>you're shitposting on your favourite political imageboard on your favourite anime website
>suddenly you notice a flash of light coming through your window
>doorbell rings
>as you walk towards the front door, you feel a deep sense of discomfort and fear
>you open the door very slowly
>"We are the Juslims and we are here to stop your racist hatespeech"
>"surrender now bigot ... or get destroyed by our powers of tolerance and multiculturalism"
What do?
You're shitposting on your favourite political imageboard on your favourite anime website
Why not the Mews?
kidnap them
>open door
Why not Meows?
Let me show you my basement
I shoot 'em both
Is he saying his daughter is Jewish, but he's not? How is that? Maybe it's his wife's daughter.
>my daughter is jewish
nah, you just forced it on her.
Neither of these women are wearing proper attire, instead some awful haram leggings. Halloween is an evil day, against the Torah.
They will not prosper.
T. Known Boss
Amazing how people don't know the basic shit like the different variants of Islam like the ones that allow the shit and the zealous Fucks who kill the ones who allow this shit along with anyone else they don't lime.
Fucking phone posts
Well damn pol, is Jewish a race or not?
Mews is already reserved for a group of psychics.
Two more logs for the oven
Give you a hint, it rhymes with grape.
*teleports behind u
nothing personel kiddo
jews claim genealogy to ancient jews. but they are lying. they're mostly polish cucks. jewish race doesn't exist anymore (hasn't existed for a LONG time)
>willingly open the door to anyone you don't know without your pistol in your hand
I've noticed that whenever Jews try to pair themselves with Muslims to seem more accepting in their own media, they use black Muslims so much more often than any other Muslim. Arabs and less dark Muslims know better than to trust the Jew for the most part.
>or get destroyed by our powers of tolerance and multiculturalism"
I wait. Will it be long?