Anti white flyer at ASU

I'm a student at ASU and found this on campus. It seems like some student organization is organizing to shut down people acting on their own interests instead of
>le white guilt
Does Sup Forums know anything about this organization?
t. brainwashed uni student

"Dont let them silence your anger"

The hypocrisy with fucking liberals is amazing

>supporting police is racist

Why cant millennials learn to rotate their pictures 90 degrees? Fucking worthless generation.

antifa flag symbol. it's used by all kinds of marxist fuckheads.

Hey fuck you look at the filename
I have no control over this on mobile

>supporting police is now white supremicy
Someone better tell the LAPD, NYPD, and Detroit Police department they need to fire all their nigger cops.

smartphones were a mistake

Is this is a false flag it's a good one

Making fake antifa posters to make them seem insane seems like a great idea


>Racists are those who support police

You should double down on this and print out antifa posters. Normies will get redpilled quick and distance themselves from these commie fucks.

>supporting police makes me a racist

This is how you push people to our cause

Maybe it is? I had heard about some "save the white race" posters like the ones in Canada but didn't actually see them on campus. So the two could be connected? ASU is pretty brainwash-ey like most college campuses so I tend not to think this is a false flag.

o shit thanks.

>You should double down on this and print out antifa poster

"Learn to identify racists"

"are you white?"




>white power = supporting police

Fucking degenerate shitbags. Supporting an agency who's sole purpose is to keep you and others safe and labelling them an indicator of white supremacy is absolutely fucking retarded. You don't see these fucking spastics saying fire fighters and ambos are white supremacists, but police? Fuck yeah, because they stop Antifa from doing legitimately dumb shit and violently protesting.

Dumb cunts. Makes me rage.

I'm on campus too. Where did you find this?


It was at the bus stop right outside the student services center

this is why we need all fed funding pulled from all educational places that promote diversity instead of unity based on racism.

This. I have no idea why we don't false-flag them more often.

That's the double edged sword of having an opponent who doesn't care about ethics. Do we
>stoop to their level and use dirty tricks
>actually treat them fairly and most likely lose?

Pol is so weird. I have never seen a bigger collection of retards as when I started coming here.

Wouldn't surprise me if they started saying paramedics are privileged ableists because they don't use wheelchairs and go to the gym desu senpai

Look at those three things they say. If they're true of you tell me really, are you a white supremacist? Yes you are.

antifa are faggots and commies

what is a white ally anyway? is that like the PC synonym for a house nigger?

thats funny

I think the police should be able to do their jobs, honestly have no idea what a "white ally" is and want immigration laws to be enforced. Am I a nazi yet? Do I get one of those cool armbands?

Dude you are a cartoon, we make fun of canadians, cause they come up with shit like this, can you see my flag?

How brown do you suspect I'm, in a scale from candian snow to I live in fucking south america, you can't come and tell me that this whole movement it's honestly racist cause they been talking to me this whole time, and they know who I am.

I think its their way of saying anything that isn't brown.

That's funny

I never met a bigger collection of retards before I started seeing the shit that Canadians post

Classic Antifa flag I've seen over here
Obvious by now that they're well-organized and get international funding

>supporting police is racist


A "white ally" is a self-hating white SJW who retweets #killallwhites etc

the true redpill is that most of us are actually Canadian, after the 2015 election most of us started proxyfagging as ANZAC out of shame. the only people who you still see with Canadian flags are just too stupid to figure out how VPNs work

Well, that explains why Sup Forums is complete and utter shit these days.

This is a good idea. Theyre false flagging all fuck out with shitty swastikataggings, come out with flyers that push their radical message to its final end goal.

"White people: your days are numbered. The future belongs to POC! Give your women as tribute and give pennance for the original sin of your evil race!"

"Whites are inferior: earth belongs to the hooked nosed!"

"Whites: the day of your long-deserved subjection is at hand... it's are turn to hold the whip!"

Do you have printer? If yes make new one and edit something like kill trump/kill whites and spread them over night on the campus. Wait a few days and report it to the police and claim the university doesnt give a shit about them

I do not know how VPNs work but i have autism so that is that.

yes you do it's called not being a phonefag

Where was it? One of those pillars covered in flyers?

>It's a liberal making right-wing propaganda and right-wings making liberal propaganda episode.

No it was on the back of the bus stop on the side is SSB facing Gammage by the street parking

Alabama state university or arziona state university

We treat them fairly up front, but slide Jewish tricks under their nose.
They are blatant with it but we are not.

Liberals will fight back with what, I wonder? Bongs and dildos?

>Supporting police officers are now considered racist

somebody should just put up fake fliers with the antifa logo that drive their ideas to the extreme

"join antifa today!"
"if you want open borders and all immigrants without restriction to come in: join antifa!"
"if you think white people are the primary cause of all evil in our society: join antifa!"
"if you think communism is cool, join us!"

what the fuck? you can rotate a photo on your smartphone, it's not 2006.


Arizona, my bad

>I'm a student at ASU

Like throwing stones? Join Isi- oh...Antifa

a formidable offense

I don't go to ASU but should I drive to Tempe to beat up these fuckers

Best state school

so supporting police is racist and saying fuck specific race doesnt make you, SJW, the racist.

i dont wonder anymore why all these school shootings happen every now and then

I was going to say we should make the same flyers and just change certain words to flip the script on Blacks or whatever...

But to be honest, this stupid fucking rhetoric from the left is just pushing people further and further away from the left.

>Not hating the police makes you a literal white supremacist

Has Antifa finally gone off the deep end?

>Red flag

Are they commies?


I had no idea that all the asians still living in asia, the africans, the muslims nations, and basically any country that isn't white (apart from Italy, kek) were all white supremacists.

Well done, other cultures. Only western niggerkikes don't know their place.

That's the antifa symbol, usually they're commies or anarcho-whatevers.

they attacked pepe

Laws. I fear that one day you might get arrested for "hate speech"

>supporting police is now considered racis

That˙s racist. Antifa guy is always pictured as a white dude. Is antifa some only white club or something?


>i can't rotate an image in gallery
>i have limited pics so i can't take an easily readable pic
don't bother wondering why you're not a "first pick" out of college either

and the only reason pajeet knows this is because he is the one who made the phone

is that the actual original image?

Because police bothers the drug peddling nig nogs.

I call police on niggers all the time lol.

Ooh you really got me

i dont knoe but north shore antifa lets you leave pic commentd

yes i am a white supremacist

what now?

appear fair in public
be more vicious in private

You are right, the drugs should be legalised and sold in licensed shops with trained people.

Keep it low key, organise with fellow whites and help each other out. Small white business owners especially should do that.

It's justified, they false flagged us recently too
Same school

Meh depends on how bad the drug we are talking about is. We do not want meth problem get out of hand.

But sure make all drugs legal and register its users so they do not receive free health care when something goes wrong. Do the same with fatties and people with poor diet

Found something similiar at my university today in Berlin.
Basically a flyer reading


SWJ taking offense at the FU (Freie Universität Berlin) for not inviting Africans to speak at some sort of talk about Africa. It's all white males which is a horrible thing in a white country.

Fuck me it's starting here too now

>free healthcare
Do you really think there is such a thing as free healthcare? If this is the case you have not understood a basic principle.

>gun laws work
>law enforcement is racist
>open borders with mexico is good
So in liberal coo-coo land I can't legally own a gun but I can get an ak-47 through Mexico and no one will enforce laws against me having it because cops are gone?

>Fuck me it's starting here too now
started long ago laddy

I was surprised and saddened at how anti-gun ASU is. What gives?

Why are antifascists so violent?

How is the irony so completely lost on them that they're acting like fascists in the purest form?


>having a talk about africa

>africans werent invited

jesus christ germans are fucking autistic you go from thinking its racist to preserve your own race to thinking its fine to have a club where a bunch of white people get together to talk about niggers behind their back holy fuck

I know that it isnt free but thats why it˙s called.
If i am paying for my health care make sure to take fatshits and druggies off it so i have to pay less or get a better deal for the price.

Last time i broke my arm i had to wait 4 hours because the hospital was full of shitskin unemployed bosnian welfare queens

U of A here, seen similar shit around my campus down here in Tucson, too

Seems like we've got an infestation in Arizona, lads

Cf Texas as opposed to Austin, Texas.

This school has to deal with so much PC bullshit because of their insistence on having a fuckhuge student body, when in reality half of the students here are poo-in-loos or chinese students that will fuck off back to their own rathole country. Then they have tried to suppress their party culture they were known for years back so hard that they required every student to take an online course on why rape is bad. I can't wait to fuck off from this place and join the military

They actually aren't that bad, the people who fucked us there is the board of regents.
They've made it so that public schools aren't allowed to have firearms.
There's a club on campus called "The Students for Self-Defense" and they made some waves and triggered lefties by pushing for that rule to be changed

I du no why u fags don't just copy the format and have them say shit like

>all racists are white
>we must actively kill all whites to end fascism
>learn how at

I mean you might as well false flag these guys and make them look over the top like they're forming antifa death squads.

Good luck bruv, I know a girl from Tucson and she's awesome, not living there now though lel.

Chaffey College here.

I saw this crap on my campus.

Are you in Tempe?
Wanna hang out and kill niggers?

These limp-wristed heroin-shooting wastes of life should be glad ordinary white people "support the police". If we had their attitude towards the law, we'd still be a lot stronger and better armed and we'd be rounding these scruffballs up and putting them in shallow graves.

Make it more believable but still concerning you idiot.

Make it about paedophilia laws targeting peaceful muslims, and drug bans targeting blacks

They are this desperate