Explain how you justify this faggotry.
Explain how you justify this faggotry
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I admire that entrepreneurial spirit. It inspires me to go out and be as successful as I can be, too.
Doesn't the SS work in shifts?
>you rent something you already own
Did you fuckwits that bitch about trump and he's not even president yet bitch about Obuma's 10 trillion golf trips at the cost of several million dollars each. Stupid af you are fampai.
dont be a bully liberal nazi, take your hate somewhere else to be a bigot.
>CTR thinks this is the issue that will totally change people's minds
>our taxes will pay their rent
>which will go into the Trump family's pockets
Except Trump supporters aren't the reason why they need millions worth of security. If the left would stop the riots, assaults and hate speech, maybe we wouldn't spend that much on protecting the president.
You'd be paying for the Secret Service regardless of location you fuck wit.
The white house now smells like black people, you can't get work done in there now. It's also why Trump looked so shocked during his visit.
It's weird how melania was once just a simple Eastern European mail order pride and now she's the First Lady of the US.
At this point I'm open to dropping Trump completely. Two weeks in and he's already fucking his supporters in the ass
>Secret Service
>paying rent
about as likely as Greece paying debt
Do these idiots think that the Secret Service lives in the white house?
I've dated a few negresses back in the day and never understood this meme desu senpai. I mean sure, one of them put ice cubes in red wine and I had to kick her out but I never caught a wiff of this smell people speak of. Indian men, sure, but niggers? Nah
I don't think you need to pay rent to live in your own house.
And my tax dollars are allotted to the Secret Service no matter where they are.
>thinking the secret service lives with the president
Didn't trump say he will forgo the $400,000 salary for being POTUS?
Will housing the secret service cost more than $400,000/yr in Trump tower and if it does he's at least subsidizing with his own cash.
>not using his own money
Fucking this.
Say what you will about Michelle but at least she grew up here and knows a bit of how some people lived. Compared to
>pretty model in Europe
>comes to the US and marries rich billionaire.
Still cheaper than flying that fucking Obongo dog across the Earth.
Smells like fried chicken and cocoa butter
Actually, NYC taxes will go there. Given their butt hurt on him winning I am just fine with that. Better than when our taxes payed for secret service to go to Hawaii, Africa, and bought hookers in Colombia.
Didn't Trump refuse a ~$350,000 salary? How much is the rent?
Rape Melania is what these sick fuck trend. There has never been the first lady under this type of sick bullshit. Fuck Democrats and liberals they are terrorists. Thanks for blowing your cover so everyone knows. A former democrat that left because they are terrorists now.
better than paying them to fuck whores in Latin America
No you idiot,
Trump would give them a free room, they would just have to feed themselves. Just like when they work at the white house.
Now get the fuck out of here with these stupid threads.
600 billion in military spending and this is something you try to call attention to? Complete faggot.
>demoshits feigning concern about wasted tax dollars
>demoshits only mad we aren't wasting tax dollars on their bullshit
>demoshits not mad about subsiding the HRC campaign every time Obama flew somewhere to campaign
>muh taxes
The Clintons have and continue to use the SS as am excuse to renovate and construct new property and pass the bill to the tax payer. They'll do it until they die. Trump will lose his SS detail a set amount of time after his presidency
How does the secret service being at Trump Tower equate rent pay? Especially when Obama is taking money and Trump will not. Isn't the public paying for Obama's house?
nigger-lovers such as yourself have become immunized to the scent of the common jigaboo.
That money is nothing in the goverment budget.. fucking plebs whining for every dollar
Why are they called the Secret Service when they aren't even remotely secret?
i don't see the problem except for you being a nigger
The American Nigger is a unique species. Foreigners that have only experienced their own local dark-skinned variety have no idea how lucky they should be not to have our niggers. '
I've worked with immigrants that came to America from jungle-fuck Africa and even they hate our niggers.
He has been caught doing that several times already
Wow yeah, what Denmark said.
I can't, this is truly retarded. Why are they doing this?
> Become President of the USA
> Be a billionarie with a supermodel wife
> Have glorious mansions all over the world
> Realize it all comes down to one thing
> One chance
> One opportunity
> You get to scam $1m out of the secret service
> You glisten at the chance
> All other properties, worth $25m or $50m, become meaningless to you
> You've finally figured out the ultimate scam
> First day of office
> The Secret Service, the group of 24/7 ultra-intelligent officers designed to protect your life show up
> They'll never realize your scam
> " Well boys... " you start
> Your dick is fully erect
> Sweat glistens on Melania's pussy, glistening at what the entire meaning of life and existence is about
> " I think you'll... have to pay me rent "
> Volcanoes erupt
> The sky opens, a cataclysm of angelic choirs begin
> Angels carrying symbolic Trumpets come down from the heavens
> They carry a sign
> A glorious banner, a testament to God
> You squint up, to read them, hard at the secret service's instant regret
> " lol their expenses r part of the white house budget, u can't make individual profit w/o breaking federal law u fucken retard " they say
> You cry
Big deal. Go pay for Chelsea's wedding instead you left wing cuck. Go put a black dick in your mouth.
>smells like black people
I lol'd. And yes, it's true...they smell different. The stink bigly.
10/10 post in a 0/10 thread
this justifies by speculation
Yea it's brilliant. Classic Trump saving America and making himself richer at the same time.
so you telling me that just because they leader of the western world we got to spend money to protect them 24/7 and free rent. I'm shocked and appalled.
>turn down presidential salary
>earn it through rent anyway
Genius, this is why he's a billionaire and we're not
They dragged Michelle over hot coals for wanting to feed kids a healthy school lunch. They said such foul things about her.
Laura bush also got disrespected every election cycle it seems to get worse.
Michele Obama got it the worst lets see how melania fairs under fire
Melania will need secret service wherever she is. Shit argument, especially considering Trump is taking a 1$ salary.
It must be all the white admixture
You mean 320,000,000 bought a timeshare. That's also not how it works but at least get basic facts right
They already said Melania and Barron will stay in NY until Barron finishes his school year. Then they will move to DC and join Trump in the White House. Furthermore, there are a number of security improvements which Obama delayed that need to be done to the Oval Office. This means that for probably the first few months of a Trump presidency, he will not be able to do business in the oval office due to construction and remodeling.
meh, tell that to Hillary who subsidized the cost of a guest house to hold the agents assigned to them. The Clintons have been charging the US government 'rent' for the space used by the agents and coincidentally, the monthly fee charged was substantial enough to cover the entire mortgage due on the property
> I am outraged Trump would do as President exactly what Clinton did as ex-President but this time with good reason
The ass devastation will never stop for 4 years. I'm so happy.
Is living in the whitehouse somehow cheaper? I seriously doubt it, the people pay for the President's family no matter what.
>lets see how melania fairs under fire
Oh I'm sure she can plagiarize some thick skin from somewhere
Don't forget: he knew he would win the Presidency so he bought a hotel down the street from the White House for all the visiting dignitaries. He will get continually richer and do so legally and without corruption. The man can't stop winning
Love it
It's the shit black people use.
A lot of the time it is a certain type of wax they put in their hair and the Vaseline they use en-masse to keep their skin from getting ashy. You must be talking about Ethiopian or Somali girls. Their skin doesn't get dry and ashy as easily.
I bet the white house smells 100% like niggers. Even rich black girls have that stank about them. I also wouldn't be surprised if Barron found a few curly nigger hairs the maids accidentally left behind.
Could be. Mostly it's just Jews.
"Black Culture" was an invention of the kike. The American Nigger wasn't anywhere near this bad just a few short decades ago.
Even as recently as the "Civil Rights" era we never had this problem with niggers. Can you imagine letting a nigger into your home to take care of your children or cook for you? Or seeing a modern nigger child fighting for the right to go to school and get a job?
There are some good blacks out there, if you keep them clean. This is what happens when there is no one left to keep the niggers among them in check. Once we stopped hanging the nigger among them from trees they all went feral.
>All these shills
>Hurr American people have to pay his rent.
Everyone knows he owns Trump Tower. It's fucking named after him. Security and such would be paid for by the taxpayer anyway.
>inb4 Politico article
"Additionally, the campaign’s payments to Trump-owned businesses are dwarfed by the $54 million Trump has pumped into his campaign.
In fact, reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show that more than $500,000 in services such as rent, software and staff from Trump-owned businesses were donated to the campaign"
Some of us actually read shit.
It gets worst, we will literally be throwing money at him for four years. On top of letting him running everything.
Except now they'll pay both for the whitehouse and their rent.
The Trumps are under NO OBLIGATION to stay at the White House. Many presidents, great ones, have chosen to not stay at the White House. Some only went when needed or part time/seasonally.
This. What an inspiration. Truly.
Also this.
Why do liberals only care about taxes when a conservative is spending them?
You're right. Over the next 4 years, exactly $1 of our taxpayer money will go to the Trump family. Absurd, right?
$1 per year I should add.
Do you enjoy shitting out this weak bait every day?
May I have a source?
>Everyone knows he owns Trump Tower
He doesn't really, though. It's mortgaged out the asshole.
yeah, one dollar is all it costs
hahahaha, ohh my, you're spot on. I'm sure this is exactly how everyone else non-satirically thinks...
>our taxes will pay their rent
Actually, Trump will pay their rent, seeing as he owns the building and will allow them to dwell free. American tax payers arent paying twice for secret service, secret service are paid with taxes already, no matter who sits in the white house. By that logic, why arent liberals bitching about obama taking SS to golf courses all the time? They're clearly playing along with him having a blast on tax payer dime...
Are liberals really this dumb?
She is cute, killary is a pedo.
>By that logic, why arent liberals bitching about obama taking SS to golf courses all the time? They're clearly playing along with him having a blast on tax payer dime...
you mean like how republicans bitched about it constantly?
Would it really cost $400,000 anually to keep SS at the trump tower where they'll probably be staying free of charge from Trump? Either way you look at it, seems like it'll be cheaper.
No no no. Sorry. Only slovenian >ifposters can post
About playing golf, or not doing his job as the country falls apart?
feel free to elaborate on that
i know you won't though
>trump doesn't take the 400,000
>trump gets money from tax payers
>but he shouldn't have it!
make up your fucking minds.
t . Paid MSM oposition
>a room in their own tower
What's to elaborate? He spent most of his time on the golf course instead of doing his job.
>doesn't want to support the family of the man running the country
>wants to support the families of criminals, illegal immigrants, single-mothers, and terrorists
yall are fucking stupid
Sounds good to me. The white house is poorly secured as history shows. Maybe not wave "RAPE MELANIA" signs next time?
talk about mental gymnastics
i said elaborate
You provoke no feeling.
1/10, best I can do.
I thought leftists fucking loved taxes?
and you provide no argument, your feelings won't do any good around here
But op .. obama spent 1.4 billion on his security.