Trump on not pursuing Clinton investigation: She's suffered enough
nice source.
>Donald Trump doesn't feel "very strongly" about prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server, he told The New York Times in a Tuesday meeting, adding the former secretary of State has already "suffered greatly."
>In a broad-ranging sit-down with New York Times reporters, the president-elect indicated he would not pursue charges against his former Democratic rival.
>The god emperor, in his infinite wisdom, decides to be merciful on his pitiful and pathetic subject, showing that even those who have greatly strayed from the path of light may be redeemed.
>Somehow this is an embarrassment upon himself.
>This much delusion
He promised it. If he doesn't do It he is a liar.
Didn't he cancel the interview with The New York Times?
I thought the lefties were the ones that liked doing mental gymnastics?
Can't we just make a counter of all the broken promises.
Everyday we just see how everything he promised to do, just vanishes into thin air.
Wow, this is really disappointing if true.
>President can't jail anyone he wants without evidence
>a bad thing
No, he put it back on after he realized Reince told him false information about a change of terms.
google it you gigantic fucking baby
2bh phams, i never really cared about the emails, it was just something we were able to use against her. now that she's lost she's just another powerless jew shill. although it is lame he went back on the promise
If there was incriminating evidence, Comey would have gone forward already. There is none, and even if there were it would be stupid to squander political capital on a neutralized threat you fucking clowns.
>The populist fails to deliver once again
Who's surprised?
And what about the family of Seth Rich huh?
>Voting trump because of his clearly false promises.
All of this was expected and I still supported him.
Kek, most trump voters irl didn't expect an investigation or an all out muzzie ban. It's only here on Sup Forums. It's like these clowns have never seen a politician
Listen here you little shit. Donald Trump doesn't have to do shit now that he's been elected. In case you forgot, there are other investigations still going on that are likely to bring Killary down SO HIS HANDS ARE CLEAN. This is a way to win her supporters and you're blind if you don't see that.
what a fucking traitor...
let me guess, no wall either.
If he prosecutes Clinton, she becomes a martyr and suddenly Trump is LITERALLY HITLER for arresting his political enemies.
Liberals will conveniently forget everything that Hillary has done.
Nobody gives a fuck about Hillary.. we care about making America great again. Hillary can run off into the sunset and die now for all we care.... we have work to do.
not worth riskin being assassinated by one of clinton's people
>Sup Forums backpedaling this hard
My god I regret voting for him now.
Let's all replace him using faithless electors. I'm okay with that.
as long as SJW don't have it their way and we don't have ww3 between Russia and Murrica, all the rest is icing on the cake
If he does it all media is going to proclaim that he's jailing his political opponents.
He needs to just deny that he wants to do anything and let FBI/Sessions do their job.
Emails are pretty much irrelevant if he can jail the whole Clinton family for the far worse Clinton Foundation.
Also if he proclaims that he will prosecute now, Obama may pardon her in advance.
Pursuing legal action over various felonious transgressions cannot be rationally dismissed because of someone else's feelings (i.e. "suffering"). Bullshit.
He better do it. She needs to be jailed for mishandling of classified information. If anything after all we've been talking about for these past several months I thought the whole consensus would be to jail her as soon as possible.
There is plenty of time to be pissed at Trump but he's not even president yet.
It will make him look like an even greater villain to the scared and angry faggots out there if he came out and said he was prosecuting Hillary. Presidents can't do that without looking like dictators and it's not even his job to put her in jail in the first place.
We just have to wait and see if the FBI does their fucking job
All these concern shills are pathetic. We have based Gowdy saying he'll continue the investigation, and he'said guaranteed to nail her once Obama is out and can't run interference anymore. Trump's statement is only meant to reassure limp-wristed fags that he doesn't plan on going full Hitler against his political opponents.
Learn how pardons, the fbi, doj and congressional oversight work you fucking retard. When did canadians gets so fucking stupid?
The president doesnt head investigations, recommend charges are bring them to bear.
Not being punished for her crimes because she's a woman and she cried after she lost
sad times we live in senpai
when are women every going to be held accountable for their actions and not treated like children with adult rights?
why is everybody fucking retarded
Trump isnt saying anything now because Obama is still in office and will just pardon her
If Trump doesn't stop then the progressive left and alt right will combine to have Trump impeached.
Then, only then, we can FINALLY get the civil war we so desperately need.
Like a forest needs a forest fire every generation at minimum, the old must fall for the new to grow.
Scenario 1:
>Pursue case now/make it clear you will pursue case
>Obama pardons Hiloli Clitton
>Civil unrest intensifies on both sides
>Clinton stays out of prison+possibly lose whitehouse
Scenario 2:
>Not pursuing case
>allow FBI investigators to continue looking in the CF
>Full power in January and onwards
>If the FBI is ineffective activate special prosecutor
>Clinton goes to prison
>not even president yet
Exactly. He didn't even fight to make it happen, like Obama tried to fulfil his promises when he got in back in 08
>no prosecution
>only violent illegals deported
Trump has already humiliated her enough.
>Clinton F-15
Pray to your Saudi masters.
See pic
Only keeping two parts for pre existing conditions
>only violent illegal's deported
See pic