When you thought this shit was over.
Brazil and Spain welcome.
/tuga/ - Portuguese General
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I have to admit that I always get a bit butthurt when I find some Portuguese website and they're nearly all writing in Brazilian. There are downsides to being an irrelevant nice comfy little country.
Also, shouldn't this be on Sup Forums?
brits have their own threads on pol and int.
Given we also have a lot of huemonkeys and tugas in Sup Forums I think it's fair we get our own /tugapol/
the euro-portuguese internet is tiny, nearly non-existent. Sapo is even smaller than IG im here, you have little content. Stop complaining that our sites dont care about you.
Now, for real, i wish tugas were less invisible on the internet and we could interactas often as bongs and amerifats do.
There's a chan for that (PTChan) but it's pratically empty.
De que cidade são?
Coimbra aqui
Pretos, ciganos e SJW's.
I'm partial to the idea that brazilians ruin everything. Your chan would not be a good place to receive us. Here we at least get numeral disadvantage and the bullying keeps us in check. Brazilian chans are shit, or were, idk.
Lisboa? Amadora?
Lisboa. Suponho que Coimbra também tenha destas merdas, certo?
Right, you guys do fuck shit up but a good Mod Team should fix it.
em muito menos quantidade
>When you thought this shit was over
Suponho que um destes é uma ave rara aí
Brazil is better in literally every way.
>Empregabilidade baixa
>Baixa qualificação da população ativa
>Precisamos de aceitar 900 mil kebabes sem quaisquer qualificações, por vezes analfabetos.
Até mete nojo.
if my mmo expirience is worth anything Brazilians and Tugas are exactly the same. Would add Turks to that group too.
>Brazil is better in literally every way.
Not even going to debate. Have a (you).
Boas o/
Olá irmão
posta gajas lisboetas
não tenho anão, posta tu gajas daí
Simplesmente nojento
É verdade. Não existe Direita no parlamento, é bom que as pessoas abram os olhos.
>Ao radicalismo dos populismos responder com o radicalismo do amor
when will our government extend healthcare to cover meme addiction?
videogaymes are for kids
You deserve to get bullied if you play gaymes