Describe his years as president in 6 words or less
Describe his years as president in 6 words or less
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Okay except Iraq and Patriot Act
Mission Accomplished
cuck a doodle doo
He was a puppet for Jews
His VP shot a guy's face
jet fuel cant melt steel beams
He looks surprisingly competent and peaceful after 8 years of Obama/Clinton.
blm didnt exist
He was a complete fucking idiot.
towering inferno of lies and deceit
i wasnt old enough to know anything about that guy
Kept America safe.
Fuck off, TRS.
Early 00s music was really bad.
i'd give it a 9/11
Simple man put in hard position
Angered Jewish media; pol is retarded
Fuck off
Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld Colin Powell
kek aproves
niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers
This is it. Thread's over guys.
I voted for this idiot, twice.
That will be Democratic majority congress that took over in 2007, you fucking shill.
Nine One One
CNN told me he is racist.
Retard autist faggot cuck jew lover
Does not care about black people
>kept America safe
By ignoring all the signs he was given and allowing the worst terrorist attacks to happen in our history and sending our troops out to die in pointless wars.
spent 5 trillion on middle east
could have built new york city 10 times with that
>CNN said he is racist
[citation needed]
>pointless wars
MIDF pls
5 planes weren't enough
The Order of Skull and Bones
no, no, it's all relative. Bush 1 pushed nafta, Bill Signed it. Bill also repealed the banking regulations that led to 2008, and Bush 2 just didnt do a damn thing about any of that because he was too busy with iraq.
The same 6 words that can describe every conservative candidate over the past 20 years:
Complete racist and literally Hitler desu
>None of those mortgages or credit default swaps were given out before 2007
>there was no early 2000s recession
Is Trump a Muslim? He opposed the Iraq war too
the shoe dodging made it worthwhile
initiated the start of total world war war 3 ( still heating up )
total global enslavement by the shaddow government network
> Hillary makes him look godtier
Daddy issue the term
You dun fucking goofed, Mr. Dubya.
Sure, maybe that's why he's appointing Based John Bolton for Secretary of State?
He just said that to attract Independent voters, kid. lrn2politics
I just want to get this out of the way-
Nine eleven was an inside job
fooled once, can't get fooled again
My man.
I reckon you'd get bored after the third of fourth time
Dick riding the military industrial complex.
Better than Barry
Can someone explain this shit to me? Wtf happened?
Preferable to his successor, the monkey
Not all that bad in retrospect
Nigger got elected after second term
Curious George's adventures in Middle East
>he said that invading Iraq was a bad idea and because of it we've unintentionally given the birth to ISIS and destablized the middle east only to attract independent voters
Wew lad, so the only logical things he said was bullshit to pander for votes
The worst terrorist attack happened in his era
No child left behind is awful
Better than Trump.
Crashing this economy with no survivors
Damn son, ISIS happened because Obama pulled out of Iraq. How old are you, 10?
Cowboy made president.
Can you blame him?
You take that back you bitch
His economy was actually pretty good. DESU it wasn't until the housing collapse which was a direct result of liberal policies that shit went in the pooper.
>Kept America safe.
In other words, you are 18 years old and were just a child during his entire administration?
He started an illegal war, more americans died on his watch than another other prez in decades
Just fuck my Middle East up.
>pro-Wall St pro-big banks pro-big corps policies
>liberal policies
Damn, I've read retarded stuff on Sup Forums, but this takes the cake!
Dump's got that shit on 'roids from the looks of it.
What option did he have? Continue wasting billions of dollars for a war half the country opposed and in which our men were dying for no reason. Bush destablized it, it was entirely his fault.
Tap dancing dumb ass war criminal
(the tap dancing part was cool, tho)
Nine eleven was an inside job
He said that numerous times years before he even ran for President, retard.
Giving loans to people who couldn't hope to pay them back in the interest of fairness ehich bush personally denounced in front of congress no less than three times.
Bin Laden got away damn it
memorized speech knowing the question ahead of time
>presidential debate
answering an unprepared question while the whole world is watching
>last clip
reading off speech he didn't practice, and trying to add comments to make it seem more natural knowing that if he fucks up, he's still president
Giving public speeches is only a small part of what the president does.
Not if you knocked it down each time instead of only once
Fuck up bitch
I was too young to care.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Did too much for Big Business.
Better than Jeb at least.
Can't get fooled again.
Keep believing the liberal media, jackass.
was in Iraq was not necessary
A disgrace for the Republican Party
W Bush was Funny and Incompetent
jet fuel can melt steal beams