>we memed Left Wing Death Squads into existence instead of Right Wing Death Squads
kek works in mysterious ways
>we memed Left Wing Death Squads into existence instead of Right Wing Death Squads
kek works in mysterious ways
Ironically their commie home base of california has outlawed assault weapons like those
Ten bucks says I could draw and shoot all four of them before one of them got the safety off.
Oh no not the big scary leftist autism squad
Hold me Sup Forums I'm scared.
I voted for jill stein
They look somewhat faggy and weak to me.
>bullets care who fires them
meh, why bother right? Its not like I'm talking to a free person.
Either way, we get to kill them.
The second one from the right has an AMD 65, I want a gun like that.
Do it, faggot.
But are they real anti-fascists fascists?
Are they gonna set homes on fire, like the ones in Europe do?
America,land of the free and the fat. I am proud of my awful education, horrible medical care, terrible society and religious gunwielding fanatics. With my natural 260 lbs, please stop talking trash about my mediocre country which is a collection of all the human scum EU and Asia dumped a few hundred years ago.
>Implying they even use the safety and basic gun discipline.
I see they are wearing their schnoz protectors.
Nvidia > amd
>unironically putting christan cross there even tho islamic facism is very much alive
wow rly makes me think
I thought leftists hated guns, though.
>that flag
literally who?
I love seeing liberals hold guns. Its like watching Darwin at work.
Would totally fuck the one in the front center until.
I'd pay to see the cuck squad face off the alt cucks.
>I am become death
Literally the first gun related thing I was taught was trigger discipline and not pointing the scary end at things I don't want a hole through. I'm sure that RO went over that, It's like their brains just shut off the second it touches their hands
Look how frail and weak these so-called men are. They lost the ideological war, so now all they have left is to start shooting their dissenters. They're practically begging for a civil war and I'm willing to bet working-class Americans (and many Canadians of the same title, believe it or not) are willing to give it to them. I'm tired of these leftist cucks controlling the media and intimidating those around them. I hope they're ready for a backlash because it's coming in like a tidal wave of shit.
>We're gonna kill you to put an end to killing.
>We're going to use guns which nobody should be allowed to have.
>We're here advocating communism at the behest of our international financial handlers.
>If we lose the countrymen we betrayed will kill us.
>If we win the globalists we usher into power will kill us.
Wait if its illegal to open carry and wear a mask are those guns even real?
From the left;
>weak knee cumsocket
>ill fitting combat boots
>foureyed manlet
>jizz stained sweatpants no shoulder having forward facing grip faggot
>mistakes icetea bottle for weapon
They're real but they're probably their parent's guns. No 20 year old commie can afford the ammo let alone the gun itself. I wonder how they'll feel when the gangbangers they're swearing to protect pull a handgun on them and take their wallets before they can even get the safety off.
>before they can even get the safety off.
Before they find the safety
The FINEST Tokyo Marui has to offer brah
>a leaf
>knowing how guns work
the ak has the safety on
Left wing "death" squads are a good thing. When you start your RWDS it will as a reaction and ou will be praised as a savior.
Not your typical leftists.
No I'm stupid. Here's some penal code for you:
Texas penal code
Sec. 22.07. TERRORISTIC THREAT. (a) A person commits an offense if he threatens to commit any offense involving violence to any person or property with intent to:
(1) cause a reaction of any type to his threat by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies;
(2) place any person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury;
(3) prevent or interrupt the occupation or use of a building, room, place of assembly, place to which the public has access, place of employment or occupation, aircraft, automobile, or other form of conveyance, or other public place;
(4) cause impairment or interruption of public communications, public transportation, public water, gas, or power supply or other public service;
(5) place the public or a substantial group of the public in fear of serious bodily injury; or
(6) influence the conduct or activities of a branch or agency of the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state
Wearing a mask is not a crime. Doing what they're doing is a crime.
>implying they weren't always there
Why do you think we need right wing death squads in the first place? I hate how leftists always act like their shit doesn't stink. They bitch about the SA, even 70 years after the fact, yet the SA was founded to defend against communists, by people who had slapped down the communist revolution of 1919.
Lol the left are afraid of guns. Even ones in their own hands, and don't even understand basics like taking the safety off before squeezing the trigger...Or even to squeeze the trigger rather than pull it, causing half of their shots to be stray bullets
"It's high noon... why aren't you at work?"
A lot of states actually have anti-mask laws. Sounds fascist but we live in times where nutjobs like these can do stuff like this in anonymity.
I hope we can goto war against these idiot activists.
>rebelling against the pope
Well, those cunts sure did a quick 180 when the pope suddenly started spouting SJW bullshit.
I used to know the local chapter head of the International Socialists. I asked him about this hypocrisy. He said muslims are "the fellow oppressed", and therefor exempt from such criticism. When pressed about how it would be if they got what they wanted, he could give no further answer.
>flat arches/10
feet degenerating due to lack of use confirmed
Did the fat one trade his weapon for Mcdonalds?
I have that same fucking problem with my ankles, is that really caused by flat soles? My shoes always end up all bent and I never figured out why
Chances are they are not even using the saftey's.
Can't wait till they accidently shoot one of their own. Then panic at the sound of gunfire, and start fireing in random directions shooting from the hip like in the movies.
Just looking at thos faggots makes me angry.
What's his end-game?
>No plate carriers
I feel like these autistic kids wouldn't last a week in their little red rebellion.
>When you and the squad trying to be domestic terrorists
Winning american ninja warrior.
There's two kinds of people in the world, my friend.
Could be, it's weird to describe in text what it should look like versus what flat feet look like. I had problems with my knees for ages because of strain due to flat arches, which got traced back to bad footwear which didn't support my arch and it just disappeared from standing poses over time. After some good insoles and exercise its all better now
Best check with your doc if you're concerned
I think its pretty obvious what all of their goals are.
I will make that commie lass learn to love red white and blue
What makes you think the left are all SJWs?
We've killed 100,000,000 people and the best the right can manage is 25m.
Come the revolution you will all be up against the wall.
The left can't even fight a war without significant losses and this is consistent all through history, without Soviet tier numbers they always lose and with modern military equipment numbers have become nearly irrelevant in the scale of conventional warfare.
>implying the USSR wasn't secular fascism
Let's not forget the limp-wristiing that causes failures in cycling.
they all want the puss puss but £10 says she goes for MAGA dudebros and gets her leggings all wet with fanny cummies but doesnt wash them
Afraid of those fags, LOL. No armor, no spare mags, no training. Dead in seconds.
3 Delije would murder them unarmed
Champ, when "the left" revolts, right wing archetypes take control.
Stalin was one of us, not one of you. All the antifa types and college fags are killed, all the rednecks and niggers are recruited.
All the lefty/pol/ bean-meme spouting cucks would end up screaming for their lives as Sup Forumsacks with the swastikas crudely scratched into sickles pull their gold fillings out and then bury them alive.
My 970 agrees