Your face when Trump:
Lets Hillary off
Walks back deportation
Walks back lobbyists in government
Starts talking about 'fences'.
And now Trump is going TO the NYT
>its all over
Your face when Trump:
Lets Hillary off
Walks back deportation
Walks back lobbyists in government
Starts talking about 'fences'.
And now Trump is going TO the NYT
>its all over
>Donald Trump: The Clinton Foundation has done good work.
This is all that even needs to be said.
So, when will the pride of having Trump win turn into bitter hatred as this board realizes they got conned?
Never. These guys pull more mental gymnastics than libshits.
>Lets Hillary off
he just won't appoint a special prosecutor, the FBI probe into her foundation is still going on
>Walks back deportation
He said he's going to deport 3 mio immediately in the CBS interview, the leaked Kobach documents suggest a lot more
>Walks back ban
the article was put up again after a few hours
>Walks back lobbyists in government
the Christie lobbyists have been thrown out by Pence already
>Starts talking about 'fences'.
At the natural border, i.e. mountains
>And now Trump is going TO the NYT
It will come, Im afraid. All the dems need is a laid back white populist with some meme-worthy rhetoric and everyone will finally admit Trump was exposed before he even took office.
Its sad. When this is over, TPP will have a new name, student debt will be what it has been and Obamacare will have a new label slapped on it.
I would say we were lucky to get one more term, but a term of what, I have no idea. There is nothing left of the man I voted for.
The message is clear. He isn't interested in any justice for the Foundation.
It would be better if had said nothing. Conway says he wants her to 'heal' and he says he 'doesn't want to hurt her'
That is one too many back tracks and weasel words.
First I've voted in six years. Apparently, it will be the last. Shame on me for not knowing better.
He's not even in office yet,
stop with the attempts at demoralizing, you shitty shill.
Just wait till he's president. You can still get a crippling depression if he fails/betrays us after that.
Is Hillary president?
Then I did my good deed with no contrition m88
Enjoy your meme president for 4 years
Ain't skeered
You clearly don't play 5D chess. The normies oppose everything he supports so this is a clever way to redpill them about the Foundation.
>Your face when Trump:
this. i mean, i'm not super hopeful or anything but he's better than hillary so whatever.
You act like this is my fault. I didnt promise this shit.
If I'd known this, I wouldn't have voted. What difference does it make. If he gets a second term, it wont be with my help. He can waste someone elses time.
When he back stabbed Nehlen, his supporter against Ryan in the Wisconsin election, that was my first clue. When he walked back deportation, I was again suspicious.
This is 'draining the swamp': letting a corrupt fraud go just because its "tradition".
To say nothing of handing over the office to his (((son in law))), palling around with Cruz and Romney.
The man is core-less. He's not even trying to hide it.
I guess we were warned.
What I can do is suffer in silence and wait for others to come to the same conclusions. I cant pretend I dont see and hear what I am seeing and hearing though.
I never expected him to follow through on every thing, but this Clinton bit takes the cake. There hasn't been anything he hasnt backed off of.
And this would cost him nothing. All he would've had to say is the AG will sort it out. But he explicitly gave the FBI cover to back off.
I dont even expect she would get convicted or would care. But ffs, he could at least keep his mouth shut about the investigation and let them uncover what else is there.
Now his own bureau will know their work was for nothing.
Theres simply nothing fucking left for him to back track on. He even hedged on Obamacare.
>The message is clear. He isn't interested in any justice for the Foundation.
>It would be better if had said nothing. Conway says he wants her to 'heal' and he says he 'doesn't want to hurt her'
>That is one too many back tracks and weasel words.
>First I've voted in six years. Apparently, it will be the last. Shame on me for not knowing better.
Even if he goes back on this and fulfills the rest, it is still infinitely better than any president we've had in decades.
Read my post again As for Obamacare, the two things he wants to keep have been on his website for months. You're just cynical m8 just like that 'tard Michael Savage.
You forgot keeping key elements of Obamacare intact, dropping his climate change is a hoax rhetoric in favor of AGW advocacy, and not putting term limits in his honeymoon agenda over Mitch McConnell's statements that it's just not going to happen.
A wooden stump would be better than Hillary. But a stump doesnt improve or heal a nation or get my hopes for justice and recovery up.
All we did was stall the inevitable for four years. The US will be eaten. If not by left globalists, then right ones. Its over. The new world experiment in democracy is fucking over. At least a monarchy doesnt lie about who runs things. Tyrants fuck you to your face. This corrupt shit just grin fucks you. Only two parties and all this money in politics and globalists, and a legal system that targets family and common sense for destruction.
Fuck I dont even remember wtf I thought the point of voting this time was anymore.
I just didnt have time to meaningfully address every point. Sorry if I sound like Savage. I used to like him too but his tard tangents are too much.
must go for a bit. I appreciate the optimism, but it all seems obvious to me.
I just heard about the turnaround on climate change about an hour ago.
Option 1
>Trump demands arrest of Hillary Clinton
>Obama pardons her and her cronies
Option 2
>Trump forgives Hillary Clinton and says her foundation does good work
>Obama doesn't see the necessity of a pardon
>Trump inaugurated
>Takes the leash of the FBI
>Oh I hate doing this, but we have the rule of law
Use your fucking brain, at least wait until he becomes president.
Just leave Sup Forums for a bit, take a break, the world will seem brighter and you'll get perspective.
If we're talking about the partisan newfags that shit up the place every four years, they'll simply move onto the next deeply flawed guy with an R next to his name. It'll only seem like Sup Forums will have turned on Trump when what actually happened is that those R team shills disappeared for awhile.
>First I've voted in six years. Apparently, it will be the last. Shame on me for not knowing better.
You didn't know any better because you dropped out and stopped paying attention. The thing you're supposed to do is remain engaged and just deny your vote to any who are unworthy, even if that means you leave the entire ballot blank save for some guy running for a seat in the state legislature.
I dont care if she's arrested. Or found guilty.
I just dont like him signalling to the FBI that they are working for nothing. Ffs, at least he could stfu and let them work, not announce to the world they are wasting their time.
They could question her until she dies of old age for all I care. No one wants the optics of an old woman sent to jail. But at least keep the RICO option open. She still has all the money she scammed while in State.
I dont get to be president either. How the fuck is that a punishment. If you cant get her in court, you dont have to help the left bury the memory and evidence of what shitbags they are.
Hes as bad as Giuliani. Neither one knows how to keep their damn mouth shut.
>Media lies nonstop during the entire election
>Suddenly start believing them after he wins
Is good advice, ty.
>msm reporting
>trump isnt even president yet and cant do shit
wow its fucking nothing
>As for Obamacare
Paul Ryan is conducting a phone poll about the ACA.
Is this worth calling about? Liberals are trying to flood it.
He specifically said he'll appoint a special prosecutor when he's president. How can Obama pardon Hilary is Trump is president?
>trump won and shills still thinking shilling is going to work
Obama is still president until Trump is inaugurated, he has the right to pardon Clinton for any crime she has done.
>As for Obamacare, the two things he wants to keep have been on his website for months
Devil was always in the details. Trump cannot fulfill his rhetorical promises to tear up Obamacare or even lower premiums as he said on the stump if the same mechanisms are left in place which caused those premiums to skyrocket.
Or we were never shills, dumbfuck, just Sup Forumsacks with opinions.
I don't know if you're "concern" trolling or whatever but none of what he said today is any cause for you to say you got stabbed in the back.
He took the high road, he can't do anything else or Obama will pardon her and that's that. In addition if you don't read the annotated tweets he basically said the Clinton foundation has done a few good things but he'll leave it up to prosecutors to decide what to do with them.
Please be a CTR concern troll because I can't believe an actual supprtor would think he's stabbing you in the back.
>Or we were never shills, dumbfuck, just Sup Forumsacks with opinions
So you're saying that you shilled for Hillary for free?
Nah m8, you were 8pol trolls, don"t deny it
maybe he's backing off so obama doesn't feel the need and then he'll go ahead once he's in.
>yfw op is a stupid shill who still takes media at face value
Original pic
The FBI went out on a limb with Comey engaging directly in politics in the hopes that their mission would remain intact, the corrupt would be investigated for their wrongdoing and that a new administration would reset the situation in which the AG's office was interesting in pursuing justice. Now what we have is a worse situation than we had before, with an AG's office that allows prosecutions to still be determined by politics, and with the FBI choosing sides.