Anyone else getting weird bans without explanation about using a proxy after posting on Sup Forums?
Have we been infiltrated by SJW mods?
Anyone else getting weird bans without explanation about using a proxy after posting on Sup Forums?
lol yeah, i got banned for posting some kike name from CTR ... so does that mean Sup Forums mods protect him and don't want us to talk about him?
question is who are the real sjw here?
Mods are shit.
This is our board now little white boy, go cry to your mom about it.
They don't take kindly to proxies here
But people find ways to use them anyways.
i got banned for that too for 2 weeks right before election day
It was suffering, no man should have such faith
It's the Nip kike trying to force you to buy passes.
He did it on 2ch before.
Nice arse.
That was just an over-zealous measure to stop doxxing when not many mods were about. One of the mods clarrified it shortly after
>banned for 2 weeks and never thought to change his IP
It's so adorable that you bought that story.
Id like to S my J into her W
Thing is, I'm not using a proxy.
Getting banned for proxies is just a quick excuse to silence people. A proxy is basically unidentifiable anyway.
probably the most amazing body I've ever seen
What a great ass
I think Sup Forums is being spammed with my ip, often comments i didn't say are blamed on me and then the ban is also very old so it expires immediately???
plz op sauce
Post some more patriotic pussy and we'll know. I'll start.
Second to this. I dont care about OPs question, but I need to know who's ass is this!
>Asian girl
America doomed
Testing, i think we got range banned or something.
Jada Stevens I think
A patriotic... Chimerican?
That's the kind of chink I want
*ip spoofed* not spammed
>Have we been infiltrated by SJW mods?
cuckchan is clearly compromised.
Be reddit soon, with logins and upvotes and stupid shit like that
Source is Sup Forums, that's all I know.
>America doomed
Jokes on you cause I'm a spic from poor nicaraguan parents. America is in my heart, that's all I need to be a patriot.
Sara the model from wicked
why the fuck does this fag post porn here?
Sorry, I don't keep scat pictures just to please germans.
This! Thanks!
downloading torrents...
(Tonight we fap in hell!)
It's so adorable you're a paranoid insecure motherfucker
Before he left, Mootykins installed SJW mods.
They are still here.
Gonna need some sauce on that.
That happened to me. Banned for three weeks for a comment i did not make. They called it shitposting. But not me.
Here's the complete gallery with full sized pics
Nah dynamic IP.
>User gets banned
>Resets router, Ip changes
>Your router resets
>Assigned banned IP
It happens.
Yes, experiencing the same thing from a few of my devices.
They are going after "thought leaders" in order to change the content of the board.
Inb4 the shills
All i've noticed is how the site is incredibly slower since this japanese fuck took charge.
The site lost lots of traffic after GooberGate, The Fappenning, Sup Forumsharbor, and just general decay.
>They are going after "thought leaders" in order to change the content of the board.
Basically, yes, this is exactly what they do.
Had a thread a few days ago with some anons experiancing strange shit in their lives, (((coincidences))), strings of (((Bad Luck))), etcetera.
Soros and Hillary are trying to take over the board, find all of the meme wizards, "Neutralize them", and then pretend to BE them in order to change Sup Forums
They are so scared of the effect we are having in the world, that they are literally trying to pretend to BE us, while hiding us in a cupboard or something.
He sells the posts to various companies who constantly crawl the site to mine it. The same thing happened with 2ch.
i'm gonna need source on this
Also, correct the record never actually left the board, they just changed tactics, using COINTELPRO type tactics to divide&conquer, and distract from our goals.
I'm pretty sure they got some of their CTR people in as janitors (mods).
They have been deleting threads left and right that don't follow their "Narrative"
You mean...?
>deleting threads left and right that don't follow their "Narrative"
This is happening on 2ch all the time. Whenever Putin shill of a mod see something that he doesn't like, he would intervene and this is unbearable lately.
Stop posting girls barely naked.
Always , since 2010 I've been banned for cp even at some point for using a proxy/dynamic ip
Funny thing is I'm posting from a mobile network via cellphone for the past 6-almost 7 years.
I just restart the old phone and there we go. Back and posting like nothing happened.
Fuck you mod niggers.
I've appealed so many times
Even given them a personal email address on the appeal telling them I'd be more than happy to show them the contents of my hard drive and assure they would find 0 images of cp.
I was pretty upset the mods after that and stopped appealing and trying to reach out to them to help others with dynamic ip/mobile posters
I think that banning someone for cp with zero proof or zero cp is pretty fucked IMHO
Thank you based varg
Damn I didn't realize James Blake had an ass like that.
We too! 1 month.
That was very very stupid off them lol
>Benjamin Fischbein
Benjamin Fiskebein!
>Benjamin Fischbein
Benjamin Fiskebein!
>Benjamin Fischbein
Benjamin Fiskebein!
I've been banned for apparently using a VPN/Proxy twice now, both times they were for 30 days. This is getting ridiculous.
are you the blacked scat fetish poster?
My best ban ever was “Replying to cancer“
Same ban here.
do you have this with an ar?
dude this is 4cucks
why do you expect anything better than that
it's been jews-censored and jews-sold for years
come on
if you dont use your home IP, the purpose for you being here is trumped as this site is a datamining business
Happened to me as well
Strange happenings. tbaf familia, I just get bans I deserve
So you agree with me .
Same thing for me too. Was fucking killing me
Ima need u to post more of her muh nigga
easily the greatest mfw pic
GTFO homofags
Ella Nova - Make America Gape Again
it's gr8
they leave the masks on the whole time
Proof that the janitors here are sliding important threads, delete the . after the 8, can`t believe nobody is talking about this
>getting banned
I wonder what her asshole smells like.
How about you read the rules first before whining.
Global rule #14:
>The use of scrapers, bots, or other automated posting or downloading scripts is prohibited. Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes.
Nice reading comprehension
It's because your proxy was most likely already banned by Sup Forums for being used for child porn.
These proxy's are used up quickly for child porn posting and recycled.
Me and many others are not using them either but still get bans citing them as reasons my dear autistic cousin.
I didn't know whole Hungary was so much into child porn we were being banned on sight for it.
Hungarians have such tiny dicks that it was too difficult to tell if it was child or regular porn
millions of global proxy's are used for child porn. They recycle them as fast as they use them.
Most of these millions of proxy's are used for child porn on Sup Forums specifically. Sup Forums bans them after one use and they go back into the pool of available IP addresses.
It's why IP Addresses are not useful for prosecution but may be used for search warrants in extreme cases.
>I didn't know whole Hungary was so much into child porn we were being banned on sight for it.
Some retarded faggot that uses the same mobile/cell service as me keeps posting CP and shit so sometimes if I'm on my cell service and shit posting I'll come across a big [BANNED] and it's about fucking child porn. I assume that's the same person that uses the same internet provider as me because there's a permanent IP range ban as well that the only way to get around is to get a Sup Forums pass. It's fucking ridiculous because this shit was the case when I moved here four years ago. A FOUR YEAR IP range ban on a single area. The worse part is that it's the only internet provider in the whole county so there's no way around it. It just sounds like someone that is using the same IP as you has been using proxies and got caught.
I found it disgusting, actually.
Looks like there's a range of Hungarian IPs identified as proxies then for some reason. Maybe your dynamic addresses are in fact also used as proxies, whence the confusion.
That's a cool opinion bro, I won't hold it against you
>chink rubbing her ass on an American flag lying on the ground
>disrespecting the flag like that
They might as well ban the whole country.
Obvious shills like and are trying to change narrative away from mod power abuse, but there are many cases proving that mods use blanket bans to ban people, delete threads and stop discussions. Fucking pathetic.
You might want to go to a doctor to talk about your paranoid ideation.
I posted fine before.
Suddenly got a ban for no reason for the same IP I used before.
Suuuure, someone broke into my house and posted CP from my IP while I was sleeping.
You do know how dynamic IP's work, right?
You do know how routers work, right?
I get banned all the time for things that aren't against the rules. MODS=FAGS but what're you gonna do? Use a different website? Ha
You called me an "obvious shill", György.
Also, I didn't know you were banned for child pornography because that's not what you wrote in the first post. I thought your IP was banned as a proxy. I already explained that it might be some of those dynamic IPs are also rented out for proxy use, which would not be a Sup Forums issue but an ISP issue.
I really doubt it's a conspiracy against you. You're not that important. Again, if you continue to have these ideas of your own great importance and see shills everywhere, just go to a doctor. I understand it's frustrating to be banned for something you didn't do, but it doesn't automatically mean you're a target of persecution. There are other explanations for it.
I wasn't banned for CP.
My dynamic IP can't be rented out while I'm using it.
You are talking like a shill. We have heard this kind of talk enough when CTR was actively raiding the board.
Your methods have been exposed.
I've heard of this.
hungary flag, implying theres any one that knows english on hungary
thats what you get for for downloading code and running it you idiot.
anyone remenbers the time where op asked us to turn a image into javacode
that was amazing kek