Well, /poll/??
Well, /poll/??
Trump is literally Hitler
That's it, I'm for terrorists now.
He needs to be micro-chipped as well
See? They love sharia law so much they name their kids after it. It's just the incest that prevents them spelling it correctly.
I'm pretty sure it's a violation to post your badge. I know someone at another agency who really got in trouble for it, and that wasn't even DOD.
trump isnt a muslim so he doesnt have to register
so what?
He still believes in his god... that's cute
Does this image imply that Trump is a muslim?
Is that a dick joke?
Welfare queen thinks we give a fuck that his dumb ass signed up to be cannon fodder.
damn thats such a good point lets have open borders now
>taking a picture of your CAC
>flying any flag at the same height as the American flag
This sandnigger can fuck off back to his Islamic shithole if he likes it so much.
>hurr I'm in the military, respect me! praise me! give me discounts and free shit! worship me! suck my dick!
Unadultered trash
Trump's not a Muslim, why would he have to show registration?
>common access card, that has to be returned when leaving the service
>literally nothing
he wants a registrar of muslims from terror prone areas tho
>muslim databases are bad
>is quite literally already in a database that includes he's a muslim (the DOD's)
is this person retarded