>A friend of my friend at Standing Rock was hit in the left arm by a concussion grenade, causing severe injury which requires surgery
ok Sup Forums, thoughts? I found this on plebbit anarchism.
>A friend of my friend at Standing Rock was hit in the left arm by a concussion grenade, causing severe injury which requires surgery
ok Sup Forums, thoughts? I found this on plebbit anarchism.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hahaha prairie niggers BTFO literally
They are protesting something that has merchant backers. A very dangerous game.
maybe they shouldn't have been a buncha dipshit rioting commies? kill em all desu
Also lets talk more about how we need to disavow a guy who said "hail trump"
can we do more to get your friend to kill themself for being so pathetic they got injured at a peaceful protest? What a total loser!
I don't know, it is pretty brutal. I understand anti riot police actions, but this is a bit extreme no?
lol m8 He is not my friend or anything. I live in Belgium
that's what he gets for wearing faggy hippie cloth gloves instead of leather
>I went someplace I shouldn't have went and I got hurt so its other peoples fault.
Throwing rocks and torching cars is pretty extreme too
Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes
Oh wait, is that is wrist? I hope he enjoys his new hook
That will teach him to never go to a Soros's funded protest ever again.
yep it is his forearm, pic is confusing
>tfw when you are anarchist and go crying on the Internet if your arm gets blown off, because you have no authority to appeal to with your legal problems
This is almost as enjoyable as watching BLM niggers get run over for blocking the highway
then maybe you shouldn't be retarded
He probably tried to pick it up like he saw on Call Of Duty. That shit is done for.
>unarmed protest
Fucking idiots.
Probably a very unfortunate accident. This isn't standard occurence.
>it's okay to kill people who don't think like you do
you're as bad as the commies.
Good fucking hippies fucking things up for everyone, the majority of natives there have no issue with the pipeline, you soros goons deserve what you get, too bad it didn't explode in his face.
Rocks and sticks are weapons
Paid protestors don't think
They are paid to riot and loot
>unarmed protest
if it wasn't before, it is now
I fucking love you nips
Comedy gold.
>in soviet russia, bomb disarms you!
wtf I didn't know concussion grenades could do so much damage
> in soviet russia laws break you
Holy kek
I don't get it. Why would they go protest there knowing the police would use force to remove them? What could be worth risking your health for? Don't they realize that they will achieve nothing? Also, how do they find the time to do this? Don't they have jobs?
Honestly, whatever they are protesting, I think they deserve this and I hope it hurts really bad.
she's not gona stroke dick with that arm for awhile.
>hit in the left arm by a concussion grenade
So it exploded right when it hit him in the arm? Are riot cops so based that they cook non-lethal grenades for maximum damage now?
Seems like it was thrown and she caught it, probably on accident due to her thick coat, between her arm and torso.
>pelt police with literally sticks and stones
>cops fire tear gas and flash grenade to disperse crowd
>genious pick up live flashbang
>German defeatism
Even though I agree with unwashed hippies being removed by the Staatsgewalt, your cuckery disgusts me.
>handing out water
>hit her with a concussion grenade
it is delayed ordinance, you don't "get hit".
Space Cadet obviously picked it up and it blew up in her hand
I don't fucking care, get a job you armless hippies.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
This is a civilized country, not the fucking wild west. Literally all you have to do is work and enjoy your life. Something doesn't go your way? The government does something you don't like? Just suck it up and wait for the next election. Don't be a fucking sperg about it.
op was this meant to be a shock image thread or something
some Sup Forumsacks even jack off to that shit
I don't know what their problem is. The pipeline is going to be built regardless. Energy Transfer even offered to build an emergency water reservoir, gift them an emergency spill vehicle, and pay for improved roads in their reservation. They just want a cut of the hydrocarbon passing through.
>Gang rapists don't get punished
>Murderers don't get punished because murder was recently declared to be nazi and "Totschlag" is the worst you can get
>Don't pay your TV licensing and mercilessly get send to prison
>This is a civilized country
At what point in those massive schedule of meetings did they inform the Indians?
Over here you wouldn't find out about something like that unless you ask the planning office for the county or it's big enough to make the news.
>But, Mr Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.
>Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them had you? I mean like actually telling anybody or anything.
>But the plans were on display…
>On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.
>That’s the display department.
>With a torch.
>The lights had probably gone out.
>So had the stairs.
>But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?
>Yes yes I did. It was on display at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying beware of the leopard.
You got fooled by propaganda. If you believe that picture is from the protest youre a fool.
goddamnit too late
Ok. Somebody cares to explain what is this orange Sup Forums shit?
well done
Based 'straya telling it like it is. Heil Hofer.
>Sup Forums now approves of the US destroying innocent protestors
god goys buy the media narrative that the nonviolent protestors are the bad guys here
>nonviolent protestors
yeah ok
>dumbass soros bussed protester tries to pick up flash bang
>Surprised when they get their shit fucked up.
Yes goyim! Dont stand up for what you perceive to be injustice! GOOD GOY!!
>innocent protestors
There has been considerable evidence that these protestors have been payed to disrupt the building of this pipeline. As well, what are they protesting? They are on private property, harassing and impeding the lives of workers.
Play stupid games as a useful idiot win stupid prizes. Ask that not for profit cooeration in San Francisco paying protest organizers to help.
Wtf am I looking at?
It looks real, don't get me wrong - but I can't really recognise anything other than gore nd shit. Is it actually real is the question.
If it is real, it's a total irony that an anarchist will have to avail of social services like a public hospital to survive. Kek
Is he okay Sup Forums?
>muh jewish bogeyman
I wish for Sup Forums to stop LARPing and go back to fruitful discussion.
It was cool watching people get blown the fuck out by pressurized water in the 60's and it's cool watching people get blown up by (intended) non-lethal grenades today.
That's funny because the police there aren't using concussive grenades and concussive grenades don't do that kind of damage.
>Throw rocks at police
>Hit police dogs with sticks
>We peaceful protestors
Christ, it is real. Just say this and checked the Twitter. Fuck.
Good, maybe they should stop protesting nothing.
They don't even have any clue what they're upset about, they're just crying to cry.
It says right there that the tribe filed complaints and then never showed up when the USACE scheduled meetings to resolve those complaints
Concussion grenades are lethal grenades, idk where people get the idea that flashbangs or smoke grenades, etc... can be called concussion grenades
Japanese always bring the highest quality bants.
hope this radical leftist faggot dies or at least gets leg amputated
there's gonna be a lot more of this to look forward to over the coming years
Fuck water girl, Tara is HOT!
They are protesting for no reason. They should be focusing on making their communities a better place for them to live in instead of worrying about the pipeline that isn't even on their land :)
I knew this girl in college. One of her pet projects was convincing people that not voting was an effective way to protest the two-party system. I always had a feeling that she'd end up risking her health for some stupid cause like this.
Same place they get the idea that a semi-auto is a fully automatic rifle, AR stands for Assault Rifle, and that a mag is a clip.
>I acknowledge this conflict between me and you so I've set up a meeting in my living room tomorrow morning to settle our differences, if you fail to show up then I win.
Exactly. WW2 German stick grenades were concussive grenades. A flashbang wouldn't do this kind of damage unless she was holding it, in which case that's her own fucking fault.
Is that a hand or what? What part of the arm is this supposed to be?
Outside agitators to my great state are lucky they aren't eating lead. Protest peacefully or suffer the consequences.
>it is delayed ordinance, you don't "get hit".
>Space Cadet obviously picked it up and it blew up in her hand
This. If she had played any video games at all she would know that throwing grenades back is risky business. No sympathy for retards.
That guy has elevated himself above mere HDTV.
>Haha stupid Christians and your sky daddy lololololol
Couldn't care less about the protest or anyone hurt in it.
This is BS. A 3 year old took a concussion grenade to the face and didn't have injuries as severe.
Pic related
Maybe instead of shooting at cops they should shoot at the people responsible for funding and building it.
Kids these days.
>They are protesting for no reason
They are trying to shakedown the companies and government for more wampum
like they do every time one of these "native rights" bullshit protest comes up
left shoulder
Not strictly disagreeing with your point but flashbangs atleast are also considered to be lethal
Typical dumb native shit
It's some japanese show about a pretty girl who turns into that hamster-thing whenever she goes home to play games.
Searching "hamster girl anime" gave me the name of the show;
yeah they can, but they're intended to be non-lethal atleast
Ok, so if it's the shoulder then how are some of us saying they got hurt by picking it up?
>picks up explosives
sympathy.exe failed to load
>Handing out water
>Hit by a concussion grenade
>Bleew off her forearm
It wouldn't do that kind of damage unless you were holding it when it went off...
Oh god, that sheboon tried to throw it back. How fucking stupid do you have to be?
This is why I don't own a gun.
I would end up shooting myself.
Pretend to throw something like a girl and you'll work it out.
How has her father not already murdered them?
Hand Solo.
It's an anime that's supposed to be le relatable to neets