It would appear economic inequality is becoming less of a problem in the post-Brexit UK :^)
It would appear economic inequality is becoming less of a problem in the post-Brexit UK :^)
Oh no, not all of our (((millionaires)))!
But they still have the other 85%
>mfw it's mostly rich Arabs that are gone
I'm on my phone but just picture nigels shit eating grin
>MUH 99%
>w-wait we need you rich people!
what the fuck is wrong with these (((journalists)))
Post by Achkmed, linked to ones of the Jewist news sources, hahaha.
>Japan, the U.S. and Germany accounted for the largest numbers of new millionaires
>down with the 1%, we hate the wealthy!
>omg did you hear, 15% of the wealthy left our country because of nationalism!
>nationalism is bad!
WTF, I love (((millionaires))) now.
Biggest winners:
Biggest losers:
Give over Ahmed. You have and always will be a cuck.
Can somebody explain?
Suddenly a shrinking 1% is bad?
News flash they would abandon anything. They were parasites.
this seems unlikely, because the UK stock market rose considerably after the referendum.
something like 1% of all UK citizens have a net worth of £1m+. most of those are because property prices have risen so much in recent years but there are many people who have quietly invested in what have been reasonably benign stock market conditions (give or take the odd banking crisis) and accumulated reasonable wealth. i have a portfolio of about £1.5 million and i don't consider myself exceptional in any way.
>i don't consider myself exceptional in any way.
I don't consider you exceptional in any way either so we have that in common :^)
>t £1.5 million
Also, how much is that in real money? :^)
I'm sorry you have to see this.
Fucking Mehmet here can go back to the shithole he came from.
I really don't understand why you are bragging about this.
the strange thing was, for those of us with fairly diverse investments, the fall in the £ was compensated for by the rise in some parts of the FTSE. Since then the £ has gone up a bit and the FTSE has dropped a bit. in the long term, it will pretty much just be a blip. i am sanguine about the whole thing.
sorry to have upset your schadenfreude, my stuck-with-merkel-forever freund.
>sorry to have upset your schadenfreude
It's ok, no one's perfect :^)
Oh no, lots a bunch of jews.
oh no not the millionaires! anyone but them!
>Media has been trying to keep the world in a stage of perpetual chaos for their puppet masters
>They've lost control of the narrative and the people are fighting back
It's gonna be 2017 soon lads, current year is almost over.
>lots a bunch of jews.
Lose some here, win some on the other side of the ocean :^)
and they lost out on millions of 3rd world "refugees"
the horror
i occasionally meet with a small group of investors similar to myself and as far as i can tell there is not one jew amongst us.
the jewish population of the uk is tiny and concentrated in a few small areas.
>Literally listening to the sound of Ahmed fucking his wife in the next room as he posts this
Our country avoided a Markel, you didn't.
>mfw millionaire
>mfw moving due to the shitty effects on the economy
Shouldn't of voted leave you fucking retards. I don't want to do this....
2017 will be the new current year though.
Aka kikes.
Money as we know it is totally imaginary. As imaginary as unicorns. Do you believe in unicorns?
>UK gains 100% of its sovereignty because of Brexit
How do you like being raped by refugees when you go swimming?
Only the Queen matters
>tfw we need another couple of Brexits until JK Rowling fucks off
Praise Kek!
>Pound falls -20% vs USD.
>Number of dollar millionaires falls -15%.
>Number of GBP 600k-aires grows +5%.
Unicorns can't buy me cocaine.
> Because of Brexit
Nah. It's because the guy who owns poundstretcher crashed into a tree and died.
This doesn't make sense. I refuse to believe this.
How dare you we are only 35% of the millionaires despite being 0.4% of the UK population you antisemite
it's not like they're paying taxes anyway
No need to explain, the economy is a lie.
That's all you really need to know.
>He believes in the (((wealth))) meme
Who gives a shit? So long as we're out of the EU, nothing else matters.
Oh please why won't they think of the poor millionaires!? Haven't they suffered enough?
the top 10 wealthiest people in the UK has literally 1 actual british person. britain's elite is heavily foreign, and it's telling because they simply leave the country with their capital at the first opportunity. the UK is better off without foreign oligarchs
i'll be sure to mention that to the cashier next time i'm in sainsburys
(((millionaires))) are not loyal to the UK. they're only loyal to their tribe and israel.
Only a right selfish cunt would care about their personal financial situation over their country in its entirety and its future.
Germany yes
I forget if I need more le green arrows to link to another thread I haven't shitposted in a while. One or more of these will work
Why cant we reunite and fry the krauts again? Bomber harris did nothing wrong.
It's up to the British Empire to stop the Germans ruining Europe a Third time. Well rev up the old bombers we'll give the entirety of Germany the Dresden treatment can't trust sa we didn't try to fix them
i refer you back to
So 44 Saudi Oil Princes moved to Germany... Wow you sure showed us Hans
You're a bad troll, Hans. This low quality shitposting is exactly the reason why Merkel brought so many Durkas to your doorstep. Maybe they'll succeed where you're failing.
The only 2 significant changes are the UK and Japan and both were caused by brexit the Pound Sterling devalued massively and and the Yen which was most protected from the pound rallied as a result, bare in mind the millionaire mark is worked out in US dollars and the exchange rates are applied which explains the exceptional changes.
Article means people who own equivalent property and capital of 1 million dollars, all the article states is that 15% less qualify for this, not that any people or investors physically moved away
Are you triggered? :^)