At what age did you grow out of racism?
14 for me.
At what age did you grow out of racism?
14 for me.
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I was never a racist. I've always been an individualist.
Does being a baby and acting shocked that someone is black and pointing at them and saying it count as racism? If not, honestly never been. I understand that stereotypes do exist for a reason but trying to generalize an individual is always a terrible idea.
I don't hate certain races.
I hate certain cultures.
I'm 49 and it seems lately I'm growing back into racism. As a white man I don't seem to be left with much choice.
In other words, you're an idiot who is afraid of offending people
17, but then I saw a bunch of pakis chimp out at a vulnerable old lady for not giving them her seat on a bus and I turned back into a racist
kys genghis
Reality hits you hard, bro
Never was racist until I started going to university in the city and had to interact with blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and Indians in large numbers.
Minorities made me red-pilled.
Do you think this faggy numale became racist?
I think it must have made an impression
I've never seen such a look of dejection on a cucks face
I grew up in a left wing anti-racist household.
I became racist when I actually had to interact with real inner-city blacks on a regular basis.
You have to go back to Sudan.
When I found out that the Flynn effect had produced changes in mean IQ far in excess of the current 15 point black/white gap
Understood about 1/4 of what he said.
racism is a soschial konstrupt
Seeing as the Finnish passport is the more worn out one, he probably moved from Finland to Sudan. Not the other way around.
Depends, usually kids are not racist, because they see life with a happy rainbow filter, then again, when you grow up in a no-go zone as a white, you quickly learn that stereotypes exists for a reason.
>At what age did you grow out of racism?
I was abowt 21 whan I relizzed that being racist was utturly reterded
I grew into it not out of it
wtf is that nigger on?
that white guy seemed ok though, well put together, wearing a shirt underneath the sweater.
I dont know. I've always been racist
For example I realize that me and my fucking stupid country didnt go further than any fucking country in Africa, because of the fucking gommunism in past, but I hate fucking monkeys, I hate blacks, I hate fucking gooks, I don't like mexicans. It's in my nature, I can only perceive white men and no one else. Dont know why, but I am who I am. Paradox, but I dont see any defects in jews, they are smart, rich, intelligent, and all jews I know are good people, I had a few shitskins as friends and they were all fucking trash - drugs, criminal shit, all they went to fucking jail, but jewish friends became good programmists, laywers, engineers. That's my own experiencw. If I had a daughter who would love a shitskin, I would kill her despite she's my daughter - I'm serious.
I never hated certain races, I simply always understood that there are thremendous differences between them and that certain races excel at certain things, or may not excel in anything at all.
>grew into racism by proximity to minorities
wait till you're 15, you'll get racist again.
How can racism be a thing when races don't exist. The niggers need to go back btw.
I grew into a racist desu.
I don't think I can ever go back to not being one, I've seen too much.
Most cuckservative statement in the thread.
>ITT: Cucks jerk each other off
If you're a white male you're already a racist/sexist in the eyes of liberals. So does it really matter if you actually are racist? No. The word has lost just about all of its' meaning. I'm racist in general, but when I meet people I give them a chance.
>My neighbors are a black lesbian couple.
>Invite them over to hang out.
>Have a good time.
>We talk about the chimp outs happening because Trump won
>"They're acting like a bunch of niggers."
>They look at me for a second.
>"No reason to get offended, if you don't act like this then you're not a nigger."
>We talk about racism for a bit.
>Explain to them that I'm not Klansmen racist but more inner city crime statistics racist.
>We still hang out because they don't act like animals and are genuinely nice people.
> they don't act like animals and are genuinely nice
Until you hide your true opinion.