That we really don't know what the fuck we're doing and that the leftists are probably right about a lot of things because they generally seem smarter and more knowledgable. I mean we can call climate change bullshit but be honest you haven't looked into the research, you ignore that 97% of scientists agree it's true, you just kinda make up an exucse and move up.. what if they actually look into stuff and we don't.. and we majorly fucked up. Like I know it's fun but Trump is an idiot like us and if we admit it we're probably not the best people to determine our futures
Everyone knows global warming is real. People are just saying "lolllll who cares? other people aren't doing shit about it so why should we? :^)"
Wyatt Kelly
Both sides are wrong but the left is even more wrong
Michael Williams
t. numale SJW
Nathan Hernandez
The question is whether or not the Earth is warming up but rather if it really even matter. All these quacks are dreaming up weather doomsday scenarios where the caps melt completely and the oceans boil and Earth turns into Venus which sounds retarded.
Brody Martin
isn't whether or not*
Logan James
Fuck off shill
Carter Perry
I do it for free :^)
Ayden Garcia
>reads the post >saw the flag Yep everything checks out here.
Grayson Baker
>t. CTR shill working for free Sad!
Mason Butler
(You) have to go back
Logan Rivera
Pol won't even though it's pretty fucking obvious it's true. You'll just get called a shill, CTR etc
Pic related, how Harvard and MIT voted
David Howard
Kys with your d&c
Lucas Hill
Day of the rake soon my photosynthetic friend
Camden Williams
Look out! the truth troll~
Nicholas Rogers
Climate change is real but man doesn't contribute to any significant degree. So the science is real, but the agenda which will enrich many connected people is an absolute fraud.
Leo Wood
I don't usually say this, but we really need a leaf rangeban, this is getting out of hand.
Juan Cook
It's not about if climate change exists, which obviously exists, since things change. It's about who's going to make money and play world police in climate control and literally just collect money from everybody and no solve any pollution issue. For successful climate change policy you have to have death penalty for collectors of climate change benefits if they don't solve pollution based on contract with people who live in areas of pollution.
Jordan Allen
Day of the Rake has been pushed up two weeks for this post.
>nobody has pointed out the 97% of scientists myth is bullshit yet
just proves the nu-Sup Forums is full of faggy little kids who have no idea what they're talking about.
Nathan Sullivan
What you think they're immune to group think?
You think they have the same life conditions that a Midwestern town has?
That map is the precise reason we have the electoral college.
Aaron Torres
kys faggot even though you're trolling
Justin Harris
>they generally seem smarter and more knowledgable fuck off you cuck
Carter Brown
Abortion and climate change is the unfortunate baggage of american right. They would literally be perfect if they took those two on board but no party is perfect.
William Morris
You cannot really deny climate change, since there is evidence of climate change since the dawn of earth itself.
There has been lots of climate changes, the last ice age didnt really end until 12.000 years ago, and it lasted a long fucking time.
The weather will always change. Sure humans are to blame for some of this, but tell me how the current model for saving the climate will be any help at all?
Tell me how it can be beneficial to the climate the way we do it now?
if you want to save the climate you have to kill of half of the world. Is that really what you want?
I'd rather just have nature take care of it senpai.
Jack Stewart
I am still waiting for definition of climate change.
Aiden Lopez
Because the solution they propose for global warking is to put CO2 taxes to fund the UN so they can help africa reach 3 billion by 2100 So fuck them and fuck the polar bears.
Chase Long
Taking such obvious bait so seriously just shows how new you really are. You have to go back.
Henry Evans
Good thing the entire USA rests comfortably in a temperate zone am I right?
See, "educated liberals" want to make decisions based on all lives being worth the same but they're not and the very ones they try the hardest to protect are the ones that would turn on them the fastest. You can take that to the fucking bank.
Wyatt Perez
No one can argue with climate change. It's such an ambiguous phrase as opposed to Global warming or before that Global cooling.
Say, I wonder if that's why they settled on it?
Whoa leaf, you really made me think.
Josiah Wood
The problem is to prove if and to what degree humans did contribute to it. We know that there were temperature changes through history, but we lack data about their speed and size. So even the global warming side cant really prove that it is our fault and if, to what degree.
Isaac Gonzalez
Who's "we"?
Fuck off.
Nicholas Cooper
>I am an ignorant faggot who blindly repeats talking points so everyone else must be too
Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Nathaniel Young
Yeah because Big Oil is more trustworthy ;)
Oliver King
No they're just incredibly smart, and so they won't even consider Trump. It's honestly as simple as that. At least 20 percent of them will of been brought up in complete shit holes.
Henry Morgan
No I will admit no such thing. And fuck off with your 'we' bullshit too, leaf.
Logan Green
One, it's not 97%. Less than 20% of atmospheric scientists believe in climate change. Two, scientific consensus doesn't make it a fact. Consensus =//= the truth.
Third, stop being a faggot
Kevin Butler
a fucking leaf
Gabriel Cox
No and fuck off, leaf.
Brayden Nelson
No, climate change is bullshit. Stop idolizing the ivory tower.
Can't you admit that conservatives are more capable than soft-palm, limp-wristed faggots?
Henry Hall
Finish the rest boys and girls
Christopher Brooks
Yet Leftist deny difference between races. Even though any idiot who watches the olympics knows they exist
Cooper Sanders
i am no climate change denier, but the >97% of scientists agree is fucking nonsense. 97% of scientists once thought the earth was flat. 97% of traders and fund managers thought a housing bubble was impossible. 97% of professional news reporters and pollsters thought a Donald J Trump presidency could not happen
Ian Jenkins
It's still just global warming mate.
The globe is warming.
Look at a graph of global temperatures.
This is simple stuff. Like, babby's first line graph tier.
Lucas Price
Josiah Nguyen
Feels good to be on vacation far away from OP.
Henry Nguyen
No, because it is simply not true, there was never a plan, we just all have common interests. Everything I do, I do to help futher the cause of Civic Nationalism, I don't expect people to be fighting the same fight I am because there is no "we" here. Fuck off and go back to tumblr or twitter where everyone where everyone is a hive mind.
Jacob Reyes
>mfw leaves are now competing to be the shittiest cunt
please stop
Camden Williams
>read the post >look at the flag
everything checks out
this fucking board man, this fucking board i tell ya man. even on normie forums or reading a fucking paper i can recognize country of a writer after w while
Henry Brooks
97% rofl
Heard of the petition project?
Just STFU you stupid lefty moron
Chase Edwards
Taking such obvious metabait shows that you need to lurk more.
Tyler Thompson
>97% of scientists once thought the earth was flat
No they didn't you fucking ignoramus.
James Watson
>leaf >saged and hidden
Adrian Collins
We need a leaf rangeban.
Holy fuck this shit is annoying
Jackson Green
One redpill that Sup Forums still hasn't accepted.
Lincoln King
Jaxon Nguyen
Anthropogenic climate change is real, denying it is as retarded as denying evolution. What is in dispute is the magnitude of resulting damage to human civilization.
But the problem is that the left is trying to use the issue as a power grab, instead of offering realistic solutions.
I will rather take my chances with a few degrees warming than wil global leftist totalitarian government. If all else fails, atmospheric engineering will probably save us.
Cameron Roberts
I think you admit you are a retarded cuck OP
Parker Perry
I don't get why anyone thinks climate change isn't real. We have plenty of past precedent for it.
It's just selfish people not wanting to change how they do things because it's inconvenient for them.
Jose Sullivan
>come in goyi- I mean guys- I'm just a regular goy like you but can we please admit we're all filthy stupid goyim and just start listening to what the chosen people tell us again please? Haha just a regular goy like you here
Andrew Turner
>the 97% meme
It needs to die just like the leafs
Carter Adams
The replace it with >earth was the center of the solar system or any of a million other examples where popular opinion was straight up inaccurate. you get the idea
Brayden King
So why did they vote Hillary, tangible reasons please? "She's not Trump" does not justify their IQ.
Jordan Torres
>popular ideas were wrong in the past therefor all popular ideas are wrong
wew lad
Brandon Bennett
Leftists are right on things like global warming, higher taxes for the rich, and basic income, but they've pretty much turned their back on the working classes and see race as more important than class. That's one of the reasons Trump won.
Daniel Reed
Look into what you faggot are you smart enough to figer out the earth weather for the past 500 million years?
No you are not you have to read some shills research papers. Just fuck off pls op.
Justin Hall
It was also long before the modern institution of science.
James Perez
Sebastian Myers
Why would (((they))) want to push the climate change "lie"? What is the motivation?
If it is real and we are heading towards a precipice, won't that just make it easier to "destroy the white race"?
Jacob Scott
Canadians.. and I'd bet most of them are from Reddit too.
wtb range ban
Nathaniel Williams
this and only this
Hunter Butler
I see CTR is still here. Keep trying you faggots, you'll never change this place.
John Lee
But we haven't even initiated the death squads yet. At least let us build the concentration camps.
Matthew Collins
Can we all just agree that the leftists are right and that white people are literally worthless and have achieved nothing that didn't hinge around oppressing others? Can we all admit that whites are evil and privileged and should all die out after surrendering or assessments exclusively for black breeding and giving all our money to women of color?
William Williams
It's getting to the point where I can't tell if it's some guy with a proxy, a self parodying leaf, or an actual legitimate leaf.
Scratch that, there's never been a time that wasn't the case.
Owen Reed
Leafcuck And Brazilnog...
enjoy your bloodsheckels... e-brownshirts will reap the rewards of their work.
Eli Thomas
The temperature change is only one aspect of human impact on the environment.
Everyone is quick to dismiss global warming, which there is evidence for being man made, a natural phenomenon, or a little bit of both.
Never discussed is the island of garbage in the pacific, desertification, deforestation, endangered species and habitat loss.
Nuclear power is praised as clean but look at Fukushima and Chernobyl, not exactly vacation destinations.
Temperatures aside, the amount of humans on the planet and their consumer habits are changing biomes.
It's the methane released from ice that'll fuck us raw
Alexander Gomez
Their jobs wont be replaced and they want cheap labour.
Andrew Rivera
You must be retarded or have a double digit iq less than 90 to not comprehend that we know exactly what we are doing. Dispel this fiction.
Ryder Rodriguez
I didnt say that. I believe in human impact on the environment, i would imagine it takes a special kind of retard to ignore it. But what i said is that the POPULARITY of the idea is not an indicator of its CREDIBILITY
Isaiah Bailey
> 2016 > Trying to argue that science is wrong Turn off the internet and throw your laptop in the fucking bin.
Blake Young
There are a few intellectuals on the left, but many more that pretend at being intellectual and many many more that are just fucking idiots. I think the future of intellectualism lies with conservatism.
Eli Turner
The planet is not warming, it's cooling.
It's the Sun
CO2 has nothing to do with it.
Man's CO2 output is about 3% of total.
What a bunch of ignorant faggotry in this thread
Oliver Gray
A pole shift is causing global warming, not humans.
Noah Rogers
I would vote for a Democratic if the Democrats weren't activily trying to destroy the USA. They don't want us to have a border.
Jace Allen
So I've only recently started frequenting Sup Forums, but everytime I read a really terrible, egotistical post, and then take a look at the flag, it's always these fucking leafs. I don't understand what it is about Canada that gives rise to such shitposting. Can someone explain this phenomena? Aren't they white?
Ryder Sullivan
how can you learn so much about history, philosophy, psychology and biology and still be such a fucking retard? seriously people like you are so fucking idiotic it makes me sick
Hunter Perry
I've looked into it and it's not fake but it's also not important. You're a fucking retard.
Justin James
No its people not wanting to give their government huge carbon taxes and more power because we doubt our government taking more of our money or having more control of our lives is going to stop the earth from warming while China India and Africa are still fucking it up.
Colton Morgan
Shill detected
Xavier Turner
Her policies were much better, Trumps were/are all completely stupid apart from immigration. Hillary was bad too but she was also clearly the better candidate.
The climate change is obvious but I don't really think human influence plays significant role in it. We have information in our old archives, that people used to have vineyards in Poland in the middle ages. We used to have oranges because the climate has been so warm in this region at that time. You can also read about some times when it was so cold here, that baltic see has been frozen. It's been frozen for so long that there was an Inn built in the middle of it (in the middle of a fucking sea). If I remember correctly Sweden attacked us using that passage through frozen Baltic sea. So it just changes due to sun activity. That's it.