We need to figure out how to remove the chinks before they take over like they're doing in Canada.
We need to figure out how to remove the chinks before they take over like they're doing in Canada
How about we let them so canada can be finally liberated from lefyst cucks ?
Get rid of Canada so there is no Canada to invade, yeah.
>Implying chinks don't turn into turbo-leftists when they enter a turbo-leftist country and hasten its demographic demise
End result of far left is communism, so there'd be no difference besides demographic replacement. It'd just be China 2.0
at least it's not muslims
send that one cucked greece poster over
he'll be able to do something
but before this happen there will be SOME normal time
too late, burger$... you spent too fighting "hory wars" in teh desert -- the horse has bolted
Chinese are superior to us white trash, we lose. Asians are the majority and are better in every way except dick size which doesn't really matter in the long run. Give it up, accept defeat by the asian masters.
Finland thread?
USA needs more Chinese. They are our greatest asset I'm glad we have them instead of spics and nogs
> oy vey accept your fate goy oy vey don't even think of competing
t. changs
Fuck off back to your own shitholes. You're no better than refugees who flee their homes instead of fixing them.
Wasn't aware there was a problem.
it's not, chinese are the new jews
an explanation for an inferiority complex
No kidding. Most of the construction for malls, shops, and apartments/condos are mostly from businesses in China. At least here I'm southern California.
Well, they actually do the leftism right, because they have 100% pragmatism and 0% feels.
>do the leftism right
There's no such thing.
You should let us take over Canada and kill Trudeau.
For one, we might actually be more alpha. God you let your numales win.
The chinese will fix that god awfuul place. The Canadians themselves kind of failed so they have no chioice but to rely on them
We chinks don't do the communism meme anymore, its just a title. I mean, does China really look like a shining land of workers owning the means of production?
Best Korea is probably better at that.
>make ww3
>japanese finish their job
Just because the don't go all in on the retarded state property doesn't mean they are doing it wrong quite the opposite.
Only Stalin and his copycats did this actually.
Raging Chinese growth tends to disagree, Europe isn't as bad as described either.
>Chinese growth
At the cost of Western workers and their own populace. The majority of them live like dogs while the corrupt elite make off with the rest.
>implying I don't have yellow fever and am a huge race traitor
Chinese workers also gained immensely. They live at least twice as good as any other SE and S Asian country on the same shittiness level after WWII. Middle class is growing fast.