Ethnically African State

Why are there no successful ethnically African states?

Japan/China -- Successful states run by East Asians

Most western countries are successful states run by Europeans

Why haven't Africans done the same thing? They control more than ten million square miles of land which is full of natural resources. When will there be a successful ethnically African state?

because the borders werent established by ethnicity you dipfuck

There are plenty of wealthy black Americans that can assist in the further development of Ghana; agricultural development (increasing food production and food exports will assist in the overall endeavor)

As well as some infrastructure investment in the power grid (solar thermal systems seems like it would be a great investment in Africa due to Africas higher than average solar insolation) as well as providing energy for water filtration/distillation.

I have actually been working on a low maintinance solar thermal power system (load balancing/energy storage) that provides all HVAC needs as well as electrical production, these can be used to great effect in Africa due to it's abundant solar resources.

There are plenty of ways to revitalize soil for the use of growing crops, and herding livestock over fallow ground to graze can actually put fertilizers back into the soil.

If enough wealthy black Americans invest in Ghana through creating ranches/farms and employing workers to run the day to day operations, this may provide a method to bootstrap the nation into more prosperity, attracting more people to live and work there.

Nothing brings in more people like jobs.

Name a successful african region then.

They had thousands of years before Europeans turned up to get their shit together.
They have a continent rich in natural resources.

They squandered this opportunity and now blame Europeans for everything that is wrong with their countries, despite the fact the few GOOD things they have come from Europe i.e. language, law, farming, roads, medicine, railways, sanitation.

Now they just want gibs from the UN supply lorry that turns up each month.

Ethiopia was doing well then the Europeans came to shut it down

>They have a continent rich in natural resources.

And which natural resource should they have exploited prior to European contact?

Hmmmmm how about climate allowing them to harvest crops twice a fucking year, rather than working in heavy clay earth like in northern Europe? Oh right, cause they're too dumb and lazy to dig irrigation canals.



>Ghana; agricultural development (increasing food production and food exports will assist in the overall endeavor)

Probably. Just, for the love of god, get the locals to start planting something that isn't another fucking starch. The rates of malnutrition from POOR nutrition are causing diabetes and hypertension to skyrocket here in Ghana.

>I have actually been working on a low maintinance solar thermal power system (load balancing/energy storage) that provides all HVAC needs as well as electrical production, these can be used to great effect in Africa due to it's abundant solar resources.

Sweet, now find a way to get it into the market in a cheap and effective way for the locals to utilize it while not undercutting the ECG, cause they'll fuck your shit up.

>As well as some infrastructure investment in the power grid..
Ghana needs some serious infrastructure improvement, both electrically as well as commuting. Volta Region recently got several massive road projects but the bulk of road building still happens in Accra and Kumasi and the work is SHIT.

>There are plenty of ways to revitalize soil for the use of growing crops, and herding livestock over fallow ground to graze can actually put fertilizers back into the soil.

Yea there's a lot of straightforward shit that just isn't known. It's like they don't even know how to google agriculture.

>If enough wealthy black Americans invest in Ghana through creating ranches/farms

How many rich black folks in America know dick about ranching and farming? Your idea is good but its difficult to execute.

Give us our own ethnic state and we'll show you a successful African country