im curious because i see a lot of it from the Hillary shills against white people and then i see it from the alt right against those who aren't white. im wondering if it is a lot of people or a vocal minority.
What percentage of people on pol are actually racist
its obvious that its becoming more and more mainstream lately to hate all white people, you hear this a lot especially from groups like blm and sjw cunts
Actual racists? .01%
The so-called racists have black or gay friends but also understand the degeneracy and difference in intelligence and race (Reality) and are called racists for that
I am not overtly racist. But I am a white supremacist. I don't want to hurt people that are different than me, I just don't want them around me..
Is that too much to ask?
but im getting frustrated at the fact that because of all the people saying fuck whites there is a back lash causing more and more white people to genuinely hate other races because of how they are treating them, and i dont want to see people become what they now claim to hate
I'm not racist. I just don't like muslims... and loos.
I'm not racist but I do believe in superiority of other cultures and ideologies.
I also believe that not all people are equal. People have physical limitations on body and mind. Some people will never be as smart or wise or strong as others.
Define racist?
Difficult to say, no one knows what racist means anymore. Too many definitions. It's like saying how tall is tall.
Don't forget, Sup Forums is satire. We are just making fun of ridiculous racists. I, for example, am in fact pakistani, and after a hard day of sexually harrassing little girls I just want to relax and troll a little bit on Sup Forums.
First you need to define what "racist" means. The political left calls you a racist if you don't support the idea of welfare or minority employment quotas. It's their way to avoid having to engage you intellectually.
Are you using the leftist definition or the real definition?
All niggers must hang. A nigger is someone who's skin is darker than a bread crust.
of course i dont believe in that leftist definition its retarded.
As a Somali muslim, we're just having fun of each other, hehe, nothing serious, 100% satire
we actually love brown people and want them to come into our countries and assimilate by the millions! fucking genius idea
we also LOVE globalism, nation states are outdated lol I mean who cares about trivial stuff like that
oh and multicultiralism is great because i can eat kebab while I rape swedish women
I like White people best.
Most actual racists end up in prison. Posting memes and racist jokes doesn't mean that you want to kick off the race war. It's a very common media tactic to equate anyone that isn't a leftist as "far right" or "nazi" even if they're center right or moderate.
It's what they don't understand about the alt-right. There's very few Nazis or KKK in the alt right. It's just a collection of people who are sick of intrusive leftist identity politics. They can't pin down a "leader" because it's just a bunch of average people who don't like nonsense.
I'm not but it is funny watching them burn
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and self-reliant can do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive we would be poorer as a nation.
Im really no Racist but i truly hate the Arabian Culture. Thread women like dirt, Molest children throwing Gays from rooftops oppress other religions.
I got raised Left-leaning i got raised to oppose homophobia, childmolester or Violence on woman. I just do what the left learned me to do, but now i am suddenly a racist and asshole for exactly that? fucking hipocrites, i really start to hate them by heart.
But the rest is just regular LARPing. I dont really want a race war or WWIII, that's fucked up. but you know shitposting is fun
>Most actual racists end up in prison.
What? Do you define racist as people who want to commit hate crimes? SJWs might be overly broad in their definition but that's too far the other way.
Biology dictates that dumb, ugly, sickly people will have a higher number of dumb, ugly, sickly children.
At what point does this process repeat before an entire group becomes a different race, full of negative traits?
Is that racist?
i agree Islamic culture really is the worse and it cant be integrated properly with the west at all.
i just hope that the media doesn't use the shitposting as an excuse to dismiss a lot of the good points that pol often brings up like the Islamic culture example.
100% Not just on pol, but everywhere.
Every single person loves themselves more than anyone else.
The only difference is how open people are about these feelings.
But that's what's so genius about it.
If you aren't racist you're a complete idiot and you are not part of Sup Forums.
If you're not racist I'd love to see what definition of ''racist'' you're using, because I don't buy that ''racism is power + whiteness + gender'' shit. Fuck off.
breddy accurate answer
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
Not liking niggers means that you understand reality and statistical probability. Actively harming them or discriminating against them is illegal.
You can't arrest people for thought crimes. And I think niggers are awful.
I'm actually Jew but still I love to be seen as white French poster to get more French into accepting more culturalism while I actually know it will destroy the nation
I'm not a racist, but I would be called racist if I tried to explain my beliefs to a normie.
>Most actual racists end up in prison.
I think most actual racist are made in prison.
I work with mostly black guys, and i call many of them friends and peers
Racism is just a meme
Seriously though, we NEED to ask some questions about the banks, though. It's out in the open and no one talks about it.
Go back to plebbit.
Everyone is racist to a degree.
Personally I just think stereotypes are hilarious.
It's the people who surpress that shit who are the actual racists
really brings a whole new meaning to the term "hot wheels"
100% of people judge others based on race. It's an unconscious thing
I think it's a mistake to assume that all of those factors are directly correlated to the same cause/explanation
Jesus fuck.
I hate niggers but I get a long well with any race as long as they don't look and act like subhuman savages.
I just want to live in a homeland for whites, and hope for shitskins to succeed in their own nations without needing handouts from whites.
If whites and shitskins want to live in a multicultural society they should move to Sweden.
There's a shitload of racists on Sup Forums, I would say at least a 50% or 60% of the userbase in this board holds white supremacist, or otherwise racist views like "x group is comprised of subhumans"
The problem with making a thread and asking the racists if they're racist is that they aren't going to be sincere, even the dumbest stormfag on Sup Forums knows that racism of this caliber isn't rational, or it simply isn't good exposure.
Keep in mind this is a board where
>Sup Forums is always right
>Sup Forums isn't one person
Are two equally "truthful" memes under a massive hubris of cognitive dissonance and convenience
Just try making a post that goes against the stereotypical racist beliefs and you'll get tons of half assed arguments and ad hominem, whereas if you made a post that puts the right wing in a good light, you get nods from other people, or they simply ignore you.
>tldr Sup Forums is actually filled to the brim with dishonest racists who don't really believe in anything concrete aside from racism, and manipulate their own views depending on who they're talking to
Racism is fucking retarded considering you don't interact with races, you interact with individuals
I'd much rather hang out and associate with non-degenerate, Christian blacks or hispanics than some generic white leftist cuckold
If I had to choose whether I should shoot a lefty, a nigger or a mudslim I pick lefty every-fucking-time. So don't call me racist.
about the worst you can get out of Sup Forums is that degenerates will degenerate and we consciously seek to limit our interaction with them
ie we act like every urban/suburban liberal
there is such a thing as a right centrist cuckold, look in the mirror.
>alt right
Turn off MSM, the alt right is bs
> tldr mexican intellectual can't understand genetics
Nothing intrinsically meaningful is determined by the color of a person's skin. The kind of person a child grows into is largely decided by a vast number of factors, societal, geographical, experiential, educational, etc. Humans are tribal creatures and tend to form communities with those who look alike, so when a community is fucked up it just perpetuates itself, and all the fucked up people generated by the shitty circumstances are going to look a certain. His father taught him to be a nig, and his father taught him to be a nig, and so forth. This isn't an excuse for chimpouts and general niggery, just an acknowledgement of the complicated process by which the stereotypical dindu is generated.
I think most people here realize that, and I suspect there are a great deal of black posters (or even just people with black friends) who engage in the typical Sup Forums racism because it's fun to roll around in the mud when every day we have to live in a world that restrains and oppresses us via SJW language policing.
t. black poster
>evolution stops at the neck, that's what my Sociology professor told me!
As expected from a dumb nigger.
Do genetics explain why poltards are dishonest?
>Yfw white people are literally baboon tier intelligent when compared to groups like asians according to their own arguments
Sum master race right there pussy
I'm not a racist. But I am "culturalist" the right word? I believe that not all cultures are equal and that moral relativism is bullshit. Cultures, ideas, memes matter, not slight genetic variations.
Countries like Germany and Austria are like 1 or 2 points down. The United States is only 60% white.
And whites make up for it by being more inventive/innovative, and not eating dogs or running over children.
i like looking at these different ideas, i feel it helps to broaden my perspective and gain a more well rounded understanding of how people see things here.
>Countries like Germany and Austria are like 1 or 2 points down.
They're also apex cuckmasters, are you saying intelligence is highly correlated with being a cuck?
> The United States is only 60% white.
Da joos and da nonwhites b keeping muh iq scores down by way of multiculturalism
>And whites make up for it by being more inventive/innovative
We got a head start so that means we are more intelligent, muh creativity meme
> and not eating dogs or running over children.
Because all white people fuck their sisters and cousins, do meth, and shoot up schools