Will you commit to being a "person of size" ally today?
Will you commit to being a "person of size" ally today?
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They had to use a wide angle lens just to get her in the frame
maybe she should drink more water instead of soda maybe she wouldnt be so fat
ted talks use to be cool a long time ago. Then it got popular. now it's all nonsense.
Wait. Isn't this that whale from that Australian show with the fitness trainer and the based scientist?
These people should be ashamed, they forced her to go 12 minutes without a chair. She was clearly out of breath after just a few seconds.
It's not fear, it's repulsion. I feel disgust every time a fat, smelly, cunt stands near me on the train, taking up my space, breathing my air.
I'm not the least but afraid of fat people, I can walk at a brisk pace, I can outrun every obese person on the planet. Fat people are afraid of everyone else, because they KNOW if someone decides to beat the shit out of them, they're defenceless.
your fat, I'm skinny it dosen't stop me from getting busy. I don't care if your fat our skinny, on to the next shitty clip.
No. I'm fat and even I hate me for being fat.
it's like the 33 levels of sun screen and what they say about you. I don't care. your fine just relax.
your fine. eat all you want.
Too easy.
Is it me or these people love putting on display mentally challenged people telling them what they should be doing?
Are heart diseases and cholesterol both social constructs?
>person of size
do you mean lazy fat greedy pigs?
let them be fat if thats what they want, they will die faster that way
keked and checked
if you want to be fat, be fat, you want to be skinny be skinny. you can do anything you want your a mellon.
But dude it's her genetics!!1!11
Yes I pledge to align with their orbit
go ahead, be fat if you don't plan on retiring.
Giving fat people rights was a worse idea than female suffrage.
She's tired from talking...TALKING
fucking LOIC target
your upset I have a delicious gravy biscuit in the fridge. retirement is overrated, just endless doctor visits.
>comments disabled
Person of size?
Just call 'em what they are; fatties.
Do not fear the fat: become one with the fat.
Just lose weight you fat fuck. It's not hard.
Being overweight is unhealthy. Even having a bit of a gut is unhealthy.
No because I fail to see why I should spend some of my bennies on a gym membership while some fat bourgeois cunt makes no effort with her health.
She literally almost started to cry after her intro. In her intro she was really smooth and confident but right when she started doving into the issue she started having slight hiccups, turned away from the audience, and took very small pauses to collect herself. You can see that she knows what she is saying is bullshit and it's not the audience she is really talking to. It's herself. She's reached. Level of obesity that leaves permanent damage. Even of she made a massive change right now she will never go back to being just a regular person. Bowed bones, massive ampunts of stretched skin, damaged internal organs, altered face structure, clogged arteries etc... She has gone to far to truly turn all the way back. In her mind she *has* to believe what she is saying because that's her only option.
>we love how we feel in our bodies!
she proudly said while gasping for air because just standing up and talking is too tiresome
TED filed a DMCA take-down on Bearing's video about this fat cunt but he re-uploaded it the other day for anyone interested.
It's hilarious how she is actually out of breath and sweating just from standing and yammering on about how healthy she is.
>you can hear her struggling to breathe
Shes huffing and puffing.
Just standing up and walking a few to the left and right and she is losing her breath.
i didnt watch the video but i wonder if she would find a 500 lb man attractive.
>tfw you can't get a full sentence out without huffing and puffing because your lungs can barely expand and your diaphragm isn't strong enough to lift your tits.
It's like 15 minutes of her justifying her shitty decision to strangers
I think it incredible that people will applaud this woman BUT if you switched her with an annorexic skeleton woman they would seek to censor it?
fat people make me sick, as do fat enablers
fatties are more likely to date fatties actually, a study back in the early 2000 showed that fatties find people of similar body weights more attractive generally than a fit person would of a hamplanet.
This is especially obvious when she started listing the things associated with fatness as opposed to thiness. Good vs bad etc... Right when she says "irresponsible" her voice flutters mid-word and she's on verge of cracking but manages to push through. She knows all those things she listed are true, but it hurts too much to admit it.
>Some of you may be thinking...
I'm thinking about how long it'll take for your poor little lungs to crumple under your weight, what with you gasping for breath every 5-10 seconds.
>5 seconds in and already struggling to breathe
Healthy at every size!
Her breathing reminds me of Tony Soprano.
It's sad you can actually hear her struggling to breathe.
>waddling around is enough to make her hyperventilate
Came to post this.
>You make have been thinking how well dressed I look in this bed sheet
This. No one likes fat people, not even other fat people. These women are only talking about fat women when they say "fat people." Because they're entitled to an attractive male despite being a weak willed lardass.
I'm interested in the study and the methodology. Did it assess who their partners actually were or did they give fatties a bunch of pictures of people of varying weights and ask them to select the most attractive of the bunch.
If the former, that indicates very little as it makes sense fat people would go for other fatties since non-fatties aren't interested. If the later, there's still scientific precedent in that (we tend to be attracted to people who look like ourselves in terms of race, for example) but much more interesting because obesity is a sign of being unhealthy and shouldn't be evolutionarily seen as attractive by most.
People of size = POS
Lol pieces of shit
just, the fucking scale of this astounds me
the lengths fatties will go to just to avoid diet and exercise
it's fucking baffling
if they put half the effort they put into trying to reform evolution into going for a walk in the morning, then they'd solve their own fucking problem
>And eat all the taxes because free healthcare
If I remember correctly they asked the people to rate the photo 1-10
10 being supreme gorgeous
1 being hideous.
fatties gave the fat pictures higher numbers than the fit people did.
they rated the fit pics as high as the fit people did
but the fit people gave fat pictures a lower score.
Its a justified fear of fat people. As any miner how easy the body can be crushed.
>clearly only drinks soda
what did she mean by this?
Arent TED talks supposed to be 21 minutes, too?
> "person of size"
Skinny people don't drink diet coke
Why can't women just accept the fact that being fat is not a good thing? Most fat dudes can own up to it at least.
They only make these videos b/c they want /fit/ people to find them attractive.
Liberating women was a mistake.
who cares
they both are dead
> comments disabled
Well, color me shocked
Letists don't believe in things like human nature or DNA, that's why they think communism is a workable system or that fat women are somehow just victims of misogynistic beauty standards
she drinks sugar water.
I honestly don't mind fat people, and I also feel sorry for them, because they share a harder destiny than the rest of us.
But when the whale goes on like this..
> Fat phobia is deeply rooted in complex structures like capitalism, patriarchy and racism
I REALLY FUCKING LOSE IT. Do they really need to blame the white man at each and every opportunity?
if they're unhappy then it must be everyone elses fault
god forbid women have a little agency
>like capitalism, patriarchy and racism
fat people are a race?
>that bottle of ranch
Every time
Eat less then, fatty. Don't drink soda, stop chowing down chips, only eat two meals a day. Jesus fat people are always SO lazy.
this is bothering me
Disliked and flagged. These people are sick fucks.
Interesting. It makes some sense, but it's also bizarre how proclivity toward similarity attraction scaffolds even onto obesity.
This is TEDx. It's not a real TED talk but rather a platform for unhinged nutjobs to get up on stage, ramble and get a little ego boost. Even the absolute madman, Sam Hyde, got his own TEDx talk.
TEDx / her have been sending out DMCA takedowns for people uploading commentary using clips of it too. But don't forget what a confident POS she is.
>Aussie triggered by Aussie IRL shitposting
If your think what shes doing shitposting and not disgusting mental gymnastics then I weep for you user.
>tfw my country is never going to recover from the obesity epidimic because horseshit like fat acceptance is getting normalized
don't eat more than 20 carbs a day.
get a gym membership and walk on the incline treadmill every day for 20 minutes
do grey skull for three days a week
you will be attractive within 8 months
beefy and gorgeous within 2 years
but it's easier to have a victim complex to rival shoah survivors.
drink bleach faggot.
It was a real campaign a few years ago
Mmmm I wonder what her vagina smells like
>proclivity toward similarity attraction scaffolds even onto obesity.
absolutely, I don't know why it happens either.
It will recover, fat people life expectancy is ridiculous. Nature is just flushing the genetic turd.
JFC, how the hell do you even stuff that many calories into a (relatively) small container like that? Is there fucking pure lard in that shit? How much sugar and whipped cream did they use?
Holy hell.
HAES and fat acceptance groups should be gassed desu
Id say a mix of mouldy cheese and rotting corpses
>That Sam Hyde video
God, it's both hilarious and hard to watch at the same time.
>Sugar 263g
Guaranteed diabetes in just one dose!
>333 carbs
only three of those and you get a free trip to meet satan.
>20 carbs
Welcome to Auschwitz.
>oh, surely it's not...
>open video
>looks for TEDx
>gasp for air
I am here
>gasp for air
to tell you
>gasp for air
about how
>gasp for air
fat is not
>gasp for air
so bad
No they are disgusting, the episode of family guy nailed it.
"I can't tell if thats your breast or your knee."
That's the might of american steel, That's why Trump should have used murican steal instead of chinky iron.
You know those special smells that physically hurt you, the ones that feel like a punch to the throat? Something like that.