Shoot up in rich part of Copenhagen.
So far two civilians have been shot.
Will add more as it is released.
Shoot up in rich part of Copenhagen.
So far two civilians have been shot.
Will add more as it is released.
Other urls found in this thread:
>rich part
Hopefully a shitskin killing off leftist cucks.
>>rich part
wouldn't go as far as saying rich but nice enough.
Do you think it's terror
Most likely. Only bikers and immigrant gangs have guns and bikers never aim for civilians.
Most leftist are in inner Copenhagen.
Er det ikke bare et eller andet rocker-relateret, ligesom det altid plejer at være med skyderier i dk?
Gib habbedin
Tvivlsomt. Det er i lyngby og det er to civile der er blevet skudt på åben gade.
Jesus fucking christ.
Is it bad if i am hoping it to be an immigrant who's responsible?
no silly
>en intern besked til Hr. Romning
Ho ho
finally a happening?
I couldn't really see who else it would be?
Bikers have no motives to shoot civilians and they never shoot on open streets.
Civilians don't have access to guns.
That leaves only one left.
My digits confirm hapenning
Nothing on twitter yet.
Need English sources.
Oh noes! It must be a drunk moose!
Denmark - reports indicate ongoing shooting situation in Lyngby shopping centre in Kongens Lyngby.
Any Danskfags live near this mall?
I don't get it?
Nope, but I used to go to school in the city and I have family living next to the mall.
Could be angry white dude, too, right?
Er det ikke bare perkere, der skyder perkere? Who cares?
Fuck jeg bor der. Er I kbh nu med kaeresten.
Lidt sjovt hvis det er indvandrer. Lyngby er ret hvid og der er langt flere hooligan wannabe hangarounds end der er shit skins.
Meeen niggers gon nig
Was supposed to be there today but was lazy and slept the entire day through. (18 hours) Tho desu I wouldn't mind getting shot at and dying this way.
I was sarcastic, because shootings suck.
Stop Swedeposting this is srs
Det er hvad jeg tænker. Ved ikke hvorfor så mange går ud fra det er tilfældige uskyldige
>Two people have been injured by gunfire in a shopping center in Lyngby North of Copenhagen.
There are no white people in Sweden.
Actually fuck that!
It's a mussie, because of kek
Good thing it's going down in denmark then, you fuck.
No because it's near to impossible to get guns in Denmark. Only immigrants and bikers have guns.
Nej, læs artiklen eller tråden.
Politiet har ikke fanget ham endnu, kan være han er på vej til KBH hæhæ.
They attacked the Sticks N Sushi - probably low chances of you getting shot.
Yeah that part I got, but I don't get the moose part?
Fordi de blev skydt på en Sticks n Sushi. Hvor mange kriminelle kender du der går på Sticks n Sushi?
For everybody else. I live there. Not a lot of immigrants in this city, which is pretty damn wealthy but not the rich part of copenhagen greater.
Lot more biker wannabe hooligans and thugs for some reason. The one bar is a shit hole and a great place to get in a meaningless fight with a coke addict.
But still. Shooting random civvies in a mall? This is terror. Plenty if ISIS shitstains in the nearby ghettos.
Hvorfor skulle kriminelle ikke gå på sticks?
Jeg forstår det ikke helt.
have a bump
Scary. Trump's violent rhetoric is having very real consequences all over the globe.
kek. bliver inde med patterne så
Jeg kan heller ikke udelukke det, men det virker sgu usansynligt.
Mand og dame er blevet skudt på Sticks n Sushi i lyngby.
Det kan også være at du har ret, jeg tror det godt nok ikke, men der går garanteret ikke længe for vi finder ud af det, for er det terror, så fortsætter terroristen sikkert videre til et nyt mål om lidt - det gor de for det meste.
What's the next step of Trump's master plan?
digits and its the start of the commie revolution
Yes. I literrary haven't been able to stop shaking since he won the election!
who cares you european scum
>Sticks N Sushi
Det er sket foer i Stick N Suishi, Hellerup, sjovt nok.
Well, it's kind of a Dutch insider joke to be honest. Every time something happens in Denmark/Sweden/Nordic states, we kinda joke about you guys being so peaceful, and so it must be a drunken moose who did some things.
Det samme skete i 2009
Hahaha. Ja okay. I stand corrected.
yeah it's news to dk that anyone gets shot
but i guess you guys are used to it every day so you dont even react
hows malmo and rinkeby doing?
I live in Lyngby. I was riding the bus there 1 hour before the shooting.
Recently there was also an middle-eastern (possibly an asylum seeker) guy speaking poor English harassing girls (4 in total) for sex saying "kiss kiss, sex sex", etc. right on the street I live on. The police was notified and there was a local news article about it. Too much real life.
Haha nice. We don't have mooses in Denmark though - only vipers and immigrants.
>See a Danish flag
>Suddenly cannot into English anymore
Please respect the peaceful inhabitants of this Vietnamese adult coloring board and speak English
>rich suburb of a big city
Divorced alcoholic 40 year old banker has flipped
me neither. cuz i won 80000 dkk on him =D
>making my bank account great again
>fucking betfair lol
what happened to the poor misunderstood rapefugee?
Nothing special about shooings happends in Sweden almost daily.
moose bites can be nastii
Nederlands is like the modern day Normandy of the wikings.
What's the asylum seeker doing in Lyngby?
please, would anyone do a tldr in english from the current information?
sexually harassing young women, cant you read?
Yep. Personally I respond in danish to posts asked in danish, but I don't understand why danes in here suddenly switch over to talking danish?
Some Danish girl hopefully gave him sex :^).
I don't know I haven't followed up upon it.
>yngby er ret hvid og der er langt flere hooligan wannabe hangarounds end der er shit skins.
>Meeen niggers gon nig
hah your language got cucked by English. pwnd.
i work in tiger across the road,
man and woman shot and wounded outside of a sushi restaurant in a shopping mall in the center of a fairly wealthy suburb to copenhagen.
police think there is one perp, massive manhunt, no motive is known as of yet.
your very weekdays are danish
cucked for centuries
Eh sure, I can give it a shot.
- Two people shot in a sushi restaurant.
One man got shot in the back, he's in a critical condition now.
A woman got shot too but they don't know about her condition.
Shooter escaped but has been described as a man in all black (hoodie and such I think)
happend at seven o'clock.
your language is disgusting i feel filthy even typing it
what do you call your garage, a fucking car-hole?
There are no animals I'm Denmark.
thank you based anons, shadilay
Are you under 18?
Someone is mad they're brown lmao
>shootout at copenhagen
good, maybe now they will stop being such massive faggots, God damn how i hate Sjælland.
My language is the reason you aren't typing in German.
agreed they're fucking cucks
>hah your language got cucked by English. pwnd.
Do you know why Danish and english are so similar?
Ok this is pretty funny. my mates say there gf's were in the mall when it got evacuated. the staff used a "secret coded message" to announce it to the other staff:
"vigtig besked til hr. romning!"
"important message for mr. evacuation"
apparently all the normies fucking started leaving in a hurry as soon as they heard it on the intercom
mates are kekking as we speak
>Being proud of having stopped Hitler
We were the nordic gems in the crown of the third Reich..
>implying "niggers gon nig" is british slang
stop pretending not to be america's cuckold nation
Kek protect all thee ethnic danes
>Shoot at a sushi place
Good someone takes action. Sushi is too fuckin expensive in Denmark
>Eternal Anglo ladies and gentz
>britain stopped the jerries
yeaaahhh...... roight
Hahaha wtf, so that's what it meant.
>Hvor mange kriminelle kender du der går på Sticks n Sushi?
var der ikke en rocker-relaterede skud episode for et par år siden på steaks and sushis.
Jeg ved ikke hvad det er men det virker som om at rockere foretrækker sushi og indvandre bander foretrækker pizza/kebab.
Jeg har set nok crimminal minds til at kunne lave en umiddlebart profil. Manden de leder efter er en hvid mand i slut 30'erne, kort klippet frisure og foler sig "ikke anerkendt" af samfundet/på arbejdspladsen.
Will post picture in two secs.
>Steaks and sushis.
i gotcha senpai
Here's the photo the police released!
You left school too soon
and how fucking unfortunate is that, we'd be blessed if you cunts just rolled over and died
Argh! You dick. Haha.