Why does Australia claim to be full when it has been proven they are not?
Take some refugees you fucking cunts.
Why does Australia claim to be full when it has been proven they are not?
Take some refugees you fucking cunts.
Agreed fuck those cunts. Moving to Melbourne next year.
Because refugees would go to the cities anyway and 85%+ of the people in Straya live in cities
Because 80% of Australia is inhospitable you fucktard
Why dont you move out of vancuckver and go live on baffin island?
Non-Whites have no business being in this country.
White Australia Policy 2.0 when?
Why has Israel taken 0 African or syrian refugees? Why are these countries full of racist nazis who are islamophobes?
Yeah, but refugees are use to living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the desert. The outback would be the perfect climate for them.
They'll complain about having no PS4 or something
Because jews.
Its not up to you to decide if they are full or not.
Yea can't you guys just terraform the deserts to make room for refugees?
Fucking country full of racists
Fuck off, they're full.
I don't think anyone would mind if a load of Lebs came over and agreed to only settle in the interior as long as they didn't ask for gibs
>Let's put the refugees in the desert.
Shut the fuck up you racist bastard.
Because arable land is a strip around the coast. We need to create an inland sea on this continent if we want to start utilizing inland.
>Refugees are from desert climate.
>Therefor we cannot send them to another desert climate because raciss?
Not even close to 20% full
It is like 2%
>Let's pile refugees in the middle of the fucking Australian Outback
>They all die within 2 days due to dehydration
>We're so progressive
> Leaving one shithole to go to another shithole
I'm pretty sure the last thing desert people want to go is to another desert.
Dump the refugees in the middle of the outback and let them fend for themselves.
They are coming from the jungle you racist fuckhead. They aren't European migrants.
There's salt in the water table out there dickhead, it can't be irrigated.
Then why don't you take them, America? I mean you are the one fighting a proxy war in Syria which is causing this whole refugee crisis :^)
More like 80% uninhabitable
>saged and hidden
Honestly though, I wonder who would win in a cultural deathmatch, Abbos or Muslims.
Because they import fucktond of asians who are taking over, their women go to said asians nations to get asian dick, and kebab country hop so that they aren't counted as rapeugee so that they can get past the Australian government and allowed in.
Austral is cuckd to shit by non-whites so they tell us they're full because they don't need more people coming in than already are to wreck what little they have left
Straya will always be our brother and we will do whatever we can to help them
Because full means at capacity
A bus can be full even if it is still has empty space in it
The lands that are even remotely habitable are full enough, as are the ones here. Canada and Australia would both probably get into big shit if we resettled most of the refugees we took into the untamed wild lands of the Canadian Shield or the outback.
abbos, the muslims wouldn't have the support they get in the middle east from arab states down in australia
no you ducked lead we are fucken full
Then how do the roo's survive?
The god damned leaf strikes again
The same reason Canada is one-tenth the population of the United States
>Meanwhile in Canada an MP is sperging out over being told not to use the word fart.
We did one better and had a prison island for boat people which had absurdly bad conditions. Only made it illegal a few months back.
Quite acting like a bunch of sand niggers. You aren't Australian so stay out of Australia.
Why don't you build nuclear desalination plants, then water your crops while pumping the saltly ground water into the ocean?
A good portion of the USA is also uninhabitable wasteland.
if land mass capacity was the sole criteria niggers and shitskins would stay where they are you dimwit
a fucking leaf again on top of that
fuck I hate this country
How would you contain them there if you can't even contain refugees in Eastern Europe from running to Germany
The land is uninhabitable unless vast swatches are devoted to feeding one cow
Reds are the only type that live in the proper desert, and they get most of their water from eating plants.
Okay sure let's spend an enormous chunk of my tax money on making some mad max shithole livable so we can fill it with foreign welfare seekers sounds great.
Send them to the outback so they get killed by the elements.
have a laff
More like bullfrogs desu senpai.
>wanting to kill the dying reefs even faster.
>A good portion of the USA is also uninhabitable wasteland.
Only because niggers live there.
Good idea. Let's just dump all the refugees into the enormous deserts in the middle of the continent. Clearly there is no reasons as to why nobody currently lives in that area.
>get into big shit
With whom? Who gives a fuck about a few million sand niggers freezing to death or getting bitten, spat and beaten to death? Is it really worse than getting shot, stabbed, bombed, decapitated, hanged, stoned, ran over with tanks, burned...? No, it's better.
So Leafs are ok with one group using stolen land to take in even more people who don't belong in the country?
>comedy central as source
Congratulations leaf, that's far and above more than I expected from you.
Everywhere is full.
Get over it.
Clearly the land should be given to the Abos who should take in the refugees.
Salt in the water table jungle man, this has been covered already.
It's easier to say "fuck off,we're full."
the outback is just one huge thunderdome if two people enter it only one of them leaves
>right by the coast
Really makes you think...
The fuck you are talking about, Dubai is a dusty shithole.
You can't win against the desert.
This is painfully stupid
Huh it's almost like you can build a city on a desert if you have lots of imports.
It's simple, there's more unemployed Australians than jobs so this is what we do:
>send all refugee to the outback
>start an Australian Refugee Police Office
>Only hire white Australians born on the land
>any refugee that step out of line or tries to go in the cities gets the piss beaten out of them by the ARPO
What's so illegal about Christmas island? None of the people that ended up there had even the intention of coming LEGALLY to Australia. They all just jumped into a boat with no papers and expected to be welcomed to white taxpayer-paid utopia without any qualifications or work necessary.
My dream job. I literally can't think of anything else I'd rather do than beat up niggers while riding around the desert in an armoured police vehicle with good AC.
A fucking Leaf. Every fucking time.
>a fucking leaf
most of australia is uninhabitable. Look at it on google maps, it's mostly desert.
Taking in refugees is fucking expensive and it destabilises communities, especially when the refugees are coming from very different backgrounds.
so fuck off, we're full
Stop being so butthurt
Youre right, we should take all those refuges and leave them in the desert without food or water
No shit bogans, you have lots of sand for the sand niggers native habitat.
No, they all live right by rivers
Instead of paying for a retarded, costly government program that won't be profitable for Australia in the long run, how about we just don't let them in?
I agree, let's stick some asylum seekers in the middle of Australia and see how long they last.
You dumbass leaf. Canada is also involved in Syria. Plus, most of these 'refugees' aren't even from places with war.
I'm actually fine with moving them to the desert with the reclusive Abos
Start a Twitter campaign with this image OP
>population density
>having ANYTHING to do with liveable space, infrastructure and economic sufficiency
No we aren't, m8
>Baffin Island.
Top kek, I have a cousin who lives their, his parents won a big sum of money off a scrach off but decided to stay and renovate the house. So if you see a out of place nice house then you know who's their.
Yeah but the Aussie desert is full of abos and emus. It's like a god-given refugee disposal
why dont you use science to desalinate the water and terra-form the outback?
and the world is laughing at america...
I dont mind giving the people a good laugh but straya is certainly underrated
Sounds like the perfect place for a few hundred thousand Africans.
>why don't you use science
Sure, we'll just rub some science-cream on the problem to make it go away. Imbecile.
80% of the land is uninhabitable?
>wants to terraform other planets
>can't even terraform earth
>Is it really worse than getting shot, stabbed, bombed, decapitated, hanged, stoned, ran over with tanks, burned...?
Suffering's suffering, dying's dying, no matter how it's happening. There will be complaints.
>who'll care
Our nation's lefttards (most of the population), and all the ones at the JewN too.
>(((comedy central)))
Yeah, you dumb cunts. Brown/black shits are reproducing on unhealthy levels and the rest of the world MUST make room for them.
Yes definitely they're, but theur government is also shit someone should take care of the governments
Do not listen to the leaf. You have your own problems with the Abos. You don't need to import more problems. You'll just end up having to kill them anyways when they don't assimilate.
Your government literally shits in the streets, Pajeet.
What part of full don't you understand?
Fuck off aussie cunt