assuming you got married, what do you prefer?
daughter or son? or just don't care
assuming you got married, what do you prefer?
daughter or son? or just don't care
Two sons and one daughter
Had the discussion a few times with my GF of 9 years. She was absolutely buttblasted when i said id be disappointed if i had a daughter first.
A couple of each.
My fiance and I are aiming for 6 or 7
Dont care. As long he's not retarded or quasimodo.
Just seems pretty great to be able to properly shape a child into a great person.
A gay son who'll get that six figure job, adopt a baby, and help you when you're older
Daughter first, son second.
First kid is the smartest and women pass on intelligence more than men. For instance, I was the firstborn and way smarter than my younger brother, and substantially smarter than my girl friends who had older siblings. all stupid, enjoy having a retard daughter to destroy your lineage
thanks for correcting my record faggot
would be cruel to bring a youngster into what's coming up real soon
feel bad enough as it is for the little ones already here
have to fake a straight face and smile, making small talk, while the neighbor goes on and on about his 1yo grandson, how smart he is, &etc then hurry inside to calm down before vomiting
i haven't the heart to tell him
20 sons.
Friend of mine is expecting his second daughter
I feel bad for him, I think he might keep having kids until he gets a boy
Son, the chances of him being a faggot will be much lower than the chances of a rebelling daughter fucking niggers... and I dont want to have to be worrying all the time about niggers and my daughter.
If my wife is white, I'd rather have a son.
If I race mix (strong possibility given my yellow fever), I'd rather have a daughter.
holy fuck, im the eldest and also the smartest.
is this a real trend?
Daughters are cuter.
getting married and having kids...
what a shithole of life
i have two older sisters and they are both retards, both academically and street-wise
i am the youngest of 3, have a BSEE, am a master electrician, and am the only one with own house and stable marriage
Son, as long as he isn't a faggot.
well there's your problem
well they are girls, ofc u would be smarter than them, unless u were mentally retarded.
What's coming real soon?
Son, less expenses. Will make more money later.
6 sons 7 daughters and 1 that cant make up its mind
Got married in my 30s to a girl 15 years younger than me with a good Christian background and no divorces in her family. Wanted a girl, had a boy. Now 3 1/2 Wouldn't trade him for the world.
well, im 2 years older than my bro and he's got a wife and a college degree and im living in his garage while i go through college so i don't think this holds up
the oldest did fairly well through high school but then married a fucking bum and wasted all her opportunities
the other skirted by on her looks so all she learned is how to be manipulative - though she is much older and bitter now
I have a son and a daughter.
Daughters are easier to begin with.
Sons easier later on.
If I had to choose, I'd take a son. I'd like to have a few of them. I'd only have daughters to assure that there were women for the sons of other people to marry. Really, I'd make deals with other people so that I'd let their sons marry my daughters for money.
daughter, son, daughter.
Thank you for the insight. I just assumed a son would be easier because I am one.
mine is only 8 years my junior
only hope is that i last at least as long as she does
thought of leaving her behind alone is hard
I would prefer two sons and a one daughter, with the firstborn being a boy. The other two can be in whatever order the waifu pumps them out over a 5-6 year period.
I was raised with only an Irish twin of an older sister so I never got to truly experience a true hierarchical dynamic between multitudes of siblings.
I would at least get to observe such a dynamic develop through them day by day.
daughter. my intelligence gene is from my mothers dad. the best chance of passing it on is from a daughter. the daughters will be all lean sexy redheads too.
If you had to choose one, which would you?
>A daughter who's a coalburner
>A son who's a libcuck
one of each
Girls mature faster to begin with. Boys are always a mess in comparison.
But then girls hit puberty and become insane. Thankfully my children still haven't hit puberty and have a few years to go.
You can keep a boy occupied as he gets older by video games and sports and stuff, though. Girls are generally less into those, so it's finding a hobby your daughter likes so she doesn't end up completely superficial and obsessed with shopping and stuff.
>tfw my grandad had 8 daughters 1 son
>tfw my parents had 3 sons
Idk what the outcome will be for me. Kinda scary
cock thirsty femboy son
Same six is the lowest I am willing to go, I'd prefer closer to 8 or 9.
Son, daughter, daughter, in that order. Two genetic guarantees to dote on, and son to pass on my skills/ideas.
I gotta get a gf first
Found out last night that me and my wife are having daughter. Will be our first child, so we'll see how we go :)
Son. I don't think I could stand the thought of some faggot giving it to my little girl.
Some other dad can go through that crap.
It's my sole duty in life to give my husband a son someday, and I'll stand by this. He however, wants a daughter. We've agreed on 2 kids, but I might aim for 3 if the first 2 turn out to be daughters.
I'd rather have a son
Less of a chance of turning out to be a total bitch like my sister
Lel. Enkoy you're sligtly more money and then realizing at 50 that you made a horrible and irreversible decision... you will be missing out on the majority of the human experience and will be the failure point in a chain of several billion years.
if digits, miscarriage
Son. Girls lose their minds between the ages 11 & 17. Most never fully regain their sanity.
you've had one kid in four years of marriage to a girl that much younger than you? Jeez.
I really wouldn't mind either. A son might be a little more preferable when the time comes, but anything goes.
Congrats cunt :)
7, not necessarily from the same wife, 4 sons 3 daughters, or 5:2.
Woah there, HRT hasn't gone THAT far.
Tough luck, dude.
Daughters require a lot more work if you don't want her to turn into a degenerate
Sons are a bit more easier, just make sure he doesn't become a faggot.
My girl is only 7 and she's a fucking pain to deal with
No they're not, they're just mature, but that doesn't correlates with being smart
What kind of dark magic is required to find a woman like this
Thanks m8. I was sure it was a boy until the 20 week scan yesterday because gut feeling so a little surprised but happy all the same. Pretty sure my plans of discipline just went out the window
I would have preferred to have at least one boy but I got three daughters in a row then we gave up.
By the way that shit about them syncing up is bullshit. Someone in this house is always on the rag and it's a constant bitch fest. I spend most of my time hiding.
Son who's a libcuck because I could always hope he'll grow out of that.
You've lost me Sup Forumsack.
Older daughter, younger son.
Which seems to be the pattern throughout my family.
Fucked up girls are usually the result of an absent or abusive father.
I actually really want a daughter just because I want to raise her right, to have good values.
Part of what's good about having a son to take care of his mother
>White daughter
Ugly boring flat disgusting feminist weak no pride no honor sucks nigger dick gives birth to nigger babies
>White sone
alpha proud honorable warrior of the white race conquers black and asian women with his BWC and then makes some white bitch give birth to his kids adn kills the daughters and raises the sons as his own to breed more white saviors of the aryan race
If i had to choose between two evils, I'd rather not choose at all.
Libcuck, i could ask my friend's son to bully him into being a man.
go for 3 at least, regardless of whatever gender child you pop out, if you aren't actually some LARPing faggot
Aww you poor thing.
At least one son to carry on my name. Otherwise I prefer girls.
It has been a woman's duty since the creation of man. Forget it being an idea of the patriarchy. Every woman should aspire to give her man a son, and if she gives him daughters, she must guide them to be good women, in hopes they will be good wives for decent men. Daughters will be more of a challenge to raise, but it can be done if the parents are dilligent.
No. I am the middle child and I am way smarter than my 2 siblings. Although they are female so there is that.
>assuming you got married, what do you prefer?
I ain't getting married but if i have a kid i would rather have a son since i would abandon a daughter.
My sister is older than me and is batshit retarded and still won't believe me when i say water is heavier than oil and thats why oil floats at the top of water.
She is 26.
Why 3 though? I have one sibling, and with two there is no teaming up against the other sibling(s). I think it forces them to act as a team, and you only really have to do good work with the first, because the first will highly influence the second.
>having a daughter in 2016
I'm the second son, much smarter than my retarded older sister. Your post is full of BS
then they grow up.
>several billion years
Sorry, rock-mom and amoeba-daddy
My sister is so fucking retarded and she's 30. I always have to look after her even though I'm 8 years younger because she always finds a way to fuck shit up. Last month she got conned 2000$ by a car mechanic.
Daughter, if I get it with the woman I love.
Otherwise, a boy.
Daughter, so I could sell her to comet ping pong and get some cash
son is a lot less trouble
A dogo. Humans suck, especially small humans
Thanks Achmed
My boyfriend and I want a son, and if we have a son first we will try again for a daughter next. If we have a daughter first we will not have any more children because all of our efforts will have to be placed on making sure our daughter does not grow into a degenerate coalburner. We also plan on homeschooling our children and engaging them in sports and church often.
>t.former coalburner
Never tell your man
daughter, my wife already has a son from previous relationship
I barely even see black people where I live, so that doesn't make much sense. I think I've seen one black walking around downtown in the span of 2 weeks.
I don't care as long as they're white. Gotta make dem white babies
Single father here. A daughter. And that's what I got. Boys are too agressive etc and girls with an actual father turn out better I have noticed
Don't care what it is as long as the boy is healthy.
>Barely sees Niggers
Is he Albanian?
son, because he fucks instead of being fucked
other than that it's the same
I live in rural Oregon, less than 2% black population in the entire state. Mexicans from California are everywhere, yes. Niggers, no.