State officials mistreat girl, 5, raped by Muslim migrants Exclusive: Pamela Geller says Idaho family ‘has suffered almost every kind of injustice’
>Last summer, a 5-year-old girl was orally, anally and vaginally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants.
>And it just keeps getting worse. The victim’s mother has now informed me that, despite the huge medical expenses for their daughter that this attack has necessitated, the state of Idaho has told her the maximum assistance that her family can get is $4,500. ...
>Why did they have to relocate? Because Muslims were stopping in front of their home at night and shooting bottle rockets at it at 11:30 p.m. Apparently that kind of menacing and harassment doesn’t qualify as demonstrating a need for relocation.
>It is outrageous. And it gets even worse. For the longest time, the attacker wasn’t even limited in his access to the community’s children; now he must be supervised by someone 14 years old or older. When they stipulated this, the court had to have been aware that there was a boy who videotaped the rape who was also 14. This is a gross insult against this victimized family – and a direct result of a judge’s decision.
>The prosecuting attorney, Grant Loebs, has gone out of his way to imply that this rape was false information. His interviews have led the media and public officials to deny clear facts of the case. The U.S. attorney for Idaho even vowed to charge anyone who made false statements about the perps. The Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations has whined that the case has become “a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.”
>Meanwhile, the victim in Twin Falls, once a happy and social child, now frequently insists that she wants to be alone. She finds a small and safe space inside a closet and stays in it alone for hours. Once a very chatty and happy child, she has become very quiet. Even during the summer heat of Twin Falls, she always wore two T-shirts and two pairs of underwear. She talked constantly about “those naughty boys” and asked her mother repeatedly not to tell her father everything that happened because it will upset him.
One lifetime of guilt and shame coming up!
The article goes on, but I don't think anyone on Sup Forums should feel bad about clicking through . There is there a gofundme link in the article, for those of you feeling generous.
Personally this story leaves me shaking with rage. What's going on in Idaho? Why aren't the locals pushing back? Would a twitter campaign to call attention to this help? Any ideas? (I've considered buying a bus pass to Twin Falls and paying some of the involved parties a visit. Perhaps I could at least call attention to this madness.)
Eli Butler
Have a bump
Justin Gray
Camden Allen
WHat does that have to do with Islam? Should we blame Trump supporters for every child a cracker rapes?
Camden Jenkins
Just because we don't like literal Nazis doesn't mean you should post (((Gellar))) here.
Blake Martinez
Idaho, Yes.
Gabriel Johnson
obviously there's no father figure in this situation because those muslims would be dead right now
Jose Gutierrez
what do you expect from the potato state?
Dominic Cook
That's the price of freedumb :^) now suck it up, you're an AMERICAN
Jackson Jones
Pretty sure he found them doing it to her.
Zachary Price
Why haven't those fucks been lynched yet?
Sebastian Moore
thanks muslims.
Brayden Foster
>burgers make fun of everybody >this happens to them >radio silence and victim shaming even mama Merkel would be impressed by
Eli Gomez
what kind of cuck doesn't get two manslaughter charges for his daughter?
Christian Brown
The auto-proclaimed prophet Muhammad was a pedophile so it would explain why so many muslims are attracted by young chidren
Nathaniel Barnes
the men of this country have become can't save this girl by being online every single minute of your life.
John Kelly
Three charges. But yes, I agree with you. Though you'd essentially be depriving your daughter of a father for potentially several decades, the temptation to kill would be too strong.
Blake Collins
>WHat does that have to do with Islam
perhaps nothing, yet the media is in a constant state of insisting anything negative related to the attackers is "anti-islam". So point your grubby little finger elsewhere, assfuck.
Jayden Powell
Looks like I came just in the nick of time
Angel Nelson
I've got something for the burgers on this board - DO NOT TURN INTO THE HELLHOLE OF WESTERN, SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE!
Bentley Edwards
>name: Grant P. Loebs, Prosecuting Attorney >place and hour 425 Shoshone St. North Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. >title: Child rape apologist
> Go give this guy a visit will ya
Jaxson Rodriguez
Jordan Peterson
I agree, but I think the reason the Idahoans aren't responding is partially because people don't know about it and the people that do know aren't organized.
Noah Phillips
This. I would go to prison for killing the family if the animals who raped my baby girl, no sweat.
Landon Bennett
Austin Howard
So, when is the lynching planned for?
Brandon Evans
Easton Watson
So man the fuck up and throw those Muslims off the Perrine.
Angel Price
Jack Cooper
After all the shit you talk, why aren't you up in arms about this? Isn't this precisely what your second amendment is for?
What the fuck, burgers.
Gabriel Butler
its not rape in Islam since she is of marrying age being 9 legally under sharia law. Dumb fuck americunts cant into Freedom of Religion because their Islamophobic.
Mason Russell
Trump is a good start. If he stops the refugees like he talked about I don't think there will be any major huge issues.
Kevin Gutierrez
> Loebs > cheks wikipedia > "common jewish surname"
Zachary Walker
This is Nu-America no free speech no balls. Taken over by Mexicans and liberals.
Aiden Price
Burgers will criticize every country about the Muslim problems, But when it happens to them they ignore it and continue to bitch about Germany etc instead. Literally the worst type of hypocrisy.
Burgers, You should be out in mob form getting revenge for this sweet innocent child. There are enough branches in the state to lynch all those fuckers.
Brody Jones
fuck idaho and fuck muslims
Owen White
If you live close enough, kill em, and plead not guilty of murder, as it wasn't murder you were simply seeking justice. Get it to go to trail. I doubt a jury of those who lived in the town will find you guilty. It's the mayors and shit not the towns people.
Nolan Taylor
Heres your cap.
Oliver Peterson
>a 5-year-old girl was orally, anally and vaginally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant Sounds hot. Any chance for a video? My dick is already diamond-hard (remove the dot under the 8 only way i've been able to post it) guys something seriously fucked is going on and Sup Forums has been unbelievably quiet especially after janitors came around
William Powell
Haha, fucking white cucks. Can't even protect their own children. Scared of little arab boys hahahaha.
Xavier Adams
>t. Chechnya
Hudson Collins
>alleged sexual assault
Been a long time since I seen a sexual assault be alleged, but its being used to cover up mudslimes.
William Clark
The funniest part is, these burgers are armed to the teeth and still being bullied by little jews znd arabs lol.
Sebastian Lee
yeah his life needs to be made miserable This is the exact kind of thing O'reilly would go completely APESHIT over get this to him!
James Stewart
If you see a (you) in my post, youre a worthless piece of shit who unironically should be executed.
If you don't, congratulations, you have a spine and my respect.
Xavier Fisher
I think (((Snopes))) "debunked" this story not too long ago. They're in Sweden-tier damage control mode. They know Idaho is full of a bunch of crazy armed mountain people who'll lynch every shitskin in the state if they find out the truth.
Caleb Nelson
what the fuck is this world coming to waterboard and castrate them all
Ryan Young
WTF? Mohammed would never use a condom, and those certainly did not exist in that form in Mohammed's time. Get that shit out of here, and use something that didn't have such an anachronism in it.
53? I didn't realize he was that old then. No wonder they worshipped him. He was ancient for their times.
Hudson Perry
really? you forget about draw Muhumad day?
Logan Cruz
So what. Burn their house down after the fact. Send a message. Establish an expectation of extreme asymmetric retaliation.
Sebastian Garcia
> a 5-year-old girl was orally, anally and vaginally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants.
>made to pay for it >chased out of the area afterwards by continued violence >daughter a shell of her former self, emotionally destroyed for life, will probably commit suicide at a very young age
Get fuck you spineless piece of shit, if this doesnt make you personally feel like killing those scumbags yourself, youre not a man, and you are contemptible.
Andrew Turner
>5yo gets raped >becomes an american bantz thread
Sup Forums Is shit . Back to cripplechan.
Jonathan Kelly
Shut up, faggot
Nathan Thompson
Fucking snopes is buzzfeed levels of journalism and news.
And just like buzzfeed they believe that shit.
Jack Richardson
Jesus I just don't understand how something like this could be happening. Why aren't we getting this trending with the tumblr fags ?
Asher Russell
you retarded faggot leaf they shot the fuck out of the muzzies that tried to Jihad them
Is all of Idaho cucked? I was looking at moving there some day
Christopher Thomas
I don't want to kill anybody (they didn't kill her) but I might bash someone up.
White people, presently, have too much to lose, and the MSM is all hands on deck to defend these wretches, but I agree, somebody should do something. If there was ever a major financial collapse and the dollar collapse and they didn't have so much to lose, things might get interesting.
I don't know why the people in Twin Falls aren't pushing back. Is it just because they're not organized?
Kayden Morris
Mason White
>Mohammed would never use a condom, and those certainly did not exist in that form in Mohammed's time
Tyler Wright
I used to like Snopes because they would debunk all those retarded nigger memes on Facebook, but since this election they've went full shitlib.
Evan Barnes
>Meanwhile, the victim in Twin Falls, once a happy and social child, now frequently insists that she wants to be alone. She finds a small and safe space inside a closet and stays in it alone for hours. Once a very chatty and happy child, she has become very quiet. Even during the summer heat of Twin Falls, she always wore two T-shirts and two pairs of underwear. She talked constantly about “those naughty boys” and asked her mother repeatedly not to tell her father everything that happened because it will upset him.
Jack Richardson
>anything happens elsewhere >LOL GERMANY YES SWEDEN YES CANADA YES BRITAIN YES FRANCE YES >happens to you >baaw
Kayden Kelly
Angel Rivera
wait, what? the fuckers recorded it and STILL walked free? what in the fuck??!
Jackson Fisher
any anons in idaho gonna sacrifice themselves for Kek?
Ayden Jones
Nothing can be done until Trump is in charge of the DoJ.
They tried and a federal judge told them to shut the fuck up or be arrested. I forget the judge's name but it should be easily searched.
Carson Foster
How can someone abroad help?
Jace Martin
Is islamophobia the new anti-semitism?
Andrew Murphy
Hunter Russell
trump isn't going to do shit you idiot. the people have to do something don't just fucking sit back and take this crap.
Lincoln Ward
> raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys >Muslims were stopping in front of their home at night >The prosecuting attorney, Grant Loebs, has gone out of his way to imply that this rape was false information. sounds like you guys need a good mass lynching.
Find the judges name. Pol, we gotta get justice for this little girl! I know an army of autists can change the world...
Austin Lopez
Someone should go to Idaho and lynch all the muslims.
Chase Gonzalez
w-wut is it?
Aiden Sanders
Its a meme you dip
Colton Young
This piece of shit is in on it.
Parker Watson
This. Someone did that to my daughter it would make the Mexican cartels blanch with what I would do to them.
Justin Ramirez
Kill them. Just kill them all.
Nicholas Garcia
Enraging stuff.
Brandon Campbell
>Trump DoJ That's a good point, the damage is done for now, but maybe this issue should resurface once the change-over is over.
I recall someone said on another thread that the FBI was playing possum until Trump actually made it to the white house.
I'll have to remember to rebreech this subject then, when the conservatives will be better equipped to do something about it.
Colton Baker
In which party is he? Sup Forums should doxx him and threathen his family the same way they did to Rick Wilson.
Jose Cox
>White people, presently, have too much to lose, and the MSM is all hands on deck to defend these wretches this + traitors its a huge collective action problem and there isnt enough inertia to tip that first domino
Fuck off shill, chimping out should never be your first reaction.
Julian Torres
This. Their entire familes would be dead, impaled on poles as a lesson to the rest.
Xavier Smith
the sandniggers should be whipped and expelled to aleppo
the mother of the girl should be whipped and harpooned
who the fuck lets a 5 yr old girl out by herself
Christopher Powell
I'm enslaved by the filthy American government.
They really do have directed energy weapons they are using to subvert the population's will.
Carter Nelson
The solution is simple. Jail the men responsible or alternatively...seeing as the alt-right is science inclined...we develope the first carbonite and freeze them in it.
Technically their not dead, just frozen in time.
Charles Cox
What is that
Xavier Walker