A restaurant in Northwest Washington issued an apology Monday after hosting an alt-right, white nationalist event whose participants offered praise of Adolf Hitler.
The dinner, held Friday at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Friendship Heights, was sponsored by the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist organization that supported President-elect Donald Trump in the election and held a conference in the District to celebrate his victory. Protesters tried to confront those attending the dinner Friday, but were forced out by police.
>donating all of our profits because someone with different opinions than us was in our restaurant >please forgive us >sorry for being white
Michael Campbell
'Innocence' of Muslims.
Zachary Garcia
They also gave shekels to the ADF
Samuel Stewart
It's a pretty smart move if you're the restaurant owner. Restaurants are not incredibly profitable, and they live or die on their reputation. If the word gets around that they're a "racist" restaurant, they'll be put out of business.
Jordan Jones
>white nationalist When will this leftists meme die? There is no such thing as a (place race here) nationalist A nationalist cares only about their homeland and their people, every nation has a set race of people
Matthew Phillips
thats the most jewish salute ive ever seen.
Nathaniel Davis
>suggestion of one of our (((Guests))).
Jaxson Sanchez
That's a stupid attitude, Trump is going to have hundreds of staffers, they'd want to go to a restaurant where they can eat in peace, this restaurant just turned down an opportunity to be a bulwark for Trump supporters.
Andrew Brown
I have this feeling meme magic works both ways, and the left is going to meme an unironic resurrection of national socialism
Brayden Cruz
Those staffers don't want to be associated with white nationalism either you retard
Asher Robinson
First off, they can do whatever they'd like to as a private business. And hosting literal Nazi's isn't exactly a great PR move. This Alt-right meme is going too fucking far. People are using it as an excuse to be retarded. These previously silent bigots have always been here, they just weren't as vocal.
Supporting a genocidal ideology is having an opinion, yes, and they can do whatever they please, just dont blame the restaurant for being like "What the fuck guys, stop."
Cameron Price
Furthermore, I hate being lumped in with the Alt-right. Its a fake label used to generalize a LARGE and diverse group of people with only partially similar beliefs. Sure I fucking hate PC culture, BLM, tumblrinas, socialism, etc; but that doesn't mean I'm a white nationalist. The two aren't mutually exclusive. You can be one without the other. Why doesnt the left get this?
You can be conservative without being a fucking bigot. And these morons arent helping.
Ryder Nelson
>last minute reservation >reserved under a different name
Im just spit balling here...
A "big" conference and dinner with many attendees and the venue was booked last minute?
Why book under a different name?
This whole thing reeks of subterfuge.
I say this is liberal terrorists that are playing a part to paint everyone who supports trump as nazis. They planned it out well enough to budget $10k for the restaurant to save face by making a donation as well as condemning the secret party.
>mfw they are trying to play 5d chess
Adrian Taylor
No shit they can do whatever they like, who's saying otherwise? More importantly why is there always a clown like you in these threads?
Levi Wilson
The restaurant owner is the bigot, user.
Josiah Wilson
>Tila Tequila
Just an attention whore
Luis Morris
you're a fucking retard if you think most trump supporters in the real world are in favor of nazis
Colton Phillips
>genocidal >suggesting that actually happened
Wyatt Cox
That's probably because they are actually jewish, I'm not kidding, I just made a thread lol
Connor Green
Charles Jenkins
>National Socialism >A genocidal ideology
Fuck off.
Anthony Foster
Fuck you mike, stop trying to force your meme on Sup Forums. Go back to plebit and see if any of those faggots are susceptible to your bullshit.
Michael Reyes
Meh, they could just be saying that to seem less involved. >We had no idea it was a big group, they all came in at the last minute >Implying 200+ conventions can have a date booked within a few hours of booking
Daniel Fisher
Getting tired of this stupid fucking story
James Rogers
This is all you're gonna hear for the next few weeks tbqh, unless some happenings
Julian Bennett
> So? I'm done with Sup Forums, it's not relevant here, nothing educational, people always act defensive in the reply to anything I post, because it has actual info in it. Pathetic ... your response "So?" doesn't make any sense, can you post even more of a non message?
James Roberts
>Seig Heil!
Jace Nelson
That's some hardcore hover-handing.
Chase Hall
Anyone that doesn't see Spencer for a false flag controlled opposition is a big league moron. It's so obvious he is a plant to discredit trump and right all trump supporters off as racist nazis who killed six million Jews.
Ian Campbell
Spencer has always been like this.
Ian Anderson
Look at pic related. This guys are a fucking joke. Their supreme God Hitler would be disappointed with those literal beta fags.
Jordan Sullivan
>2 nu males and a Hillary voter
There is no way those people are legit neo Nazis. People should be calling this obvious false flag out for the bullshit it is.
Levi Williams
FUCKING spencer, he's controlled opposition that gives Sup Forums a bad name
Zachary Harris
whoa ur digits made me fink
Adrian Young
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
David Mitchell
I would gladly gun down all of those degenerates for disgracing all of my people who died for Germany. THey are a
Levi Price
>genocidal ideology
Go back to the_donald you retard
Anthony Allen
The general public wasn't ready anyway. But this is Richard's and rest of these wannabe Nazis own doing for shooting them self in the foot
Zachary Mitchell
whole thing confirmed for troll event
>implying Sup Forums ever had a good name.
more important to me, is getting out that its common opinion on Sup Forums that the whole idea of a alt right movement is for faggots and babies.
Elijah Ramirez
Jesus Christ Tila Tequila looks like she's 60 years old. Maybe she does have tertiary level syphillis.
Also >taking anything Tila is involved with seriously.