They are desperate trying to label us. They want to control us and meme us on the TV like they did with every opposition.They can't win and they know it.
I told you the jewish media would try desperately to find a leader for the alt-right
>label us
Who's "us", faggot? Sup Forums isn't one person.
Curves? People of size? If you see a fatass; call them fatasses.
Our leader is named anonymous, he called me a faggot once
They want a public face so they can destroy it and claim victory
oh no the media figured out our scheme
I'm talking from their perspective. Anybody posting here must be a member of the "Nazi Alt-Right" movement
[according to them!]
They must find something like a leader, a symbol, etc. They tried Milo, Trump, Pepe and even the Swastika.
They know it's not working.
your a dumbass
whaen he says "us" hes referring tp the general populace of Sup Forums of non specific politics
What the fuck? Is this some kind of hot new hipster bookstore or something?
Why is the media so fucking lazy?
Same here. I hate that fucker.
Well you had Dick Spencer get on stage and say hail trump so that doesn't really help us out.
>Sup Forums
The hacker known as Sup Forums is our real leader.
Looks like that
We are not the alt-right
We are Jew hateing republicans
Sup Forums isn't alt-right and no one believes he's the leader, just a figurehead.
>The Guardian
Do you really buy this shit in England ? Or just some crazy leftist in London ?
That's the meme, Sup Forums doesn't label itself as anything concrete but they're pushing the narrative that this place is "alt right".
Hell, alt right was a term they cooked up on some MSM article and have been pushing it ever since.
>both 44s
Confirmed that this "Anonymous" is the leader and is a bit of a dick. If anyone finds him hide him from CNN.
We are not the altright
Pol is republicans that hate niggers
>media invents a strawman term
>media finds a real life straw fucking man that leads the strawman movement made after the strawman term they themselves invent
>force someones hand to dispose of this strawman leader
>meanwhile I'm still here like so many of us "alt-right trolls" scratching my balls shitposting
I'm not sure what's going on here, why are they fighting windmills?
I don't like him and most of us don't care about what he says.
If he is a trump supporter and a patriot, good. Everything else is irrelevant just like Spencer is irrelevant.
why cant we meme anonymous to be the leader of the alt right to throw off the media?
"Oh the hacker named anonymous is the true leader of the alt-right!"
That's fine and all, but being the perfect monster that the media makes the alt right out to be is infuriating.
But the media is right. The alt-right is a white nationalist movement. And many of the people in it are also adherents of national socialism.
I hate niggers
My only leader (for a brief period I must say) was Ben Garrison. Since he rejected to be a leader of Sup Forums I'll will never trust anybody again.
>And many of the people in it are also adherents of national socialism.
Speak for yourself nigger. I just don't want this country to turn into brazil in 20 years.
No one buys that rag anymore, that's why they have to literally beg for money on their website
Also fuck the alt-right, no one can even define what it means, and what used to be the vast majority of this board, were unironic Nazis anyway!
So what do we do with the meme? The media is busy running in circles and attacking our so called leaders. Now what?
Because they believe that they can still control the narrative
They're arrogant like that
Doesn't matter the altright and nazis will just take the Republican label.
Fuck the Jewish owned media.
It is because you put the hat they gave you. It's the free candy the rabbi give to little kids.
He's only helping himself out.
I wouldn't even know who the fuck he was until the board was getting spammed with 15 different articles about him.
>Milo 2.0
>Not being pro-white in 2016
How many times do you punch yourself in the face?
>he fell for the Alt-right meme
>media invents a strawman term
He invented the term though, they just piggybacked off it and have tried to redefine it.
You know why they did this?
because they thought we would defend pepe, call our leader, say that he is a divine frog, etc.
They literally thought people would eat the bait and start shooting people on the streets calling "Frog Lives Matter".
What happened is that even hardcore democrats started to feel embarrassed.
We use it to wipe our asses.
It's dying.
I see signs of it every so often. They're getting larger.
i seriously cannot believe that at the top of the chain of command in msm networks the managers and power figures are delusional enough to think
>hey we've been basically lying through our teeth this entire time but surely people still trust us despite literally shouting in the streets that the media is full of shit
Literally a white pig.
I blame Milo... That faggot has pranced around proclaiming himself to be the queen of the Alt-Right fagdom.
If we pretend that TRS are our real leaders, will the MSM take them down for us too? Seriously pondering this.
Denounce all centralized leadership labeling them as head of a movement, especially if they're saying that they're head out an alt-right movement which they'll try lumping us into.
Sup Forums is a board of peace, simple as that.
they don't believe in truth or lies. They believe in control or not in control.
That's why (it will take time) they will lose.
Out true queen and leader is Candice the Cuckslayer.
Why would anyone take advice from a fatty?
It's exploding van all over again
Retarded "journalists" (glorified bloggers) talk about shit they don't understand and get trolled hard by random anons
Well they got away with it before everyone and their grandma had internet.
>no one can even define what it means
It's been well defined, it's just the media and subverters like Milo/Gavin McFaggot are trying to redefine it.
It's essentially just white nationalist, it wants white countries to have governments who work in white peoples interests.
And before you say it, no Sup Forums isn't alt-right.
Honestly I'm quite thankful Milo did that. Because he's such an attention grabbing fag and took all the media attacks, he let us stay in the shadows and do what we do best for the few extra months we needed.
Sargon did a video about her LOLOL
i've been saying from day one the guys controlled opposition trying to wry for a position of power
>literally a gay jew
how many redflags do you need
We're not Alt-Right
>> Sup Forums is love, Sup Forums is peace.
Amen. Praise Kek.
Is Sargon the real leader of the Alt-Right :^)))
He really muddied the term, people in these threads always fight that the alt-right is really just a branch of non-establishment conservatives/libertarians that hate SJWs and would go away if the government just left us alone.
>but they're pushing the narrative that this place is "alt right".
No you moron, people on the Alt-Right keep acting like everyone on this board agrees with them
We don't care about them or their cringey, gay movement
let them try
honestly we're a bunch of disconnected memesters with no shared ideology.
this sticks like about as much as a nigger to a job
I'm not Alt-Right, I'm a shit poster extraordinare.
Mili declaring himself the leader of the alt-right is not a bad thing
Once they find out the alt-right doesn't exist it's going to be good for everybody.
No, he is a pretentious, atheist, twat.
Who the fuck is Richard Spencer.
A homosexual hipster bookstore
Wrong. The leader of Alt right is the 400 pound hacker known as Sup Forums.
It's a foolproof way to spot newfags
>defends Milo
>identifies as "alt-right" unironically
>Sup Forums literally dindunuffin
ok kid
Let's not pretend that Richard isn't and obvious fucking plant. No way he is retarded enough to do this shit unintentionally.
I think Richard Spencer and David Duke are both plants who just exist to try to give the kiss of death to Trump and his supporters.
I mean I don't care what Spencer does, just associating that with Trump when all that does is undermine him, and aid the liberal media that wants to paint Trump as Hitler.
Everything that happens on the media is not by accident
Their desperation to find a leader and a symbol for the alt-right is not something you shouldn't think about it.
The beast was hurt but it's still alive.
If he declares he is a leader of the alt-right so what? It's not a bad thing. Do you want to be part of the alt-right?
Then don't worry about it. Just don't accept their label.
>comes to "alt right" forum
>complains it's an "alt right" forum
Not of course that alt right is a singular thing but still, you're a retard.
I disagree. There are loads of people autistic and stupid enough to blow a movement because DUDE MEMES LMAO
Fuck off! I'm a lean and mean fitness machine.
I'm okay with hem calling us "nazis", it's Godwin point and weak, I don't want to be called "alt-righ", this meme is stinky.
>Lindy West
THE Lindy west?! "Good Republican bitch" Lindy West? Who would give HER a platform?
>Alt-right founder
lol wut
Jesus they're desperate, and anyone still pushing alt-right on this board is a confirmed shill
Sup Forums isn't alt-right and yes it is singular.
Never even heard of this guy before yesterday.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
Outside of the fact a plant doesn't create the thing itself, pretty sure he's openly said he doesn't consider himself the leader and doesn't want others to.
Are you Mr Anonymous, aka "Sup Forums"?
How do you blow up the vans?
If it can stay that way it would be good, a race mixing jew faggot is a good way to lure normies into the rabbithole.
Me neither.
I guess the Alt-Right right itself got memmed into existence. I guess there's only so many memes you can make about loser Nazis before they magically become real.
Sorry but nazis were lefties.
There is, it is the chosen imaginary enemy to manipulate the public. First it was communists, then terrorists, now fags prancing around the country bragging about the black cock they take up their ass.
Oh look, it's another thread where Sup Forums desperately says they're not Alt Right, despite fitting the bill perfectly.
Why do you faggots do this?
Thanks media
Except literally everything that Duke or Spencer has said would fit perfectly fine in here
You only complain because you are a cuck crying about the media yelling "nazi"
Trump has been called Hitler for a year, HE STILL WON, the time for being a cuck is over.
>despite fitting the bill perfectly.
Not really. You can't really be white nationalist when you're black, asian or jewish.
They can be (and probably are) nationalist for their own race/country but that's a separate ideology.
>> Suck, suck, suck and swallow.
Sorry fag, could you try saying that again without a cock in your mouth?
Ty one does not simply go full retard
"Journalists" following the minimal effort law.
It's laughable how clueless are the traditional media, thinking their opposition will dissolve once they find and destroy a leader.
oh look, it's another thread where reddit desperately says Sup Forums is Alt Right
Reminder that (((they))) are trying to discredit this movement.
We where formless. Then they gave us a name.
Unified, then they insisted we had a leader.
They are trying to give us an identity, a face and through retards or straight up controlled opposition dismantle and discredit us. They are dying and lashing out.
Ignore them, they crave attention