what does Sup Forums think of the kkk?
What does Sup Forums think of the kkk?
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K e K loves them apparently
fake and gay
A bunch of has-beens with no real plan going forward.
At best, a mixture of good and bad ideas that have been irrevocably tainted by the worst of their brood.
They don't exist in any meaningful way anymore.
Also this.
trump disavowed them today
Awful people.
The burgeoning alt-right would do good to stay away from them.
They are the Radical islamists of America.
Used to be a very powerful and great organisation but has been a history since it˙s fall in 1944.
Nowadays it is just a highly outdated organisation that lost all it˙s key supporters many decades ago.
Bunch of feds trying to get retards to get arrested for domestic terrorism or ruin any rightwing movement that picks up steam.
I love them, who else is going to keep the niggers on their toes?
A bunch of retarded cosplayers, probably controlled opposition.
It was a movement in the old days to keep segregation and provide a safe place for whites away from violent savage blacks.
Nowadays it's 50 FBI agents and 2 Alabama hillbillies ranting about the civil war
how to talk to the kkk
pretty fucking gay
Used to be powerful, now just a club to BBQ and say nigger.
Kool Kids Klub
Half the kkk is fbi agents, the other half is people retarded enough to join the kkk despite this fact
They used to be a terrifying and effective force of racism and hatred.
Now they're just a meme boogeyman that don't really exist anymore outside of fringe support.
Used to be good
Largely irrelevant in this day and age other than to occasionally be dragged out of the cellar for the purposes of harassing your opponents.
Redneck hoosiers who don't know why they stand for what they stand for.
FBI honeypot, controlled opposition, doesn't exist
100% irrelevant.
pajama wearing retards
400 members in the KKK with 350 of them being FBI plants
I think BLM, privelege theory, and media bias have been great recruiting tools for them. Although the vast majority of things they say and do are wrong/evil, occasionally even a group like the KKK will have a valid point. And since whites aren't allowed to join the "race conversation" as full participants, these guys can come across as truth-tellers and sages.
Spooky ghosts
spooky ghosts
Literally inbred.
Someone redpill me on these "FBI" agents
Inbred redneck faggots with stupid costumes
hurrible litrly hitler
Kek approves
racist shit, they should all be wiped out
Stupid rednecks and ineffectual.
1st KKK - disorganized and ineffectual
2nd KKK - the most effective conservative organization in American history
3rd KKK - disorganized and ineffectual
Hardly even exists anymore, but still useful for scaring niggers into voting democrat
I don't like em'. Fuck em'.
Kek has spoken!
I highly advise the president elect not to distance himself. He shouldn't forget who got him there. Tread lightly, Don.
100% FBI
A silly organization.
the first KKK started as a group of confederate officers needing something to do at night because they were bored out of their fucking minds. They modeled the organization after a frat and then it just got out of control stupid to the point that they were threatening whites with ass kickings for not joining. It was sort of like redneck ISIS.
For once a leaf knows what he's talking about.
This is one of the most insightful posts I have seen in a long time.
Less than a shadow of their former selves but still strung up as a boogeyman by democrats and people causing racial division around the world.
Virtually non-existent FBI honeypot kept alive and relevant for the sole purpose of silencing political opposition on the age of identity politics.
Literally an FBI honeypot
One half is the FBI, the other half is informants working for them
except thats incorrect you fucking kike
Mostly just a meme. I guess there's a few rural areas with cosplayers who get together and burn a cross every now and then.
I think they've done the Democratic Party a lot of good over the years
KKK has just devolved into a club of grumbling and people who complain about niggers every so often while getting drunk out in the field
Irrelevant and harmless
Cringy costumes.
Limp and Impotent. They, at least, get the calvary horses back, so the don't look so 'Logan's Run-ish'
The modern KKK is one old racist and 150 undercover FBI agents using up all of the FBI's left over funding so they don't have to give it back at the end of the year.
too easy on the blacks
It's 100% correct you white trash faggot.
Tfw there is so many plebbitcunts you cant differ them from polacks being sarcastic and cynical
They're shit.
>fbi agents reporting on each other
The KKK are the whitest niggers I have ever seen.
doesn't exist anymore