>Do a genetics test
>Find out you have Jewish ancestry
What would Sup Forums do?
>Do a genetics test
>Find out you have Jewish ancestry
What would Sup Forums do?
join your local cabal
Stick your head in an oven.
Finally get a nice, comfy job where I can be a leech and then accuse anyone who questions me of antisemitism, thereby ruining their careers and lives.
An hero breh
celebrate, for being on the winning team
>take 23andme
>100% northern european as expected
>go back a year later
>99% northern european
>.01% ashkenazi
It's all based on sampling size. Used to be only white people did these tests, now the Jews got in on the act and are muddying the samples.
Now if you're a higher percentage though, you grandparents might have some explaining to do.
Get chemically sterilized so I can't make shlomo juniors.
Luckily my test came back 0% heeb.
sniff shekels
Join the enemy team.
Who wouldn't? If you're fighting purely based on your race, and you find out that's not the right team, then you change sides.
Realize my mom really was cheating on my dad.
continue living my life and not get triggered like a SJW faggot
Demand money for inherited holocaust trauma.
I took one and it came back as like 20% North African. My family swears up and down we're German through and through, what gives??
Everyone gets a little statistical noise. I think scandinavians get a little yakut, it's doesn't mean they have any recent siberian ancestry. But indicative of something more ancient. A bit of shared ancestry going back a long time ago.
keep living my life because ancestry means absolutely nothing
Youre just a tanned german
Apply for jewbux
>What would Sup Forums do?
Nothing. I am a jew. Big deal eh?
time to exploit the goyim
>20% North African
Sounds German to me, surprised it's not more.
Just 20% North African, anything else?
Maybe one of your grandparents is berber.
your mum's a hoe, your "dad's" a cuck
I do have some jewish ancestors.
I rub my hands everytime I think about it.
Start calling people goyim.
Move to Israel.