>Sup Forums thinks it's redpilled >99% of it is conservative hard-liners
I've never seen a bigger bunch of cucks in my life. You think one party has all the answers. You're like a religion who thinks your religion has to be the right one, and you angrily defend it, sometimes with violence.
News flash, nerds, your side isn't right about everything. Liberals aren't right, conservatives aren't right, libertards aren't right, greentards aren't right. But liberals and conservatives especially.
You don't have a country vote almost FIFTY FIFTY and only one side be right about everything. Not even right about MOST things. But right about a few things.
And all are universally too retarded to recognize this simple fact, and continue to fight over the stupidest shit, all the way to the point of INVENTING EVIDENCE, and PAYING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO INVENT EVIDENCE.
And don't either one of you sides scoff and claim you aren't. You both do it. You just do it over different stupid shit.
I can't even imagine what this country could accomplish if you took the good things from each party, things based on facts and cold hard truth, and moved forward without shitting your britches every time someone talks shit about some random corrupt politician who would shoot you in the face as soon as look at you if they thought you might cost them re-election.
So hey, fuck you. Idiot. I'm talking to you specifically.
Jaxson Phillips
Andrew Johnson
what's your point?! what do you want?!
>if you lose you can't dictate you get the fuck out of the winner's way
..the second we try to cooperate with the opposing side they subvert and take control they wanted this war (all or nothing)
time is of the essence and promises were made
Nathan Williams
Nice try shill
Ethan Baker
>memegenerator,net Interesting. Will definitely read your opinion.
Hunter Johnson
Republicans have never tried to cooperate with liberals, don't be a cuck.
It was liberals who naively tried to cooperate with conservatives. Or rather, it was Obama, the silly lad. It took him less than two years to see that that was impossible.
The following six years have been gridlock, and usually over the absolute stupidest shit.
Easton Bailey
Adrian Wilson
do you even understand how a democracy works?!
Obama won .. got everything he and libs wanted
America voted again 2010 Americans voted for people senators and Congress (who happened to be Rep) to oppose his future legislation
what's so difficult to understand they (Sen/Cong) can't sign LAWS they write laws and the Pres signs them into Law
blame the Pres for not signing them (obstruction)
Joseph Reed
What are you even trying to say?
It was Obama who was personally meeting with senate and house Republicans, numerous times, to try to get them on board with Obamacare. They kept telling him to remove certain parts or they wouldn't vote on it. He'd remove parts, then they'd turn around and say it's still not good enough.
They played him. When it was a garbage bill Democrats didn't really want to pass it either, and it took a compromise on an even shittier bill to get anything passed at all. Under the assumption that they could fix it later, which Republicans stalled ever since.
Jayden Parker
This is the most retarded meme ever. Democrats pushed through Obamacare without a single Republican vote. Obamacare as it exists is exactly what Democrats are all about.
Austin Thomas
> t. Harambe voter
Brandon Sullivan
Lmao how long did it take you to type that bullshit out?? U didn't even make a point
Easton Foster
You need a history lesson, buddy. Obamacare that passed was nothing like Obamacare that was pitched.
There are things in Obamacare that republicans today want. That Trump wants. Yet these SAME THINGS are what Republicans FOUGHT AGAINST 8 years ago.
This is what I'm talking about. Fighting over stupid shit. Common ground doesn't become common ground when the other side suggests it first.
I wouldn't expect a hard-liner to understand this concept. Just know that you're an idiot.
Daniel Cruz
our Country is a REPUBLIC "separate but co EQUAL branches"
..not "do what the Pres says, even if you were voted by the people to oppose" (pres) he could fucking begged on his knees the point his he wanted them to go against the will of the people (most resent elections)
the Pres wanted the freshly elected Repubs to go against the reason they were put there (OPPOSE his will)
it's simple damn it .. the majority voted to stop the Pres through the ballot 2010/2014 by giving the opposing party power to "stop" him
obviously if America wanted more of his shit, they would have given him the Congress, Senate .. and he wouldn't need to meet with a single Repub
does it make sense?
Levi Moore
this thread is cancer IGNORE SHILL THREADS >saged and hidden
Lucas Lopez
Oh look. A libertarian.
Jose Reed
Why are you not understanding this?
We have TWO PARTIES. Two parties who fight over STUPID SHIT. They're often things that one side or the other might agree on, but because of who thinks of it first, they other side FIGHTS IT.
There are things on both sides that make sense. There are things on both sides that any logical human being would support.
Instead, you get lefttards and righttards who think they're right, they let their cucks convince them of the stupidest lies and misleading facts to oppose the other side, and we end up with one big cuckfest.
Jordan Adams
No, Libertarians are even worse than Republicans.
Elijah Price
>he thinks Sup Forums is one person >All that effort just to scream at an imaginary person
Kevin Baker
Nathaniel Stewart
If they didn't need to compromise then they have only themselves to blame for putting in shitty "compromises." The fact that they had enough votes not to compromise means they were given a mandate not to. What we ended up with was exactly what Democrats wanted us to end up with.
Xavier Clark
You're not wrong, but you haven't even scraped the surface of the kind of shit we discuss. Holy fuck, lurk more. Listen before you talk, isn't that what being open minded is all about?
We know both parties are controlled by jews.
Wyatt Evans
I agree and understand (both sides have *some good ideas)
the problem begins with who writes the fine print
EPA for example (I think regulation for pollution, environmental cause when not taken to insane extremes is great)
if a Dem proposes some law about it it's going to benefit his constituents / donors (Solindra scam ex)
is Rep proposes some law it's going to benefit his constituents /donors (Exon etc )
they two party system is both a problem and a cure
Jack Hughes
also guess who the donors and problems are all related to *pic related
always benefiting from infighting goys ..
Gabriel Russell
How so you fuckin pussy faggot bitch
Wyatt Murphy
Dominic Sanchez
you being a Librarian of all people should know he doesn't have to "consent" to your questions
Justin Martin
You as an American shouldnt hate liberty you fucking faggot cocksucjing Millenial shit
Aiden Johnson
k. keep me posted
Lucas Rogers
where does liberty end and Anarchy begin?
Jaxon Robinson
When you give up your own morals and forget about the principles that this country was founded on.