Reminder that Brexit will be watered down into a meaningless act and nobody will care to do anything about it.
Jeremiah Taylor
>mfw all these faggots in my board
Jacob Cook
i think the appropriate punishment for serious drug dealers is capital
Easton Stewart
>Foreigners on my Brit/pol/
Carter Gray
Too bad when one dies, another forms.
Jonathan Smith
because nobody's dealing with users
Robert Barnes
Have you seen what's going on in the Philippines?
William Campbell
Gavin Robinson
>tfw JF I've got the passport now, can't throw me out.
Ethan Jones
>waaah muh chaotic violence phillipines has it mostly right
Ethan James
Because they can't.
Wyatt Diaz
>trannies are mentally ill >I shouldent have to pay for their healthcare
Pick one
>I am a doctor >i am not qualified to judge what treatment is necessary
Pick one and only one
Jaxon Bennett
>Dropped out of Uni twice >Want to be a Royal Marine
Do you think they will mind? I'm in great physical shape, I was going to try the officer route because I have enough UCAS points but dropping uni twice is a deal breaker in terms of being an officer.
I want to sign up as a regular marine instead, doable?
Ian Kelly
*because they don't want to
Ayden Ross
Because they can't
Xavier Young
Oliver Sullivan
The absolute state of these threads. Foreigners, we're not all as pathetic as this I assure you.
Lincoln Walker
Why would you willingly come here?
Benjamin Thomas
I'm agreeing with you, faggot.
Charles Jenkins
Where the fuck do you live whats with the EU flag
Andrew Harris
thinking of applying to one of the intelligence agencies when i finish my compsci course. seems a lot more interesting than working in corporate / startupshit. money is good too.
should I?
Jack Cox
Could have passed a law that makes the presence of drugs in the bloodstream a crime
You have a precedent for it with drink driving laws.
Just make drug living a crime.
"Oh but MUH freedoms"
Josiah Morris
Jackson Bennett
lmao, what a waste of money that would be.
Noah Reyes
Zachary Robinson
I always lurk these Brit/pol/ threads
Christopher Lewis
oh i didnt read your tripcode and mistook you for YKTD
Gavin Ward
Then stop complaining about druggies then
Grayson Ross
yes but where
Juan Hall
get out Juncker
Brody Hernandez
Ancestral passport and to steal jobs.
Most definitely. The Officer route isn't closed to you either, a lot of it is down to how you perform on the day at AIB.
Adrian Gutierrez
Scotland gov district near holyrood
Asher Sanchez
That's the other guy.
Jaxon Garcia
It's more like
>boo hoo muh evil british empire, muh crusades! white people going out and oppressing the world. You deserve this, it's karma for you sins. >What? The caliphate? Never heard of it. Get out of here with your cishet patriarchal history
Tyler Mitchell
Robert Powell
daily reminder to filter trips
as easy as a few clicks on 4chanx and they are gone forever
Chase Long
>in Strasbourg EU parliament >Farage sipping champagne next to me on the bar
Such a shill
Lucas Butler
Has Farage lost it?
Brody Cooper
Honestly I like our system better because hormones are only like $20 a month and I don't have to deal with gatekeeping when the state has to make sure they're spending as little as they have to.
Alexander Moore
>Then stop complaining about druggies then
We can criticise druggies without making them criminals.
Owen Gomez
I thought you have to be invited?
Angel Flores
Wyatt Clark
Aiden Barnes
>I want to sign up as a regular marine instead, doable?
You have plenty of opportunity to prove you're still a quitter.
What will you tell them when they asked why you dropped out?
Carson Jenkins
It would be 1000x cheaper to just go full Duerte and let people hack drug dealers heads of with a machete.
>"I'm a white straight British male and therefore a minority where I live. Can I apply?"
Alexander Martinez
Reminder that Brit/pol/ is satire
Nobody here is actually religious
Nobody here actually votes for UKIP
Nobody here is actually "moral" in real life
Carter Myers
Still, the fact somebody will choose to live in this shithole baffles me.
Jack Hughes
the woman is holding a baby
Elijah Thompson
both are equally hypocritical
Blake Miller
Daily reminder to ignore the wannabe tripfag who's too shy to put on a trip himself but still tries his best to be known in every thread by constantly hating on tripfags. You know he's getting worried when he desperately tries to change his typing style.
Asher Bell
How moral
Chase Morgan
>Dropped out of Uni twice?
how? why did you even go back?
As much as I sympathize with you maybe going the officer route on a less mentally straining job than elite infantry is better.
Zachary Reyes
Oh I see it now, I thought the baby was her arm at first.
Owen Miller
Elijah Fisher
Colton Watson
>le anti establishment man who supports a billionaire
Aaron Stewart
Ryan Bennett
why are you a EU spy
Lucas Ross
>turn our children into unproductive potheads No.
Jonathan Gutierrez
>being a billionaire makes you establishment
99percenter pls go
Michael Wood
never even used it but i have no real problem if people want to do it in their own homes
mostly autism and rich merchants who don't want it
Brandon Long
As if locking everyone who uses away for being an addict is so much better. At least purging targets the peddlers.
Daniel Torres
I think it's lovely here and I love being here. The grass is not always greener elsewhere, life in the UK is pretty good.
Alexander Ortiz
Do they check University records? I could just say I attended one.
Long story short I fell for the >make a life with ur gf meme the first year and this year she dumped me, fell behind and now I'm fucked.
Angel Brown
when are you going to realise you've been duped, prole?
Austin Stewart
It would be if the first was accurate.
If we are going to live in a world where right of conquest etc is acceptable then fine, we can do that. If we are going to live in a world where it's just not done anymore, then we can do that too.
However if it's going to be a double standard where foreigners doing it are legitimate because muh karma or whatever, while we're not allowed because das racist, then they can fuck right off.
Blake Ortiz
They check everything they can dig up about you m8. It's pretty thorough.
Aaron Williams
when your girlfriends boyfriends busts a nut
Luke Parker
really? on the website it says you can just apply?