Daily reminder that if you do not believe in this then you are not one of us:
>there are inferior races
>there are superior races
>there are competitive peoples (Asians, jews)
>we must wipe out the others
>we must expel the non-whites from our homeland
>Irish, Italians, and Spaniards may be white, but they are inferior to the rest of us
>fat people, gays, and kikes must die
>spics must be deported
>niggers need to be left for dead in Africa
>white genocide is real
This is our land, get the fuck out /r/The_Donald fags.
Daily reminder that if you do not believe in this then you are not one of us:
CTR is back and now spamming:
>nazis get out!!!
>you don't represent Sup Forums!!
>Sup Forums is a forum for differing opinions!!
>reddit is not that bad!!
>You're TRS!!!
This. And whenever there's insecure shitskins who post here, they're always there to say:
>we hate niggers, not black people
>Sup Forums wants to be an echo chamber
>we're all equal, we just hate minorities who act bad
>ignore these stormfags, niggeranon
>fat people
>must die
but my mom is fat
OP is likely a CTR nigger.
Nordics are inferior to meds. The have been worthless all their history, they never had glorious civilizations and they have a natural tendency to be cucked by invaders.
She must lose weight, or die, assuming she doesn't kill herself before we do.
Pic related, day of the rake is near.
This is somewhat true. We've got our weaknesses, and they have theirs.
have a bump
Thanks, we need newfags to see this, so then they learn to fuck off.
>we must expel the non-whites from our homeland
>spics must be deported
Kinda redundant when
>we must wipe out the others
>that French
It's funny, I don't get why so many foreigners see the French as all swarthy black-haired brown-eyed spaniards-like with a black moustache. I'm not saying France is 100% blonde, but from where I live in Normandy (northern France) more than half of the natives have light hair and light eyes. Northern French are closer to Belgians than to Spaniards or Italians.
Come in France and see for yourself if you don't believe me.
For the most part this. We enjoy a symbiotic relationship with the nature around us and we never disturb it too much, but we don't exactly do well against human beings. Very reserved people and too altruistic for our own good.
Must be the swarthy mime meme. French don't look much like that to me, either. Unless you're in the south or near the Mediterranean.
Come home white man
>Irish, Italians, and Spaniards may be white, but they are inferior to the rest of us
Yeah let's just forget about Italians' contribution to modern culture (Dante, Petrarca, Caravaggio, Michelangelo Buonarotti etc.), science (Galilei, Da Vinci, Volta etc.), fashion (LOTS) + western culture owes everything to the Roman Empire (And thus to the italics) and so on.
By the way, Spanish and Irish have the most r1a genes in Europe, making them the least mixed out of all European ethnicities. How does that make you feel?
P.S. I'm a Jewish Russian, blonde w/ green eyes and my height is 6,1". How does that make you feel, nazi-user?
P.P.S. Nazis are cancer and aren't Right-Wing.
>le divide and cobquer maymay
>we must wipe out the others
Dont be a spaz. They can have their own countries as long as they stick to them and dont interfere.
O, i am laffin.
I found reddit.
*r1b, whoops
I've never been there, faggot. By the way, nazis started flooding Sup Forums in 2012, so you're probably a newfag. Fag.
I found the false-flagging CTR associate.
Germanboos LARPers you mean?
>mfw all the butthurt
Don't worry, the meds and the Irish are not going to die on the day of the rope.
>Lel reddit meme
Fuck off you autistic faggot. There is literally no point wiping out all the other races as long as they keep to their own.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
30 years old virgins I mean
what are we going to do with these persistent larping CTR cucks?
>complains about newfags
>uses a trip
>>>>>>There is literally no point wiping out all the other races as long as they keep to their own
>what are we going to do with these persistent larping CTR cucks?
The same thing we do every night Pinky,we shitpost them to death.
Fuck off faggot you niggers can't tell me what to think
White Anglo protestant actually.
But you can infer all you like, my radical CTR friend.
Micks gotta go.
BTFO! HOW WILL /R/THE_DONALDFAGS EVER RECOVER? I never hear a single "JIDF" from you faggots, ever. It's always CTR, you complain about. Learn about the jews, then come back, you fucking niggers.
New fag here I have already seen and accepted I am between stage 3 and 4.
Where did you oldfags all end up.
>He thinks Sup Forums is a monolithic circlejerk
>He thinks that circlejerk owns Sup Forums
They're not talked about much on Sup Forums anymore. I wonder how many of the Kikes are still around?
>MFW the racist idiots from Sup Forums honestly thought Trump and us Trumpies were gonna side with them
Thanks for the votes, you stupid faggots, now go back to being irrelevant boogeymen
silly rabbit...
we are the Jews
They're still here, only difference is that it's become harder to distinguish them from redditfags.
Because JIDF is too busy derailing threads that actually may be on to something, instead of whatever this is. CTR mainly carries out ravenous shitposting due to their lack of proper structure, and hiring a bunch of incompetent normies presumably paying then per reply. (Enjoy your $.03, faggot)
You boring motherfucker. Most people are just here for the externally directed trolling and fun, not for your redneck autism and your delusion that you have 100% Aryan genes. Get some real hobbies.
don't let these threads confuse you, you are who you are, no matter what others tell you, unless you're a fucking liberal manchild
I'm white now?
I hate it when peeps say
>is a christian, dupports hitler
>pick one
I support a lot of the things hitler did but not all of them
I can also relate to stuff Stalin and other dictators did but that doesnt mean i go 100% with their ideology
I dont go full """retard""" like CTR does (when i say retarded ctr i mean the acutal mental and physical disablities + being a massive faggot)
Also I just realized
I dropped National Socialism when I started reading Hoppe, but I'm sure there are people on here that have progressed further.
>>Irish, Italians, and Spaniards may be white, but they are inferior to the rest of us
envy is a bad beast user
>Irish, Italians, and Spaniards may be white, but they are inferior to the rest of us
>Implying there is such thing as a pure Irishman, Italian, Spaniard or any pure European ethnicity for that matter.
I just realized "Fuck you and your mainstreem meteor lies"
how retarded that guy looked, heiling Trump, when Trump is practically the first jewish President
pol is board of peace lads
Op you are massive faggit
Going for the forth row.
I'm already pretty well read, so I just trying to get /fit/.
Been here for a few years, but having Trump win is motivating me to do it.
I know he's not NatSoc, but he's the closest we've got, and if it goes well enough, the West can bounce back.
Thanks wyattman
Keep spreading truth
wrong on all counts, but thanks for the lulz m8
>wyatt is CTR
Heheuhuehuueh fuck off newfags
>the alt-right is made up
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is satire
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>He thinks Sup Forums is not ironical
>>there are inferior races
>>there are superior races
>>there are competitive peoples (Asians, jews)
>>we must wipe out the others
>>we must expel the non-whites from our homeland
>>Irish, Italians, and Spaniards may be white, but they are inferior to the rest of us
>>fat people, gays, and kikes must die
kikes must leave or die
>>spics must be deported
>>niggers need to be left for dead in Africa
yes and not. Blacks deserve a homeland within the US for having to deal with slavory because of kikes.
>>white genocide is real
Hey you guys
You guys in your basements
You alt-right guys
You alt-right, brah?
Lol we so racist and dumb amiright you guys?
If you are not White Nationalist, Lolbertarian, or sympathetic to the cause, you are a newfag and need to either adapt or fuck off.
>>we need to cuck to niggers
Top kuk
I agree that they shouldnt be wiped out though.
They can go back to Africa and have their own land.
America, Australia and other colonies won by whites should be white.
its not cucking to niggers they deserve there own homeland within the US. They are not comparable with Africans we already tried to ship them back. It didnt work.
Remember /new/?
Of course you dont. OUT OUT OUT
THIS IS Sup Forums HARBOR 2.0
Daily Reminder that you're all faggots if you take this place seriously and if anything on here triggers you.
What'd I do?
Which one were you? I'm sorry sir
I just want tripfags to leave.
That comes later
>being okay with tripfags
OP is a good niggerfaggot.
gas the kikes race war NOW
the spirit of mel gibson cannot be suppressed
Morakkiu did nothing wrong
>trying to dictate who is superior and inferior
I never understood the hate for Irish, Italians and Spaniards.I believe in everything else but that is just retarded. Please explain.
No thanks ahmed
Morrakiu is a national treasure.
TDS and FTN are fucking elder god tier podcasts.
> Sup Forums was always a natsoc board, libertarians don't exist here
You guys are fucking cancer and getting worse by the day. I've sat on here watching you guys get more radical and wanting an echo chamber.
Fantastic a namefag
OK Ahmed
Sup Forums has always been lolbertarians and nazis brah
We coexist because we have common goals
Doesnt mean Lolbertarians aren't cucks though
Not to mention the Spaniards conquered half of the new world
>the symbol of the board is a giant fucking swastika
fuck off tripfag
fuck off stormtards
fuck off CTR trying to paint everyone who disagrees with them as stormfags
I know nazis have always been here, but they're getting worse. They're starting to become hypocrites about safe spaces on this board.
>we must wipe out the others
I'm white-asian racemix
Can I live
You're either shitposting or you havent been here the past few months
Sup Forums has been raided but time by lefties and reddit
kill yourself and take some non-whites with you
Big time*
Or more appropriately Big League* Believe me
Only if you're a female and you're cute.
Don't reproduce.