This man appears on your doorstep and shoves a copy of Mein Kampf into your chest; what do?
This man appears on your doorstep and shoves a copy of Mein Kampf into your chest; what do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Invite him in for a cup of coffee
thank him, return the book and say, "I've already got a copy."
Ask him why he lost to Bret Hart?
Tell him I already have one and invite him in for beers.
activate my belt
ask if he wants to have a beer
Give him a hell yeah
Tell him that he was a sick cunt for exposing the Jews in an interview with a Jew.
>"Take that shit somewhere else son"
>Smash nazi skull to pieces with my Quran
This is Antifa territory
>Thanks man, I was considering buying one but the idea that the translations may be iffy put me off, I hope this version is good
Ask him to sign my dick
>Close Door
>Go back to my fap sesh
nice binlandXDDDDDDDDD
Show him my copy, thank him for his time, and return the book to him.
Give up boipucci
We just get rid of one group of killjoy collectivists and then you faggots show up with more arbitrary rules, gee thanks m8.
say thanks for the hard copy. i already have it on my pc.
Smash beers
Ask "Is it time?"
tell him that i already have a copy and give him a RKO out of nowhere
*unzips dick*
I thought his shirt said SCSI
Ask what is his favorite part of it and aak if he wants a cup of coffee. Show him my own copy and tell that I've read parts of it but that I may may not necessarily understand everything and ask for his help to understand what the text really means. Ask him if there is a meeting somewhere where we can read the book together and discuss about it.
i give him a "HELL YEAH" and then give him a Stone Cold Stunner
Daily reminder to all " Serbs"
Nice strawman
>Hehe I called it strawman now your jpg is invalid
Nice try karadic keep it up
Beat Debra
>This man appears on your doorstep and shoves a copy of Mein Kampf into your chest; what do?
When do we start the crusade, brother Stone?
tell him that national socialism is communism and shoot him for being a communist.
Believe whatever fits your dream world Miklos
show him my autographed copy
Keked hard
t-t-thanks... b-brother
Show him my autographed copy
Is it time, brother?
>activate my belt
"You know there are better books on this subject."
>be literal subturk that got cucked by roaches for 500 years while other europeans fight them off
> Kill a few innocent roaches in a civil war
> we wuz removing kebabz n sheet
>Sieg heil brĂ¼der.
Flip him off, give him the Stunner and down four beers at once over his dead carcass.
>being so autistic that you get mad at memes
This man gave a Stunner to the next President of the United States.
He should be in jail! Where's his special prosecutor?
> not joining your fellow mongol bretheren
>mfw actually having an autographed copy with forewords on fighting together bolshevism
Nice strawman :D
> Stone Cold says so
> I guess I read it
Probably die because there's a book embedded in my torso
Lightly tap him knee and watch him kill over while asking him how he liked owen harts thighs felt when they were clutched around his head as he shaved 10 years off his career.
>too damaged to play pretend wrestling
I slap his shit.
>expecting anything from the Hun
You should know mortal enemies when you see them, Serb
Shove a Remington 870 in his chest and say thanks, but no thanks. Close door. Sip tea.
You are replying to me, in thread which has no fucking fucking connection to anything about my state, because of my flag.
You are autistic, its not strawman.
I pull out a ice cold rack of beer and continue to smash half consumed beers off of each others head.
>shoves into chest
He gets his shit wrecked.
Oh shit 60% to the rescue
keep crying you cant destroy the mongolian masterrace even with your half roach puppets AKA Serbs
Is it fucking signed by Hitler himself? No? Then it's fucking worthless compared to mine, bitch!
>Proceed to Stone Cold Stunner him down the driveway
>This man appears on your doorstep and shoves a copy of Mein Kampf into your chest; what do?
> you are autistic
Not realising my obvious shitposting
>Only wrestler to ever to do his finisher on a president.
tell him i already have it and would have liked ammo a lot more.
Do a 1599 Hail ?
Have him sign my Broken Skull knife
>Not being a nazi immortal.
>I was only trolling card
Sure Miklos
t-t-thank you Mr....Goldberg was it?
sure thing roach whatever you say :))))
>thinking that using a hungarian name against me will do anything
based nature boy
>go through all pages fast
Fuck off kike!
-1manyzeros/10 bait
Read it?
Thanks mister, the winters are getting pretty brutal this year.
Ask him who stole his hair.
what is this?
I wouldn't say anything because I'd be dead with a copy of Mein Kampf shoved into my chest cavity.
put the posters up
Get pounded.
sam hyde posting via finnish proxy
"Give this to someone who hasn't joined our folk yet."
Fuck off faggot Hitler was a kike that singlehandendly managed to push world into lefty degeneracy. Slam the door, hopefully hitting him as hard as possible as well with it.