Seed your torrents.
Seed your torrents
Piracy is theft. Fuck off leftist
>tfw ratio cheater that works on all private trackers
>tfw never uploading a byte on any torrent
Reported, enjoy your ban.
these varge posts are getting better
I get scared. I don't want to stay on the network longer than I need to. Just bing bang boom I'm gone, ya feel me?
No need
I use xdcc
I'm a good goy and maintain a ratio of at least 1 on every tracker.
Good one OP
>tfw i always stop a torrent so it doesn't seed the moment it's finished
What're you gonna do about it Varg? Call de bolis? xDD
I start to like Vargeposting
DCC still around
that's many years ago I've been there 10+
wus nice to get specialized software before
>seeding public torrents
How does it feel to be cucked wnb sceneboy?
not all torrents are stolen media.
good chuckle was had
vargposting is getting alright
cool and nice
You cannot own an idea.
You cant own information
Finally, a meme I can get behind!