had Jared Taylor on his show multiple times.
You stupid cucks.
We are the Friendly Guys Party, not the Alt-Right.
jesus what a post
Alt-right is pretty much being used to describe anyone that supports Trump at this point: or at the very least, those very vocally supportive of him beyond just "Well, he's the Republican nominee and I'm a Republican/I just think he's not as bad as the other choice."
It's not as definitive as let's say, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, etc, but it's pretty much being used to throw everyone who seriously supports him beyond just being very moderate about it (again, "I'm a Republican and I'm always gonna vote for the Republican candidate") into bizarre, incoherent group that nobody can quite agree what the fuck it actually takes to be a part of.
Trump acknowledging this throws most of his serious followers under the bus. It was good for his image to do this, but it basically puts a good chunk of Sup Forums into this group one way or another.
Hell, maybe I'm wrong, but that's just how I see it at this point. He wants to alienate himself from his more passionate followers to take a more centrist position.
4 month ago when the term was first brought up... everybody on Sup Forums rejected it and knew right alongwhat was up. There were even several troll threads "hello fellow alt-righters" from that point on.
That +60% of Sup Forums now is totaly fine with it shows how many newfags and/or normies flooded the board since then.
Good. He shouldn't associate with those retards.
As usual the Americucks come out in force to defend their orange slavemaster. If Trump said multiculturalism is great you'd agree with it .
Alt right Sup Forums faggots BTFO
He won, and if he wants to win again in 4 years he will consolidate power by being modest and achieving his agenda slowly. Fools like richard spencer are going to apparently do everything they can to torpedo trumps agenda esp. as is concerned with demographics.
I closest thing I can find for a source for this is that trump's transition team denounced racism after the NPI conference happened.
>“President-elect Trump has continued to denounce racism of any kind and he [was] elected because he will be a leader for every American,” Bryan Lanza, a spokesman for the Trump-Pence Transition said in a statement, according to CNN.
you fuckers are being gas lit.
It's not time for Trump to officialy identify with a group that's well established in the media as racist. Let him play his own game, he's still the real deal.
This is only the beginning also didn't Trump just say the NYT was bullshit and this was a terrible piece?
>This sort of shit started when Cernavich made a comment. Cernavich is a fucking literal kike and his wife is non-white mexican or something. Cernavich isn't even related to Sup Forums just some cuck whom has latched onto to our movements.
Why hasn't any of the shills spamming Sup Forums atm mentioned this yet? HMM, I WONDER.
Ban abortion
Also I guess that means more energy for us
Spencer coined the term you massive retard.
Pol doesnt understand american politics. A candidate will NOT win power if they hail hitler unironically. They would be fucking ignored because no one wants to be associated with literally hitler. Richard spencer is pandering to the far right, a tiny minority of the vote that acually sways voters away sinply by association. Nationalism was defeated when the outcome was 6 million jews killed. Doesnt matter debating the number, the intent of genocide was real and doccumented. Nationalism could have been possible if this werent the case, and now this autist is tying the whole movement to hitler, making people cringe. You wont get power in a democratic election process with americas demographics.
>The alt-right is a neo-nazi organization who love you, do you disavow?
It's fucking nothing. The shills are still out in full force
In your case, you're more of a Friendly Guy in Training, you fucking FGT.
>1 post by this id
>no source
>usual suspectds saying "altright doesn't exist," "altright was invented by media"
Really erected my penis.
Holy fucking shit, they're still paying you, Correct the Record?
Someone tell him were energized because the white race is slowly being wiped out, and the only solution is to raise white birth rates and the white percentage in white countries compared to the other demographics.
In short, fix the demographic problem or race war is inevitable.
We are republicans now!,gas the kikes
something like an alt-eppo
>dedicates his life to writing for the alt rightists and red pilling newfags
>gives a speech praising trump
>actually gets the audience to roman salute and heil trump
>Sup Forums still calls him a shill
>muh PR (oy vey this is just like goymergater)
Sup Forums will never have real leaders because you would just call them shills and fags. So don't talk about Sup Forums like it's a "movement" or like we have an end goal because you actively work against it and never support anything anyone ever does for us. protip, trump isn't one of us.
Good. Alt-right is e-celeb cancer that stands for nothing other than a meaningless brand, like "intersexual."
How dumb are these guys like Richard Spencer that it doesn't occur to them that their vociferous support of Trump will just be used against him by the press? They need to shut the fuck up and stop giving MSM interviews and holding conferences where they invite the media.
If you actually want Trump to do anything about immigration you can't say that it's specifically benefiting you as a white nationalist. It's benefiting all American citizens.
Right now Spencer and his ilk are just being shabbos goys.
Of COURSE he did, you idiots.
I fucking told you this. You can't just be openly Nazi.
I expect him and WANT him to do this.
Absolutely fuck all Stormfags and retards who clumsily, openly posture like fascists in front of the media. You are the enemy.
And fuck Richard Spenser.
Either stop leafposting or learn how to read
I beg to differ