Looks like the Cyprus reunification talks ended in a trainwreck.
Looks like the Cyprus reunification talks ended in a trainwreck
>A statement from the UN just after 1.30am said the leaders had been engaged in serious and sustained negotiations over the last two days in Mont Pelerin.
>“Despite their best efforts, they have not been able to achieve the necessary further convergences on criteria for territorial adjustment that would have paved the way for the last phase of the talks,” the statement said.
>“The two sides have decided to return to Cyprus and reflect on the way forward.”
>The statement added that the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General, Espen Barth Eide, would “bring these developments to the attention of the Secretary-General”.
>The news that the talks had failed came at around 1am when the Turkish Anadolou news agency tweeted’ “Cyprus reunification talks in Switzerland end without solution; fail to outline steps to resolve dispute”. This came minutes after a Turkish-language tweet from Akinci’s offices warning that the Greek Cypriot side’s ‘maximalist’ positions could spell the end of the Swiss talks.
>Government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides tweeted at around 1.20 am: “Unfortunately the issue of criteria for territory was not resolved.”
>A report from a Sigmalive correspondent around the same time said the negotiations were at a very critical point and that by 1am the two sides had not reached convergence on the number of refugees to return, and by extension the percentage of territory for each constituent state, and also that the issue of coastlines had not been discussed substantially.
>Greek Cypriot sources told Sigmalive it was too early to talk about the “collapse of the talks”.
>The negotiations began on Sunday at the Swiss resort where the leaders had also been holed up between November 7-11 without having achieved agreement, and took a break at the request of the Greek Cypriot side during which time Anastasiades held consultations with the Greek leadership in Athens.
>Following a working dinner that ended around 11pm Cyprus time on Monday the leaders were to head back into the talks but a number of reports said they both had asked for separate meetings with UN Special Adviser Espen Barth Eide. These were completed by 11.30pm Cyprus time and the leaders went back to their negotiations.
>The effort was to agree on criteria on territory – the percentage for each constituent state – to have it reflected on a map, and to fix a date for a multi-party conference on security and guarantees with Greece, Turkey and Britain.
>The talks had been dogged for most of the day on Monday by what appeared to have been a dispute that arose from Turkish Cypriot press reports that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras would not agree to a date for the multi-party conference unless Turkey abandoned the notion of a Cyprus guarantee.
>Reports from Turkey and Greece said Tsipras wanted a one-on-one with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan before any conference took place, and that the phone lines between Athens, Ankara and Mont Pelerin had been burning up during most of the proceedings.
>Greek government sources reportedly said the differences were so great between the two sides that Athens felt a personal meeting was needed to try and find a joint solution, otherwise the multilateral meeting would fail.
Top kek, my father was peace keeper there in the 70s.
>The so-called ‘mini-crisis’ as it was dubbed by the Turkish Cypriot press was defused by the UN, according to various reports – though the Greek Cypriot side did not confirm there had been any such thing – and the leaders got down to business on the substance of the territorial criteria.
>“There was a general discussion on many aspects of the Cyprus problem and it was not focused on debating the issue of Greece,” Greek Cypriot sources told CNA.
>The criteria includes, in addition to the percentage of territory, the number of refugees that would return, and the length of coastline for each constituent state. Reports last night said agreement had been reached on none of them.
>According to some reports, while the Greek Cypriot side wants 80,000 to 90,000 refugees to have the chance of return, the Turkish side was trying to reduce this to 70,000 to 75,000.
>Akinci has been the one insisting on having a multi-party conference on guarantees by the end of the year and tying up loose ends early next year. Reports said Turkey had been eyeing December 28 for the multilateral talks.
>The Greek Cypriot side, which feels guarantees are unnecessary in an EU member state, insisted throughout the Swiss talks that it would not agree to a date for the conference unless a map reflecting the territorial criteria was produced in Mont Pelerin. Both sides had drawn a red line when it came to the return of Morphou.
>The Greek Cypriot side also wanted other loose ends tied up before going to a multilateral conference. The outstanding issue of rotating presidency is also still on the table.
>According to earlier Cybc reports on Monday, circles in the Greek government were saying Ankara was engaging in delaying tactics because the Turkish side did not want to help resolve what is essentially an international problem of invasion and occupation.
>They said Turkey and Akinci were making unreasonable demands and this proved they wanted the security and guarantees to remain untouched.
tl;dr Turkey fucked everything up yet again
>80,000 to 90,000 refugees
Turk transplants? Laz Turks? What refugees?
Remove kebab
Turks brought in a lot of kebabs when they grabbed the north, not even the cypriot turks wanted them, wonder if they're willing to remove 75,000 of them.
Greek Cypriot refugees who were forced out of their homes when the Turks invaded.
So they're not getting rid of the mainland turk transplants? Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. NO DEAL
Cyprus is a Dacic Clay
malakes tourjoi na pe8anoun oulloi
kick em outttt
How many "Turkish Cypriots" are there really? Is it mostly just a meme intended to grab land from the Greeks and take a strategic area?
Bring more Romanian bitches, pls.
Cyprus is in asia anyways. Rightful Turkish clay.
300.000 - 400.000 and keep rising. fucking roaches are breeding like rabbits
Support romanian reunification and we'll support yours.
There were turkish cypriots long b4 the invasion but now even the turkish cypriots themselves are outnumbered from illegal turkish settlers
we will gas roaches and those who are mongrels
rip cypriots
Also you should gas the (((UN)))
fuck roaches, seriously it is all EU's fault
According to wikipedia, there's about 150k-200k living in North Cyprus but I can't say for sure how many are legit Cypriots and not Anatolian expats. Also, I thought it was common knowledge that Turkey invaded Cyprus with expansionist ideas, hence why they kept their army there for decades.
>fixed that for you
I was there a few months ago in Ayia Napa.
Fun stuff but the whole town was run by mafia and I got a third world feeling.
Have you bantered so hard you carved it into a mountainside?
Is it possible for Sup Forums to somehow meme Cyprus towards reunification?
χααχαχα ποιός το έkαμε τούτο ρε? EPIC
fucking shitposters ban all cy flags
no it wasnt EU`s fault
check this out
Looks good
Nobody cares about us, cousin. No even kek.
Off topic but what do you Cypriots think of Paphos? I've been there on holiday a few times and it's seems like a nice place
>Also, I thought it was common knowledge that Turkey invaded Cyprus with expansionist ideas, hence why they kept their army there for decades.
Well that's wrong you retard
don`t be sad cypbro
you`ll get your clay
stay strong and gas the kebabs
all this european tears since 1071... what the fuck did you expect? "take our 31% rightful land please"?
look at this video, this is the fate of every greek who tries to take down turkish flag: youtube.com
>bring in Anatolian roaches and Kurds to North Cyprus and call them "Cypriots"
>refuse to order the Turkish army out of Cyprus
If you can't see the obvious expansionism you're too brainwashed by your state propaganda. It doesn't help that your sultan Erdogan wants to expand to Mosul while calling the treaty of Lausanne "unfair".
full of Britbongs. Good people, especially at the villages. My advice is to leave the city and go get lost at a village and speak to the locals
>turk is mad again
lol k.
>that map
>'turkish cypriots'
Why the fuck aren't my fellow Greek Americans supporting Greece and Cyprus like the Armenian diaspora support their nation? This is disgusting.
Luckily, with Turkey trapped between a conservative Christian-led US and Putin their days as anything but a puppet state are done.
higher you rise, lower you fall. getting soils from a crumbling empire is easy as you well know.
no western nation embargoed UK because of Falklands issue. see, this is why you westerners are hated; you act like you're civilized but you're hypocrites.
because Americans betrayed Cyprus in 1974. They are a small island of no value compared to T*rkey.
See this
you had one shot to topple turkish state, and you fucked up. also, i love watching ignorant americans talk about disputed soil issues like they know shit.
>saving a thumbnail
Stop being butthurt and kys. Nobody likes your country, nobody respects you, everyone hates you, you are unimportant. It is hard to admit the truth.
Turkey is Dacic clay aswell
remember the coup roach, you have the worst military
It is you roach otherwise you would've honored the 76 agreement. A turks word is worthless.
Some people care user. I used to hear alot of horror stories at church from my theia and others about the stuff that happens on the Turkish side. It's just that the governments don't give a shit because they view it more worthwhile to back the Roaches
Everyone in this thread should read this
Should just give it to us tbqh, it's basically one of our colonies anyway
>Also, I thought it was common knowledge that Turkey invaded Cyprus with expansionist ideas
>he actually believes this shit
Your divide and conquer tactics are what led to the Turkish invasion
No it was dumb fuck EOKA you dumb fuck
Some of us do, it's just that you know as well as I do that neither side is willing to restart hot hostilities at this point in time. Best we can do is rile the roaches by doing things like getting countries to recognize the Armenian Genocide and the Anatolian purges
I love how you avoided the argument and started spouting meme answers, anyways enjoy your new pakistan
wow, an ignorant gypsy, how cute. it was a tiny fraction of american mercenaries who tried to make a coup. it was the loyal turkish army who resisted.
>we didnu nuffin we were just protecting turkish cypriots need mo money for dem mosques
EOKA didn't even give a shit about Turkish Cypriots before the Anglos made them the police force of the island, you roach
Basically: Jews wanted to keep their military bases (which are close to Israel/Middle East) so they provoked a civil war under Kissinger's lead and played the divide-and-conquer game.
They had easy game, because these Orthodox Fakegreek dipshits gone on a "Remove Kebab" killing spree and thus justified any military intervention. The same way the Serb dipshits did in the 90s.
>Falklands issue
We were invaded, not doing the invading. The only country that deserved sanctions was Argentina.
Lol butthurt
It's also funny to see all these Orthodox dipshits BAWWW in this thread. No wonder Shlomo has such easy games in owning you.
Orthodox Christians even out-Muslim a Muslim when it comes medieval and retarded.
*it comes being
the point of the story is: never go full retard. do it like your cousins armenians, stay in your shithole mountain country and spout false propaganda around the world via lobbies in USA and EU.
>it waz de TURCS, dey be against peace and unification why don't dey accept everything we ask so we can start our unsuccessful race war against civilians
We should've gotten the whole island 2bh
Must be comfy at that asylum center to have Internet access to Sup Forums Habeeb
muslim mongrel, how is life in Austria
>making major global forces butthurt since the dawn of civilisations
Umpossible, Hillary made it a goal to end the conflict over Cyprus years ago, therefore it must have been resolved already. She is a very successful politician.
Jesus fucking Christ. I thought it was just a meme but the butthurt is real
>talking about false propaganda
>The Istanbul pogrom, also known as the Istanbul riots or September events (Greek: Σεπτεμβριανά Septemvriana, "Events of September"; Turkish: 6–7 Eylül Olayları, "Events of September 6–7"), were organized mob attacks directed primarily at Istanbul's Greek minority on 6–7 September 1955. The riots were orchestrated by the Tactical Mobilization Group, the seat of Operation Gladio's Turkish branch; the Counter-Guerrilla, and National Security Service, the precursor of today's National Intelligence Organization.[4] The events were triggered by the false news that the Turkish consulate in Thessaloniki, in northern Greece—the house where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had been born in 1881—had been bombed the day before.[5] A bomb planted by a Turkish usher at the consulate, who was later arrested and confessed, incited the events. The Turkish press, conveying the news in Turkey, was silent about the arrest and instead insinuated that Greeks had set off the bomb.[6]
*click click shuffle chirp rustle chitter*
>Implying that Fakegreeks aka Christturks are white.
Kek, most Greeks are whiter than you are
lmao you are that butthurt turk immigrant I was trolling in that other thread
>not butthurt
White Pride World Wide
>can't solve diplomatic issue in years
>can't handle it with your military power
>can't access the areas in the island that's basically your flag
>it's the TURCS who are butthurt not us
Just let it go Greks.
le white pride nazi larper
nice try he is pure hellenian
Stop making me laugh, diaspora fag. I'm a light-skinned guy from the Caucasus.
>wanting unification witg roaches
>not wanting unification with your fellow Greeks
İstanbul pogrom was real unfortunately, which was fueled by the pro-conservative Adnan Menderes government.
Civilian killing is never a good idea: en.wikipedia.org
However, none of these unfortunate events make other false propagandas more true.
Kek confirms
you forgot to tell him that you are a turk (azerbaijani)
Still whiter than your inbred rapebaby ass
this girl's face honestly pisses me off. Don't know what it is. I hate seeing her fucking mug spammed here.
>Dem sovereign bases
How cucked are the Cypriots to have their clay occupied by not one but two foreign powers.
evil digits
No, I have 0% Turkish blood, unlike you Christ-Turk.
I only hate Orthodox dipshits, who all should be Action T4'd (since they are all retards).
So if I visit cyprus which part is greek and which part is roach?