>live in anarcho-capitalism society >no regulation about approved drugs >don't know which drugs are right for me >buy some random snake oil drugs for treating cancer >died from cancer
Why would anyone support no government regulations, are Ancaps that retarded?
it's your fault personally that the entire economy is built to swindle you
fucking millenials
Aiden Williams
>>don't know which drugs are right for me >buy them anyway
Aaron Baker
> Live in Anarcho Capitalism society > No regulation approved restaurants > Don't know which restaurants are good to eat at > Someone invents an app called Yelp where people can rate restaurants, talk about them, and upload pictures of the food > Use this and other apps/information available to me to discover where I want to eat because I am not a moron > Do not die from starvation
Damn it feels good to not be a pathetic Icelandic cuck piece of shit
Charles Reed
Get rich and kill retards? Win win brother.
Justin Garcia
>implying the poisonous restaurants wouldn't just pay yelp to take down the bad reviews, and then pass the cost on to their customers
Ayden Robinson
>Hurr Thinking for myself is hard >Let's let the government tell us which medicine is alright and which ones aren't You realize you are literally advocating for the type of people that run the DMV to run your life, right? Oh wait, not everyone here is American. You realize you're advocating for the kind of people that run the (inefficient and incompetent government organization) to run your entire life, right?
Eli Young
> Implying the poisonous restaurants wouldn't just bribe the government regulators to give them a license to operate and then pass the cost on to their customers
Parker Baker
According to big Don, vaccines make you great at the cyber
Thomas Walker
>30 apps like this are made >lmao no money to bribe them all
Jaxson Ward
>I live in my parents' basement and have never heard of government corruption Visit literally any 2nd world nation and see how bad it is, not to mention 3rd world shitholes. In 1st world countries, they just have to hide it better.
How can you get to the snake oil salesman if there are no roads? Checkm8
Ryder Smith
>implying any form of anarchism will ever be successfully implemented in any country ever
Matthew Sanchez
>>live in anarcho-capitalism society >>no regulation about approved drugs
There would be an agency that profits from people paying in to know which ones are legit. Next
Brayden Hill
>app says restaurant is awesome >restaurant look like shit
really makes you think
Levi Williams
So use a different app.
> Be Canadian > Medicare the only choice for shitty healthcare > Believe everything is single-choice and shitty in life
Must suck to live up there, brah, I'm sorry.
Charles Bennett
Hey murika.
That's my point.
Why should I rely on this app if the description does not match reality?
>Be Murikan >can't into english
Really makes you think right...
>Must suck to live up there, brah, I'm sorry.
Dude, muddies are going to build a new Town for muddies just in the outskirts of Montreal.
Sorry, pal I only speak 2 languages, English and Bad English. Mostly the latter.
Y'all should let Quebec secede.
Julian Reyes
Sort of like... taxes being paid for the FDA! GENIUS!
Juan Reed
>the said agency gets bribed to support a specific brand
Blake Long
except efficient and not mandatory. see the difference now?
Jace Mitchell
and government agencies never get bribed or "lobbied". lmao
Noah Gonzalez
It has its ups and downs. Geographically superior, lower crime rate, fewer niggers and beaners (in exchange for chinks, Indians, and prairie niggers), far lower population density, more innawoods, and generally a more polite culture. Contrasted with rampant socialism, higher taxes, and regulations about everything.
At minimum, we need a founding-era US style government. Then we would be literally the best country on the planet.
Ryan Garcia
Actually I think Quebec should be annexed by the US.
I would not let Quebec leaders have power on our rights without a proper constitution to protect them.
Secession for Quebec is bad news for the population since our intellectuals would go completely insane and smack anything that sounds good in the new constitution they would vote for themselves.
Hudson Ross
only under democracy
Josiah Flores
>live in superior Icelandic active democracy >almost no jews to blame idiocy on >don't know which drugs are right for me >refuse chemo and get homeopathic treatment >died from cancer
Parker Garcia
>what si the Praetorian guards
seriously buddy?
Adrian Evans
>said someone living in an ex soviet republic
Dominic Sanchez
instead, now, the drug you need just never exists in the first place and you get cancer and you die of cancer
Ryder Fisher
>go to the store >no regulations about transparency in advertisement >it's not a store >it's a cement factory >you agreed to a non verbal contract upon entry to pay $50000 >forced to work it off at the cement factory before they let you leave >all this cement piling up everywhere >you ask where it's all going >they don't know, roads do not get built
Nicholas Jackson
Except that is not how social networking/media apps work. The market always ends up dominated by a handful of players.
Jayden Cook
only because the internet, due to government regulations, has to exist as a single network. without regulations, there would me several markets. that is, several main stream "internets" set up by whoever can build and run the infrastructure, and different companies would pay to operate and advertise in each one.
Dylan Perry
so in your universe do all the hundreds of apps, magazines and websites that review consumer products magically disappear?
Wyatt Allen
they can all be bought by special interests if there is no regulation though.
Luis Miller
so all hundreds of them can be bought more easily than the current single party regulator the FDA?
Logan Lewis
>live in anarcho-capitalist society >no regulation on nuclear weapons >shoot one at Iceland just to test it >be hailed as remover of cancer
Worked out better than expected
Jack Cruz
ancaps are retarded if they think private corporations can't be as bad as goverment
Landon Ortiz
>durr only da government can do dis >huurr da govamint neva gets it wrong and has drugs kill hundreds of people, nope govamint neva been wrong eva >no way independent groups providing legit ratings to drugs? no way!!! >how do they do car ratings without the government, motortrend carfax --- how can we trust any of them??!!
Kevin Cook
What reasoning are you trying to use to say that goverment is automatically bad if it tries to do something but private corporations that control stuff are not? inb4 you can hold them accountable or something like that (which is laughable since private corporations have been doing fucked up unethical shit for a long time now)
Jack Thomas
>What reasoning are you trying to use to say that goverment is automatically bad if it tries to do something but private corporations that control stuff are not?
Because one of them is voluntary and the other one is forced?
Fucking retard.
Carson Sanchez
You inherited your parents social contract but you can break it at any time, renounce your citizenship and leave.
Nations are groups of people who agreed to a set of rules and to hire people to uphold those rules. Maybe burgerland isn't anymore but my nation still is.
Liam Kelly
It costs 2000 dollars to renounce citizenship
Furthermore, the government only owns the land because it stole it or claimed it arbitrarily with military force. Or they bought it from say France who came about owning it from the 2 previous methods.
Carter Cruz
>It costs 2000 dollars ok, civil war now I guess.
Eli Robinson
>Why would anyone support no government regulations, are Ancaps that retarded? Yes.
Zachary White
How can you be too poor to afford a $2000 payment but rich enough to care about muh taxation/property rights?
Gavin Bennett
Gardisil Thorazine Thalidomide Ritalin Fluoxetine etc. The FDA a shit.
Brayden Price
It's a principle thing, how can you claim it's an act of voluntary cooperation when you are fined if you don't want to cooperate? If you can't pay the fine you are jailed, if you resist you may be shot.
Aaron Butler
The FDA never approved Thalidomide you moron. They actually did their job back then in spite of immense industry pressure.
Owen Reyes
>stole it or claimed it arbitrarily with military force Nothing arbitrary about conquest. You're welcome to declare independence if you think you've got the military to defend your new nation. You just don't like being born into a faction, don't go around claiming to be ancap but not understand the concept of property.
Ryan Ramirez
Regulatory capture is a big problem but here's the difference: in a working democracy these people can still be held accountable.
I like to say that there are no libertarians on a plane. Because the only reason you are able to get into a plane and relax is because deep down your conscience you know that there are regulations in check to ensure that pilots are trained well and not overworked, that the instruments are mantained in a regular basis and so on and so forth. Without all this shit the only way to know which company to trust is to know which ones don't come crashing down and kill everyone on a regular basis. And I'd have no problem if all the libertarians in the world volunteered for this shit.
And that's not to say about being able to order a burger without having to worry if you're going to contact mad cow disease.
Aiden Bennett
Anarcho capitalism is as retarded as communism in terms of their application and longevity.
You might think those ANCAP meme images are strawmen, but some do believe that.
Hudson Moore
Sebastian Torres
>live in present day western society >lots of regulation about approved drugs >still don't know which drugs are right for me because my doctor decides for me >buy some FDA approved drugs for treating cancer >died from cancer
Really activates those axons.
Thomas Price
>Walk to work in the morning >Walking home in the afternoon >One of the blocks of land you walk through has been purchased while you were at work by a new owner who now doesn't consent to people using it >Plants hidden pressure-triggered explosives on his property >You walk home as you do every day >Get leg blown off >You deserved it for trespassing
Luke Scott
>implying restaurants wouldn't use hellfire missles to shoot down the yelp headquarters
Hunter Powell
In a libertarian society I could just a medical degree cheaply too. Now everyone will be a doctor because no one regulating if my degree is bullshit or not.
Josiah Cox
>Live in ancap society >break into someone's house >Birth a child there >Homeowner now cant kick the child out
Landon Price
You're the kind of monkey that i hate the most. You make me ashamed to be a hue monkey.
Isaac Gray
That's pretty ironic coming from a leaf
Liam Wilson
>Live in ancap paradise >Some random dumbfuck buys snakeoil to cure his AIDS >Dies of AIDS >Word spreads that the snake oil dosen't work >Nobody buys it >Peddler goes out of buisness. >Successfull capitalist hires doctors for the low price of two bitcoins >They buy some test subjects from the PoliceCo prison >Criminals die in horrible ways as doctors find cure for aids. >Actually works >Word spreads that it works >Consumers start buying it >With money successful capitalist corners market >The successful AIDS meds succeed and the snake oil fails.
Xavier Watson
Nothing's wrong with Chinks and Indians. It's not like they steal anything or break stuff.
Lucas Myers
It literally makes zero sense to believe in ANCAP bullshit if you live in Brazil.
Asher Stewart
Meanwhile thousands of people die and even more contract AIDS from people who believed that they had been cured. That's not very efficient.
Oliver Evans
>Implying that state bureaucracy makes everything faster.
>St8tists in the current year
Caleb Cox
This thread should have been over in THREE POSTS, why the FUCK are people still arguing about this? REEEEEEEEE
The government only has like three different ways to solve a problem. It is a blunt, dumb instrument. The quote unquote "Market" is the sum total of all human consciousness and experience working, as it were, by neural network to address challenges and goalseek mutually beneficial solutions.
In what fucking world do you think that the government will serve as a superior (and more laughably, uncorruptable) alternative?
The USSR? China? Somalia? Yugoslavia? Bulgaria? Venezuela? Cambodia? North Korea? Vietnam? Cuba? Afghanistan? Sudan? Greece? ???
Daniel Foster
You're completely ignoring economies of scale.
Networks become oligopolies or monopolies because each additional connection grows the number of possible connections exponentially, aka they have large economies of scale.
And you believe government intervention fixed this problem... how?
Robert Cooper
And yet, despite all your whining and butthurt and pseudo-economics, people are still able to find the best restaurants without the government auditing them.
Connor Ortiz
>if the government doesn't do it, how will it ever get done?
Ethan Sullivan
>live in ancap paradise >ultra rich jews sell aids-cola and market it heavily >very open with the fact it causes aids >claim aids is the best thing ever, immune system is holding us back >jews so rich the media is saturated with pro-aids propaganda >everyone gets aids and can't stop raving about how great it is and how dumb those non aids plebs are >everyone dies from aids while loving everything about the experience oh wait this is already happening.
Joshua Adams
Remember to kill yourself tonight after you reflect upon your life's inputs.
Dylan Hill
>economies of scale >pseudo-economics
What? Are you a devout believer in the Austrian """school""" by any chance?
Ian Ramirez
>regulations are magic And gun laws prevent gun crimes. Brazil, everybody.
>And that's not to say about being able to order a burger without having to worry if you're going to contact mad cow disease. You mean like people did, even with all sorts of regulations already in place? Thanks for saving us, new regulations. If not for you, McDonalds would be actively trying to kill its customers, suffer damaging lawsuits, and ruin its reputation.
>Without all this shit the only way to know which company to trust is to know which ones don't come crashing down and kill everyone on a regular basis. That is all we have now, genius. Regulations are illusions that give stupid people a sense of security. They don't actually have the magical power to cause things to happen. They represent recommendations that have to be put into effect by the same people you already think are evil criminal masterminds.
>These corporations are all evil and they'll kill us all for a dollar! >Good thing those same evil corporations will be completely stopped by the uncertain threat of a fine >Whereas lawsuits will have no impact whatsoever
Matthew Garcia
>live in a perfect example of public institutions being completely corrupt and ineffective >it makes no sense to wish for a system where only voluntary relationships occur I bet you want to give all power to some carismatic politician or to bring back a dead portuguese emperor.
I fucking shook that jeffrey tucker's faggot hand 2 days ago, and now i have to see a fellow monkey saying shit.
Brayden Edwards
It's not that economies of scale don't exist.
It's that you actually believe they can totally shut out competition. What do you base this off of?
I'll wait while you collect a ton of examples where it is actually government regulations, handouts, and outright cronyism that are the true cause of monopolies.
Better yet, if the service is doing so well for customers that no competition can actually oust it, then literally WHAT is wrong with it being a monopoly? (P.S. this has never occurred in history for more than a few years at a time)
Ryder Sanchez
>Live in ancap paradise >Jews are able to market AIDS tonic to everyone >Useful idiots who buy propaganda die of AIDS >Only ones left are smart capitalists who find that AIDS is bad for you >Form boycott on jews >Jews no longer have a target audience >Stop selling aids tonic
>Jews spending crazy amounts of money to market their bullshit >A more efficient capitalist simply makes a product that cures AIDS. Includes info about why Aids is bad. >Smart capitalists buy the AIDS tonic if they already have aids. >Guy who cures aids dosen't have to spend a shitton on marketing >Makes better profit margins. >Outcompetes jews
The free market stabilizes
Andrew Martinez
Of course capitalism isn't that great. But everything other we tried failed.
There must be another way, something new and revolutionary.
But i think everything that is slightly social will not work for the whole world, just because of the current Zeitgeist.
Maybe humanity needs a war, to finally be enlightened.
But i doubt that, they will either sorrow in capitalism or socialism after that again.
Is there any help? Is there ANY solution?
Colton Evans
The government's job is not to tell you which restaurants are the best, it's to try and ensure that none of them will fucking kill you
Gavin Gomez
>not researching a medication beforehand and having the contents analysed by a third party before taking it Dying from this is just natural selection. Ancapistan would strengthen the human race to unprecedented levels. (Also, deceptions like this would violate the NAP, so it's not even a likely event)
Here is your (You), don't spend it all in one place.
Benjamin Ross
Why would anyone respect the NAP?
Jordan Scott
Our ai gf will be really smart and funny, she may have some ideas.
Samuel Robinson
Because smart capitalists will buy countermeasures to buy defenses against those that would violate the NAP.
Nathaniel Thomas
You know what? I am convinced now. Please big government lock me up for selling unevenly shaped fruit.
Jaxson Smith
It makes zero sense because if you want to live away from the State it's already remarkably easy to do so in Brazil. And I don't mean it in the sense of get into the woods and off the grid bullshit.
There are actual towns and cities in Brazil with failed state authorities that have 0 ability to collect taxes and uphold the law. Just pick any town near Vale mining activity. Yeah but of course you won't do that. It's easy to preach ANCAP shit from the safety of internet away from the organized rape raids and actual risk of being enslaved.
Jaxon Reyes
Yeah everyone should spend years learning medicine and have a PhD in Biochemistry or they are idiots le natural selection XDXDXD
Wyatt Bell
>Smart Capitalists will buy overwhelmingly powerful offensive weapons and then crush literally everyone in their path. Then they won't have to worry about the NAP.
Show me a place populated by a decent amount of humans that has suffered anarchy and I will show you a place dominated by heavily armed gangs, warlords, and mobs who don't give a shit about the NAP.
Henry Phillips
>live in crony-capitalism society >incredibly strict regulation on drugs >can't pick which drugs are right for me >get proscribed some random SSRI for treating depression >kill myself
Why would anyone support government regulations, are socialists that retarded?
Jackson Cruz
>don't know which drugs are right for me
Those funny words on the Amazon product page, under the picture and description--those are called reviews.
Christian Walker
Please stop referring to Brazilians as monkeys. It is considered very rude and offensive.
Brandon Lopez
First you should show me a society with truly no restrictions and prove to me that the average man can't accumulate countermeasures against thugs and warlords.
T. Stupid spic who doesn't believe in Darwinism.
Brayden Gray
>those are called reviews by shills paid by drug companies..
Jacob Anderson
>Politically incorrect board >Don't hurt me feelings
Okay fucking lego spaceman.
Anthony Hernandez
>incredibly strict regulation on drugs
What universe is this in? You are lucky if the Indian who knock up the APIs wipe their hands after they shit. Chinks make hepatitis medicine ingredients in factories next to fertiliser and fucking weed killer.
>can't pick which drugs are right for me >that flag
You can get whatever drugs you like. Either ask the doctor, get them on the internet or get a different doctor.
Evan Perry
>because for some reason I would buy a cancer cure off some guy on the street Anyone who isn't a moron would ask their doctor to write a prescription and do research themselves. God, why does everyone lose their common fucking sense when they try to criticize anarchy?
Colton Hall
Except Yelp literally has paid good reviews and removes bad reviews. They can also blackmail places into paying then in exchange for not being slandered, so you're retarded.
Jose Fisher
Oy vey! Buy this special oil, if it doesnt kill you makes your stronger :^) you dont believe in darwinisim goy?
Joshua Clark
Never been to any place like that. And even there are such places, i can't go there and find schools not attached to the government, can't buy internet access free of regulatory agencies, can't start a business and be free of labour courts ready to allow any nigger to law rape me. Look behind you and grab your tail, turn on the tv and go watch silvio santos.
Robert Diaz
How is someone going to get money to pay for the fake reviews if their target demographics get killed because their drug doesn't work?
Nathan Peterson
>Live in ancap paradise >Because their advice is successfull as it is trustworthy a investigation company springs up >Look into Mr.Shecklevonbaumsteinwitz's oil incorporated. >Deem it ineffective >Gets paid sheckles by the competition to Mr.Baumsteinwitz.
Snake oil removed.
David Foster
>Implying the drug companies wouldnt pay the doctors for shilling >Implying you can do any research
ITT retarded ancaps showing off their stupidity
Joshua Morris
>live in corporatist society >pharmaceutical companies regulate themselves via lobbyists >get told which drugs are right for me >buy the right drugs for treating cancer >die from cancer
I'm not even an ancap but this shit is too easy to refute. Not even mentioning all the effective drugs (opiates, amphetamines) that are currently restricted because muh feels.