You started off as such a happy child and then around 13/14 you started to change. You started spending more time in your room and stopped seeing your friends. You seem so bitter and angry now.
user, is there something you want to tell me?
Is there something happening around you that is making you like this?
You aren't being... radicalized... online, are you?
Landon Harris
Apparently Parliment loves to diddle kids. Because you're technologically illiterate I'm on the front lines
You wouldn't understand. Cook dinner please
Love youuuu
Michael Ortiz
I've been a depressed and anxious mess my entire life and it only accelerated at puberty, Mom.
I'm sorry, it's not your fault, I'll be fine.
Easton Campbell
A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.
Cameron Powell
I'm just depressed because the white race is dying thanks to the jews, mom we've been over this
Kevin Price
I'm sure sane and insane people appear the about the same to an insane person though.
William Lewis
this 2bh lad. we've been conscripted into the sp00k meatshield
Thomas Long
Christian Taylor
>tell doctor sholomoshekelsberg everything user
'i feel fine'
>no you are sick in the head, i will cure you for some meager shekels...
Luke Nelson
I'm sensing a trend here
Someone is trying to actually get down to our bare bones, where we ACTUALLY stand, what our commonalities are, and what motivates us, and how
I'd be wary, just saying
Jaxson Wilson
Who the fuck are you?
Jonathan Howard
its the JTRIG retard nigs trying to datamine, too bad they are literally retarded and going to get rekt by trump.
Gabriel Cooper
There is no need to be so paranoid, user. It was just a question out of curiosity. You really are touchy
Adrian King
Daily reminder that psychoanalysis and psychology was propagated by german jew who wanted to fuck his own mother disregard this bullshit and checkem
Justin Allen
>You started off as such a happy child and then around 13/14 you started to change. I have always have been the same. Even in my childhood i was a quite loner. fuck you stacy.
Brandon Gutierrez
Now I'm suspect
Tyler Ward
>2 have rip my english
Luke Edwards
im a virgin mom. hire me a hooker then ill be alright
James Lee
Nyet, mamá! I put all my faith in the Church so that I may save myself from this degeneracy! Why are you unhappy about that?
Jack Taylor
Listen you dumb bitch, I fought in the great meme war of 2016 and I didn't log off just to hear your bullshit the rest of my life.
Christian Jackson
Get the fuck out of my room, whore!
You were sent by the Jews weren't you?!
Sieg Heil!
Robert Sanchez
i want just want chaos and bloodshed. that's all. i'm bored.
Evan Hill
See I told you guys kek is a demonic entity.
Aaron Hernandez
Cult of Kek is a religion of peace
Michael Clark
I realized I'm a pedophile and just about everything I want in this world requires that I screw people over in one way or another. Temporary bliss really isn't worth a lot of that bullshit.
That being said, rather than running away from myself I've been developing some stronger values. There's way more to the world than a person's sexuality and I guess for as long as I have functioning arms and legs I can try to do some subjective good.
Dylan Lee
YOU ARE GROUNDED. I just watched CNN and I heard all about your website Sup Forums. Tell me, when did Richard Spencer first contact you and what did he say to you? How did he brainwash you?
You better start giving me answers if you want to keep living in my basement.
Logan Rivera
Im happily married in my mid 40s mum.
Im just here to shout at stormfags and shill for the glorious future that is leftypol
Kevin Gray
Thomas Howard
you are not getting my confession on-line
you are getting a .....
Henry Hall
Good fucking luck, we're behind fifty layers of irony and humor.
I love it when globalists go full retard, though, when we know they're wasting resources trying to corral us in a discreet manner, to astroturf and take over what they perceive as a propaganda machine without realizing that it's all organic.
Gabriel Thompson
checked fuck your gay roleplaying, only mummy here is Natalya Poklanskaya
post pics of her, derail this shit thread, kek wills it
Austin Allen
Ya okay.
WHAT do You do for a living mom?
Why did you vote for a candidate that wanted to send me to Russia?
Am I adopted?
Evan Stewart
I bet some of them believe we're the bad guys.
Asher Cooper
I was abused by mother for 6 years starting when I was 6, beaten constantly and messed up emotionally by her telling me constantly I would never be successful and no woman would ever love me. She finally stopped when I was 12 and scared to mess with me.
Matthew Miller
In a world where nature rules, you'll find all men are pedophiles.
Samuel Wood
they all believe we are bad guys we post frog memes frog memes are hate symbol and we do not care about their feelings and jews and niggers and spics and mudslimes and christcucks and ayy lmaos and da joos and SJWs
and many, many moooooreeee
Robert Davis
Got cucked by 4 of 5 gfs
Aaron Foster
I was always curious, do you own a sombrero hat?
Ian Ramirez
Nah I've always been this way you just didn't think anything of it when I was a kid because you thought I would get in line as an adult. Now you realize that isn't happening.
Parker Smith
I went through the public education system, mom. They lumped in the blacks with the whites in the same classes and the blacks held back the progress the whites were making because of the no child left behind policy. It was horrible, mom. They even put in a new way of teaching called Common Core in hopes to bring the white kids down to the black kids level of banana counting.
Then they started group projects and paired whites with blacks where the whites ended up doing all the work and the blacks did nothing but got the same grade the whites did.
It isn't like this when I get older right, mom? Please tell me whites aren't supporting unproductive blacks.
Lucas Foster
I am just watching A LOT of porn mom.
Colton Stewart
literally your fault for getting divorced for no reason single mothers build cucks and autists
Christian Lewis
Aaron Green
>0 - Born with an abnormally large head, which made midwives think I might be retarded. Checks turned out I was fine. >1 - Baby. Did baby shit. Apparently enjoyed pulling stupid faces. >2 - Liked picture books about dinosaurs and other animals. These are my earliest full memories. >3 - Could just about speak with full sentences but preferred being alone >4 - Traded bugs with other kids (cooler looking or rare bugs were worth more). Got loads of pocket money from kids by selling the best bugs that only I knew where to find. Bug trading got banned in our neighbourhood. >5 - Had an eye-operation and understood completely what they were explaining to my parents. Literally told the doctor not to patronise me when they called me "champ". >6 - School was boring, so teachers would let me just play in the sandbox to placate me and stop distracting other kids. >7 - Parents took me to a doctor to see if I had autism. Doctor says I was just smart for my age. >8 - Started doing homework for kids for money. Told them they had to write what I'd written for them. One stupid kid handed in the answer sheet I'd given and I got caught. >9 - Put in higher year group with two other kids. Corrected teacher too much and got suspended for a while. >10 - My school was falling apart and new head teacher needed good grades. Brought me in again. Got 7s in all my SATs (was considered top marks at time). >11 - Started secondary school. Got top marks in all of my lessons. Best parent/teacher evening ever. >12 - Started playing up. Puberty started hitting me hard. Couldn't stay awake during lessons. Talked back to most teachers who I thought were too stupid. >13 - Cool science teacher opted to put me in the GSCE final exam 2 years early, as a challenge for me, along with four other students. They got Cs and Bs. I got 100% score. >14 - Girls, socialising, and drinking became my hobbies. Liked rock. Started hanging out with greebos and "scene" kids unironically. Thought I was cool.
Jason Cook
cool blog post, post timestamp so we can find you and ridicule you IRL
Nolan Lopez
How many of you stopped engaging with life at 13?
Or does your post mean you are 15?
Blake Bailey
nobody cares jeb
Parker Carter
Shut the fuck up you shitlib jewess.
Liam Mitchell
You could rise to the glory of Becoming.
Anthony Hernandez
Do you even Sup Forums newfag?
Joseph Flores
People died, people left, make me see the world in a negative light.
Julian Cook
Lucas Ross
Uh, Richard Spencer doesn't know me. Would be cool if he did though.
Hudson Jackson
Speak for yourself, at 13 I was being anally raped by an immigrant. That's when I decided that I had to do something important, I had to become something... The founder of a movement that would rid us all of anal rapists! The alt-right!
Oliver Rodriguez
Wrong board.
Gavin Butler
>tfw radicalized
Austin Garcia
What's that rainbow about? What turned you into a degenerate fag?