Northern Italy

Why is Piedmonte so fucking beautiful?

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How is this Sup Forums related? Fuck off sharter

Because Sup Forums constantly says post-Roman Italians are race-mixed, non-white, Moor-raped failures and this is beautiful.

>Because Sup Forums constantly says post-Roman Italians are race-mixed, non-white, Moor-raped failures
Yes but you posted northern italy

Northern Italy is pretty Germanic desu

Sup Forums rarely makes that distinction between Northern Italians, Southern Italians, and Sicilians.

Hey that used to be my family's land


The Franks and Lombards are the ones that did something with the land
Nobody cares about dirty celtic peasants

Genetically we are celts, we can argue about who did the most with the land but it looked like op was mostly interested about >muh whiteness