ignorance is fun faggot, and unlike you not everybody is born with it and therefor need liquor.
Take a lesson from us on how to shitpost, failed empire.
Everything is a poison, it is always a question of quantity.
Maybe reality is so fucked that sometimes I need to poison myself to avoid it for a few hours. The red pill is fucking bitter. Go fuck yourself.
Fuck off Mustafa. We didn't kick you out of Austria so you could come back 350 years later.
I don't know mane, Christopher Hitches was big on alcohlol
If you don't drink alchohol you are a blue pilled shabbos goy. In vino veritas
I like this post AND the person who made it.
I don't drink alcohol, but it's for dietary purposes.
Wine is Not alcohol. It is Art.
No first lecture pharmacy
you literally cant argue this
no no no. ethyl alcohol is literal poison. literally.
My great grandmother, that was a German immigrant, had a highball with lunch everyday. She lived to 98.
If you don't drink alcohol you have better coping mechanisms than I do
OK then, go drink pure undiluted alcohol. You WILL fall over dead.
That man is going to POP.
Good thing I want to die
correct /thread
This means we're all really dead!
Question is; are sober people stuck in hell with the rest of us?
Muslims don't drink alcohol and look at them. As long as you're not an alcoholic I see no problem.
Do agree
>falling for the drug jew
wine and champaign is fine, but only for taste
getting shitfaced is just pure degeneracy
thats probably how ur genes are so fucked up
Who drinks undiluted ETOH? Strawman detected
>drinking alocjew
lmao you fucking idiots you'd be better off licking pure flouride you retard cucks
can't believe you can even remove your mouth off the jew cock you're guzzling from to drink the shit
fucking idiots
you call yourself white? and then you poison yourself with Jewish mind control serum?
taste and getting buzzed*
how do stop???
I am degenerate
It's poison but some groups of humans evolved alongside it. For them it's like vitamins.
I've met a lot of successful alcoholics who basically need to inebriate themselves every weekend in order to stay functional.
That's because in higher concentrations it denatures proteins. Just don't drink anything over 90%
way to use an old VICE do, user
they are like cattle, incapable of understanding anything beyond what is fed to them here or anywhere else
I know it's poison, that's why I drink it.
>Strawman detected
Wrong. The fact you have to drink it diluted is proof it's poison
OP's pic is about to die from internal organ failure. That is ascites, fluid buildup from the liver not being able to process alcohol due to cirrhosis. My buddy had to get 10 liters of fluid pumped out of him recently for just that reason.
> Stopped drinking in July.
> Have a sip once in a while with girlfriend.
> Clear headed, clear eyed.
> feelsgoodman.png